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MarkZ and MilitiaMan Thursday Evening Chat 9-14-2023

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Evening everyone…looking forward to MilitiaMan’s update tonight

Member: MarkZ give us some great RV news please!!!!!

Member:  I’m ready for the M&M show, tonight!

Member: We are fixin to be blessed

MZ: I agree with you

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Member: Do you think it will RV before the 20th.

MZ: My gut says around the 20th…but sources say they believe it will be sooner.

MZ: Getting all positive news – nothing negative.

MZ: From Iraq: “ US Treasury official says Iraq must act to avoid further action on banks”  This article was also reprinted in Rueters.

Member:  Praying this is our last week/ weekend of being broke

Member: Rosh Hosanna and the Jubilee is supposed to start tomorrow.

Member:  Rosh Hashanah, or Feast of Trumpets begins with the New Moon I believe is at Dusk Today ... officially 9/15 ...

Member: Do you think they will sound a EBS when the RV goes?

MZ: I think they will …We will talk with Mr. C tomorrow and how he sees the order of events going.

MZ: Welcome tonight to the illustrious MilitiaMan

MM:I am glad to be here…..This is a special day. I have been in contact with Angel1 who has been around the dinar world a very long time. Angel1 and I have had a conversation today and will be talking about some bullet points to show folks were we are over the last few days and where we are today.

MM: Tomorrow afternoon about 4:30 PST we are going to do a Q&A for those members in Patreon and in the Discord chatroom…and one this evening……. Not sure of the exact time yet.

MM: So in brief let’s touch on what happened on Monday. There was a lot of news that came out from Al Sudani.

MM: Then on Tuesday – The US assistant secretary of the Treasury showed up to Iraq . Her name is Elizabeth Rosenberg. …she met with a lot of different people in Iraq. I believe her delegation was not just the US Treasury side of things….but other folks from the US were there- on the business side. So businesses showed up and other countries showed up .

MM: We are talking about International trade. Iran, Iraq, France, The US and many others.

MM: There is an article specifically out today about Iraq and Iran and their currencies. With a mechanism and international trading platform …they will be able to do international trade now between countries. .

MM: You cannot have a country like Iraq make a massive adjustment to their currency without affecting its neighbors.

MM: Iran has been under sanctions…but the things that we are seeing moving….Iran is going to be in sync with Iraq.

MM: The US treasury secretary showing up has the authority to allow  certain things to happen.  

MM: The article I am referring to is “ The financial advisor reveals understandings to exclude the dollar in commercial dealings with Iran” That is in the news today. I think the financial advisor is Saleh. And they are talking about using other foreign currencies now.

MZ: I personally believe we are going to see a change in Iran’s currency as well.

MM: That article I just mentioned points out and says you are on the right track. That is what they are saying. This is very powerful

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MZ: any gut feeling on what to expect and when to expect it? For me everything seems to be moving along nicely. I just wish it was already here.

MM: What we have been seeing is a progression of things happening. It’s like the snowball effect. They have specific timing for decisions to be made and things to be done. They moved parliament from today until Monday and we ask why???  Al Sudani said they have to come to parliament or they are going to fine them…So why have these guys not been showing up? The citizens are fully aware they are about to get more purchasing power.

MM: is this that time frame while they are cutting deals ….Something is up…..that time frame has started.

MM: Go back and listen to my video with Angel1. He gives his opinion on timing.

MM: Al Sudani is scheduled to be in the Us on Wednesday the 20th at a UN meeting. I have a strong feeling….and wonder is he going to show up empty handed???  Before –he was denied access and given 3 different things he needed to finish. Corruption, security and militias dissolved. There was a time frame for that to be dissolved and that is the 19th of this month.

MM: So is it this month? It sure looks like it. We will have to wait and see.

MZ: Sudani said he was going to address the exchange rate and the strength of the dinar. He is telling us…now we just need to see it happen.

MM:I think we are in a phenomenal timeframe. These international contracts and international financial systems …well, we have never seen this before.

MZ: So in essence is the Us encouraging Iraq and this process to conclude? I think the US is encouraging it now because they need it as bad as Iraq does.

MM: The US Secretary of the Treasury has the power to make certain things happen….and I think the US is now allowing the facilitation of Iraq joining the international financial system. And they say the Us now supports the tripartite budget for 2023, 24 and 25.

MM: And letting Iraq and Iran trade outside of using the US dollar is huge. There are deals with UAE, France, Japan, China and many more. This really is huge.

Member:MM- Do your sources think the dong and other currencies will go at the same time? Or is this just Iraq only?

MM:  My personal opinion is we are seeing things happen. Emerging markets all have differences and relationships. Does Iraq and Vietnam have a relationship?  I know that they do. I have not studied Vietnam but I am invested in it. I would like to think they will also go on or around the same time.

MZ: To me that makes sense and also for Iran to go makes even more sense.

Member: Can it go on forex before Sudani goes to the US on the 20th?

MM: Yes. They could do that. The expectation on the streets is “heavy” I expect more information to come out over the next 24-48 hours….Meetings will be happening on Sunday and Monday morning.

MM Thanks for having me….Thank yo all for your support…..everyone have a great night.

MZ: Thank you for coming and talking with us.

Note:  These notes are not word for word….There is a lot of intel mentioned tonight….be sure to LISTEN TO THE REPLAY TO HEAR IT ALL

Member:  I believe Sudani next Wednesday –when he is in the US-will tell the UN and the rest of the world that Iraq is open for business and will reveal the Dinar rate.

Member: I wonder is the change with Iran and Iraq a backdoor to BRICS for Iraq?

Member: The citizens of Iraq have not rioted even though they are getting restless.. I think that’s a great sign that there are positive things coming through. JMO

Member:  Thanks Militia Man, appreciate you coming on this eve!!! Thanks Mark for having Militia Man on, Much appreciated also!!!!

Member:  Thank you Mark, MM all the MODS and everyone watching!! Its just a matter of time!

MILITIA MAN JOINS MARK TONIGHT! PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE TO Militiaman's channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MilitiaManCrew


SATURDAYS  GO TO: Odysee at: https://odysee.com/@theoriginalmarkz:e OR THE RUMBLE CHANNEL: https://rumble.com/user/theoriginalmarkz

Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

GUYS YOU CAN FIND ALOT OF INFO AT MARK'S WEBSITE: GO TO: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home

MARKZ DAILY LINKS: https://theoriginalmarkz.com/home/

Mod:  MarkZ "Back To Basics" Pre-Recorded Call" for Newbies 10-19-2022 ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37oILmAlptM




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