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MarkZ Special Tuesday Night Update Chat 4-21-2020

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MarkZ Tuesday Night Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: What I am being told from bankers is they have been meeting throughout the day….. I hear there are still meetings going on this evening. They were waiting for the west coast to close to see what the futures look like in Asia and Europe .

MZ: I am told they have come to an agreement on timing for Historic bonds and for Settlement payments. I do not know what that timing is yet but was told that was scheduled and they are still working on the schedule for Tier 4 A and B for currency swaps. I am told that is the topic for the meetings this evening.

MZ: Hopefully by the time we meet tomorrow morning we will know more about schedules and what they think.  I was told my timing on Mid May for the release has now been moved up by at least 2 weeks.  It should be exciting guys.

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Q: Any word from Reno?

MZ: Yes…They are in the midst of meetings to work through banking timing.

Q: Do you really think there will be debt forgiveness?

MZ: We talk about this a lot and Yes…this reset will not work without a debt Jubilee. You cannot reset the currencies unless you forgive debt. I am absolutely expecting debt forgiveness.

Q: Any idea what banks have in mind for programs on the Zim?

MZ: I wish I did. There is so much back and forth with the Zim that I do not know what to run with. I tend to believe my attorneys who are very involved that you should have a page or two document what you intend to do , humanitarian wise. And then if you don’t have any (projects)  ….you will be given the opportunity to partake in a “pre-packaged” one and get a higher rate. Or you can choose a lower rate with no strings and walk away to start your new life. Guess it will depend on what you want to do. According to my sources.

Q: Why is Trump not pushing the Gold Standard”

MZ: I think he doesn’t want to tick off his enemies and maybe wants it to be a surprise. Maybe he doesn’t want the black hats or cabal to profit any from the switch over..

Member:  POTUS bought 75 million barrels of oil today at $0.01!

Member:  Yesterday and today is a hard hit on the global Derivative bubble, as Jay Adobe said it end with Derivative. Looking for a RESET.

Mod: GUYS…GO WATCH MARKS’S AWESOME YOUTUBE VIDEO.. RECORDED ON JAN. 22, 2019 ON “The Difference Between Money and Currency in Simple Terms”.   https://youtu.be/gZxDkxItaZY?t=4

Mod: NEW TIMELINE FOR THE STIMULUS CHECKS: https://govthub.com/posts/445/stimulus-checks-are-on-the-way-heres-the-timetable.aspx

Mod:  20:21:29 PLEASE JOIN BRENT: BRENT JOHNSON TUES NIGHTS: 9:00 PM EDT; 605-313-5405 Access 888316#; replay 605-313-4103 Access 888316#


Note: Please listen to the replay for all the details….The next stream will be Wednesday 10Am est.

Twitch:   https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

Youtube:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLK_ijkolss

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