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MilitiaMan and Angel1: "Iraq-3rd World Country to 1st World Leader 6-4-2023

Thank you PDK……

Iraq- 3rd World to 1st World Country Leader with Militia Man & Angel1

MilitiaMan and Crew :  6-4-2023

An interview with Angel1.

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MM: We are in a good space and seeing some good things

A1:  Where are we? Here’s what we know. . In February there was a massive delegation from Iraq that went to DC to talk about the economic reform.

A1: Here is what we know for a fact….DC had told Iraq that tjey have until June 1 to execucte everything…..to revalue their currency……to become international and move forward with their monetary reform.

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A1: Well, June 1 passed. Let’s go back to May 30th….May 3oth was absolutely massive and here is what happened.

A1: On May 30th the Kurdistan Regional Government  was dissolved. Now Iraq was like a 2 headed monster…..Baghdad has a Prime Minister and a Finance Minister ect…..and Kurdistan mirrored that. It was unconstitutional. I knew this from the very beginning  that they would need to go back to the constitutional ways of being one government.  

A1: on May 30th a judge ruled and now the Kurdistan regional government has been dissolved and their power and authority has been taken from them.  Now they will be like every other area and just have a governor.

MM: A state within a country.

A1: That is exactly it. And this was a requirement that had to happen so they could move forward.  Now on May 31- the next day……a high level delegation  arrived in DC.

A1:  The purpose of this visit was to ask for an extension. Remember June was the hard date. They asked for an extension and were in DC for less than 24 hours.  They got their extension…They got their commands…..They got their orders and they left.

A1:  That same day the CBI stops all transactions  from Western Union. The purpose of that was to take full control of the IQD. Also the same day on May 31- the QFS is up and live as of 5 am PST. !!!

A1: This is not for public use as of yet. But it is up and running.  Now obviously Iraq got their extension.  June 1 was another huge day. They launched the electronic platform with great success.  Their electronic platform is more advanced than ours.

Ai Also on June 1, the IMF report came out. It was a fair report. It had some negatives in it. The reason for the negatives  is because they are in a transition. They are implementing some massive changes.   They have oil agreements that have been signed and agreed upon …but not executed yet. They have got a liquidity issue because they went from a multi-currency pracctise to  a single –currency practice…..and they also went digital…..so all of this is necessary for their new currency …for the RV and for them to go international.

A1:  on all the recommendations the IMF gave- Iraq is already ahead of the game. Now on June 3……the oil minister comes out and says publically that  the cost of a barrel of oil will be $80 dollars very soon.  And today Opec comes out and says Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Algeria, Oman ,, UAE, …..they all agreed to extend the period of oil production  until the end of 2024. This is simple supply and demand.

MM: This will keep the price up over $80 bucks.

AI It could go above ethat which would be great for us and our investment. Also good for all ththese cocuntries have made. eir oil investments.

A1:  This type of agreement has never, ever been done before. These major countries have never done this. There is a lot of people on board and heading in one direction. We are going to see things at lightning speed because of these agreements that these countries have made.  

A1: Iraq is about to have a “Quantum leap”  economically…all these countries are signing contracts with Iraq already.

A!: Today has been a big day because we are so close. Today Sami-The Finance minister had big meetings today ….she met with the Council of Ministers (COM)  …and she met with the heads of major banks ….and today she announced  a package of measures and proceedures  to control the movement of financial accounts. …major accounts. These are the accounts that are used for “budget” purposes.

A1: I am no longer concerned about the budget. In DC the extension was givien…..I believe there was always a plan  to implement different packages and different measures for the second chapter…….well, the second chapter is simply the  second half of the year.  The second half of the year began on June 1.

A1: By June 1 they were supposed to be international and supposed to be having their new rate floating on forex.  Iraq is going from the third world country that it is….to the first world country it is supposed to be.   It is mind boggling.

A1: We know Iraq has the value and we are simply waiting for the rate to reflect it.

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and the entire stream….There is a lot more news that was not transcribed……..


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