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MilitiaMan Monday Night: 2-3-2020 "There is a Pattern Change at the CBI"


Delta: Samson:  The central bank issues a set of recommendations for shares of traded banks

3rd February, 2020

Within the efforts of the Central Bank of Iraq in maintaining the stability of the economic process, His Excellency the Governor of this bank initiated a meeting with the Chairman of the Securities Commission and the Executive Director of the Iraq Stock Exchange and the Executive Director of the Iraqi Private Banking Association,to discuss the mechanism for increasing the return on bank shares, and improving the circulation of those Shares, as well as increased transparency for banks to disclose performance and a host of other recommendations

 The Central Bank of Iraq  information Office



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MilitiaMan: Well it has been awhile since we have heard about the Iraq Stock Exchange. An look at what they are talking about. They are talking about a "MECHANISM FOR INCREASING THE RETURN ON BANK SHARES" !!! To increase banks share with a mechanism, at this stage is a change in value in what mechanism they use in the market place. If they are to interlink like we have heard in the past to the NASDAQ then the mechanism to be used is going to have to be a fairly large one to get the return they are looking for. Imo A return is a profit.. ..~ IMO 

Thanks SAMSON and Delta... This bodes well for us.. imo.   ~MM

MilitiaMan:  In addition to the above and I will get to that shortly. There is still to much evidence with all we know and now even more today from the CBI Statistical website.

There is a pattern change on the CBI site that has been found. I today with Delta on the matter. There is data on the site that has been modified in key places today and yesterday. Today's modifications have been updated to reflect what they did with the values to the Currency Issued by the CBI and Currency with Commercial Banks.

What they may have done is finished out the books for the year if you will and allocated proper values to those two data sets, hence, the reversion back to similar patterns in sequence of reporting and that the charts changed to not show the massive reduction that was there for over a month real close.

They moved money back and forth on the books? My view is yes, as the value needs to be on a level playing field, in or out go. The possible reason is they needed to adjust numbers that may have not been accurate on the books and were able to do so for a subsequent 8 moths back to March 2019 (DB).

With a rate change expected they would need the numbers to be spot on. It is not an easy task per the Video Delta translated to destroy and account for all monies. So, the CBI clearly shows it on the charts and it looks as though they needed to do so for End of Year reporting. That looks good and all as it does appear to be a solid foundation for the next move we await, in those areas.

The next area that they modified is the Window Price and Market Price of currency. The fascinating thing is they show those data sets as modified, yesterday. But, they don't disclose the pricing or anything other than than that, the curious part of that is there was only a modification noted to the two data sets.

Why hide the window price and market price and tell us they modified them and show no pricing? A pattern change that we have not seen before. What does it mean? It may have an alignment with data form Samson post #67  or #!0 above and my post #192 which is on last thread.

The post above talks of the market price mechanisms (tools: i.e, new exchange rate), if you will.. imo

This action today by the CBI is talking loudly and may be the foundation for this to happen for the ISX and Bank shares to get a return and more exposure in the market place." By raising the mechanism to get a return on shares..

We should all be aware by now that the ISX was show cased with the NASDAQ in 2019, yet to go live though. To get shares on to the NASDAQ they will need that mechanism and a strong one at that!! imo.. We Shall see if this holds true.. imo It has legs.. lol ~ MM

Any way that  was from the CBI today. They haven't disclosed pricing on the Window or Market prices yet for January 2020, yet. Let that sink in too! It is very interesting.. lol Things that make one go hmmm.. lol

So lets see what they do next. Lets all keep in mind that the Currency Issued and Currency with Commercial Banks was modified to day, but nothing yet on January 2020..

My view still stands that they told us they were going to lift the exchange rate and delete the Zeros, not easy task. imo They told us they removed at least 70% of their note count from the streets. They printed $190 million in cost of the new small category notes and fils. We have been told the CBI would talk to other Banks recently.

Seems they have been spoken to today in respect to mechanisms to get a return on their Bank shares and the circulation of them.. Well we have been awaiting on a mechanism ourselves and so have the banks.. imo.. Smile.. imo ~MM

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