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MarkZ, Charlie Ward and The Atlantis Report Monday Night 2-15-2021

Short Monday Night MarkZ Chat

Feb 15, 2021

MZ: Quick update……power and internet out all day…..we look like we are good to go now

MZ: We are seeing the 2021 Budget coming out in Iraq …they have to have a value for it and it has be in effect by April 1st. No new value in Iraq over the weekend like I thought there might be but there are articles out now about deleting the 3 zeros to raise the value of the dinar and the de-dollarization of their economy and that they would be competing internationally.

I believe we are close and have been waiting for this. I am looking for things to take off at break-neck speed now.

When we think things are not happening…..there are a lot of things happening in the background.

Next stream is Tuesday 10AM est


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Digging deeper with Mel K & Charlie Ward

February 15th, 2021.

About minute 18:00

Charlie Ward: We know with the Quantum Financial System that all of the funds have been downloaded into the system. They are clean and clear. The codes have been put in and the operatives are ready to flip the switch.

They won’t tell me when they are going to flip the switch. I was hoping it would have been Friday….The Chinese New year….and so did the Chinese Elders. But, the Chinese Elders and the US Military who made the decision jointly as to when the switch is turned on….will most likely tell us after they have done it rather than before they do it. But everything is ready to go.

There is one issue they are discussing….certain aspects that have held it up a couple of days….It’s nothing that can’t be overcome. It’s all about timing. I can assure you everything is extremely good.

Once the Quantum system is turned on….the medbeds will be available immediately. The first of which are in Texas. Then Florida is second. There are 3 different types of medbeds.

The first one is for rebuilding limbs.

The second type is the “Intellectual” medbed ..helps with intelligence and dna.

The third one will cure illnesses like aids, cancer, alzheimers ect….and make us feel younger.

MelK: There is a lot of wonderful inventions and technologies that have been hidden from us.


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The Atlantis Report

Dollar’s Purchasing Power Drops to Record Low - Inflation Rampant !!

Feb 15, 2021

The purchasing power of the dollar in January dropped by 1.5% year-over-year to another record low. The overall CPI for urban consumers, the politically correct way of expressing the decline in the purchasing power of the dollar, rose 1.4% in January, compared to a year earlier.

Medical prices increase at 5% per year.

Tuition increases 5% per year.

Stock Markets are hyperinflated.

House prices have skyrocketed again due to printing massive amounts and people running away from the cities.

Food prices are also up 10-20% in the last four months.

Not only have the food prices gone up, but likely the sizes have gone down at the same time.

With $1 Trillion about to hit the system and another $1.9 Trillion being pushed through soon, and the administration talking about an FY22 budget of $6 trillion; We are looking at exploding inflation no matter what.

And the lying Fed and our Soviet-style CPI stats say inflation is under 2 percent.

Even if it is 18%, the Fed says it's 2%. That is the magic cap.

So it makes no difference, except to us poor schmucks that are taking it in the rear.

22% of all dollars in existence were created last year.

That's 28% yearly inflation.

Inflation expectations are solidly on the rise, and that spells big problems for the financial system. A large, often overlooked contributor to this falling velocity is rooted in the growing inequality of wealth distribution.

Simply put; as wealth matriculated to a smaller share of the population at the top, the money they acquired has been put into investments where it just sits.

All this means when money starts to be reallocated and shifted to other investments, the effect on inflation could be quite dramatic.

What comes next is when most realize the currency debasement taking place all at once and their rush to spend those soon to be worthless dollars now before prices rise even more. This subtracts from an already weak supply chain creating shortages and scarcity of some items, not unlike the origins of hyperinflation.


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