Dinar Recaps

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MarkZ and Michael Cottrell Friday Morning Update and Chat 11-15-19

Emailed to Recaps:

MarkZ Friday Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

MZ: Paymasters are saying that all holds have been removed and processing has commenced –hope to be done by next Tuesday….If this is true and 4a are getting their funds liquid…we will be seeing the 800 numbers at anytime

MZ: Isaac in Zurich is still waiting expecting things to happen at any time.

MZ: Redemption Center people have been watching for package deliveries to start……They are usually just on call during the weekend…but this weekend they are told they will be working…..I take that as a very good sign.

MZ: I have been looking for packages to start since Wed. AM……I have talked to DHS/Homeland security and they expected to see package deliveries start before Friday night….tonight.

MZ: I am looking for a very busy weekend….I still think we are in a golden spot, in a perfect storm for this to happen at anytime.

Q: Do you expect 800 numbers by this weekend?

MZ: Based on overseas appointments, sources and intel…..i hope we see them by tomorrow.

MZ: I had been looking to see many more indictments and arrests starting…..I think we need to see that…it’s very important.

Member:  Foreign documents have just been leaked implicating Joe Biden, George Soros, Hillary Clinton and Joseph Misfud’s collusion and activity in Ukraine ***

Member:  Go For It Rand: Rand Paul To Initiate Senate Vote To Force Hunter Biden Impeachment Testimony | Zero Hedge https://t.co/K5DWXPuEqQ

Member:  Trump met with Barr, cabinet and communications team yesterday!!!!

Member:  ​AG was seen waiting to speak with the President yesterday before he left for the LA rally. It makes sense that before the damning IG report and criminal referrals are released on Monday

Member:  Why do Republicans allow this sham impeachment hoax to proceed? Never interfere with an enemy in the process of destroying himself... - ART OF WAR

Member:  I have said from way back that this thing will not move until after January,2020. My thoughts are that Trump is holding this up in order to boom his campaign.

Member:  It's not Trump, it's Mahdi and the Iranians. Mahdi has to Go! Next week they will impeach him. IMO

Member:  FISA report out on November 18, then indictments!! IMO  RV today.....Get ready….!!!

MZ: I hope they pass the impeachment in the house…..then when it gets to the senate…..the patriots can call witnesses and bring out the proof against Bidens and all the bad guys…It will all be made public…and many will be charged with treason.

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Mr.Cottrell joins the call at about minute 15……please listen to replay for the entire Q&A and all the detaails about the Tiers, Gold Treaty, Iraq and much more………

Mr.C:  I would like to address the various levels or tiers. The information that was given to me by Interpol in 2013 is Tier 1 is country funds.  Level/Tier 2 are trustees which are about 160+. Level/Tier 3 are programs like Farm claims, Fines and penalties  ect… There are about 72 of these……CMKX settlements and St. Germaines trust funds  will come right before I do my job.  … My job is at the tail end of level 3. The codes are given to me…I sign and release the locks on the Gold for all of the currency exchanges and all the revaluations to take place. Then it is Tier 4 which is all of you. The tiers came out of Reno.  My signature also releases the new Gold backed dollars for the US via the Treasury.

Q: Who put you in charge of all this…who gives the codes to you?

Mr.C:  Basically Bush Sr. did when he let me live…..I have had several contracts out on me, and several instances where I thought I wasn’t going to survive.  Basically the cabal screwed me over as badly as they screwed over the Chinese. Bush took my livelihood for over 30 years and laughed about it because he knew I could not do a thing about it. (Mr. C gives a detailed history of his story with Bush Sr. on replay)

MR.C: I am still expecting the GCR to start at any time…..Interpol tried to release it many times since 2011…..they found that there are thousands, hundreds of thousands more rats involved with the Deep State then they originally thought…….caused many delays.

Member:  Upcoming GOLD backed Dinar (IQD) Announcement destroying the FED'$ fiat petrodollar monopoly will be the GCR primer IMO.

Q: Do you follow Iraq….?

Mr. C: I have been told by Interpol that Iraq has nothing to do with the Gold Treaty being enacted and released.

Listen to Replay for entire Q&A

DEE GROSE https://www.bis.org/review/r191115g.htm

DEE GROSE https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/one-bank-finally-admits-feds-not-qe-indeed-qe-and-could-lead-financial-collapse

MZ: Next scheduled call is 10AM est Monday. Of course if anything big happens I will be back to let you all know.

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Mod:  THANK YOU, SNAKE, PLANNING QUESTIONNAIRE: https://www.mmbb.org/docs/FinancialPlanningQuestionnaire.pdf

Your straw man (Strawman) is an artificial person http://freedom-school.com/aware/your-straw-man-is-an-artificial-person.html

MZ: Video on PP’s and Farm claims: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAL0exvL45Y

Mod:  Dr Shabibi answering questions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ol8wve53-ME

MZ: Watch the Video “The end of the road” by Monkey films on Amazon Prime….End of the Road: https://tubitv.com/movies/451883/end_of_the_road

You can share links like these one's to those who don't believe: theoriginalmarkz: https://www.slideshare.net/ahmeddinargate/the-history-of-iraqi-dinar-exchange-rate

IF THE INTERNET GOES DOWN MARKZ NEW NUMBER Emergency number (712) 770-5028 Code:648989 Playback number (712) 770-5066

MarkZ theoriginalmarkz@gmail.com Website https://www.theoriginalmarkz.com

Mark Coffee and Chat …. Monday through Friday 10:00 AM EST EDT ….Chats live or recorded https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz ONLY SPECIAL NEWS tweeted out https://twitter.com/originalmarkz


Note: Please listen to the replay for all the details….Chat moves quickly and both Mark and Mr.C speak very fast

Twitch:   https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

Youtube:    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToY6w8AdIJI

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