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MilitiaMan and Samson Late Thurs. Night "Good Times Ahead" 9-10-2020


Samson:  Parliamentary Finance expects a delay in disbursing salaries and warns against "implicating Iraq" with borrowings

09/10/2020 14:51:20

  The Parliamentary Finance Committee expected, on Thursday, a delay in paying employees' salaries for the remaining months of the current year 2020, while it warned against implicating Iraq with borrowings.

"The government is working to provide salaries, and in general there are problems that face providing them, especially with the anticipation of approving the budget, but in the first and last the salaries will be provided with the possibility of a few days delay," said a member of the committee, Faisal Al-Issawi, in an interview with Al Furat News.

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He added, "The Federal Service Law has nothing to do with delayed salaries, because the problem facing us is the problem of procurement and not the salary scale." He continued, "We must warn everyone against implicating Iraq with more borrowing, and there are binding matters that we do not have options for," stressing that "when the state cannot provide its budget except through borrowing, it must borrow even if borrowing is wrong."

He explained that "the more borrowing, the greater the fear, and the state must maximize its internal resources and reduce its unnecessary spending, and thus rationalize spending as much as it comes from imports."  LINK

MilitiaMan:  Clearly they didn't get that 15 trillion Dinar loan they told us about. They are telling us there will be delays for a few days. Can't imagine why right? lol

Kahdimi is in Kurd town through tomorrow. He is talking about major issues and from the sounds of it the most important have been hammered out and the minor issues are out to committees for follow up.

Take note of the most important ones and then think about the next 2020 Budget at stake.

They cannot borrow at a program rate.. But, they can go to the secondary market once they go to the IMF,s Article 8 compliance to 100%. imo..

Article supports that there is to be a special meeting on the 2020 Budget early or at the start of next week. Well that is Sunday..

They say in the above they may have delays for a few days.. Kind fits with the approval expected at the extraordinary meeting to come shortly.. I think things are very hopeful. Lets see what happens.. Imo

 All good.. ~ MM


Samson:  Kurdish source: Al-Kazemi and Al-Barzani reached understandings regarding the outstanding issues

13:27 - 10/09/2020
An informed source said, Thursday, that Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, have reached many understandings about the pending issues.

Rudaw, the Kurdish media network, quoted the source as saying, “The Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government, Masrour Barzani, have reached understandings about the outstanding issues between Baghdad and Erbil, especially in the oil, energy and budget files. And the border crossings, pointing out that a number of minor issues remain, have been transferred to the relevant committees for follow-up.

The source added, “Mustafa Al-Kazemi will visit the Ibrahim al-Khalil border crossing, in the Zakho district,” noting that “the issue of entitlements owed by the Kurdistan Region, to oil companies and employee salaries, is among the most prominent files that will be discussed during the visit.”

It is noteworthy that Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi arrived in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region, for the first time since he assumed the premiership in Iraq.   LINK

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Samson:  Al-Kazemi, on the region's outlets: I have touched a positive atmosphere in Erbil, and this is in the service of the country

10th September, 2020

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi inspects the Ibrahim Al-Khalil border crossing in Zakho, Dohuk Governorate

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, inspected today, Thursday, the Ibrahim Al-Khalil border crossing in the Zakho district of Dohuk governorate, and met with a number of officials in it.

Mr. Al-Kazemi was briefed on workflow, customs and tax procedures, and their mechanisms at the important border crossing.

His Excellency affirmed that his visit to the Kurdistan region comes within the framework of making efforts to integrate between the federal government and the regional government in all fields, including activating work at the border outlets, and he made clear that he touched a positive atmosphere in Erbil, and this will serve the country and its people.

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazimi, stressed the need to develop the Ibrahim Al-Khalil port, stressing that the relevant authorities in the federal government and the regional government would hold meetings very soon, in order to coordinate work and reach a state of integration that will reflect positively on citizens throughout Iraq.

His Excellency indicated that one of the priorities of the work of this government is to facilitate the movement of trade and remove all obstacles that hinder the development of the trade exchange process, which would contribute to the advancement of the Iraqi economy and the diversification of its revenues.

The Media Office of the Prime Minister
10-Sep-2020  LINK

MilitiaMan:  There you go!!! They are integrating the federal and regional governments that includes the border outlets. The amount of customs and tax revenues will be massive over time.

It will be a mechanism that will help pay salaries and provide an environment that will decrease the need for borrowing.

With the system integrated with block chain technology, they'll be able to know where the money is at all times and for what, from who and when..

The citizens will gain from this for the state as a whole. E-Government is Block Chain oriented, just as E-Finance is, etc..

All transparent and on a level playing field.

They are removing all obstacles that hinder trade exchange processes. That means they have now or will have the ability to move international capital at the borders to facilitate trade exchange.

K and B's meeting has been a success from the looks of it. Lets see what K brings home tomorrow or real close there after. imo

This article reeks of good times ahead!! imo

Once they get the Rate they can cross borders to the big time. imo ~ MM

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