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Lynette Zang, X22, Fleming and more Monday Night 3-8-2021


How The FED is Losing Control...

Streamed live 5 hours ago

Do you consider yourself part of the sheeple who just go along with whatever they tell you on TV, or do you like to make decisions for yourself?

In this video, Lynette peels back the curtain and shows the truth regarding the current financial markets, not the puppet show they’re playing out for you on mainstream media.

She shows you the true foundation of the system, the true status of the markets as of today, and why they just stopped reporting on two major indicators of its structural stability.

Then you can make your own decision about what you're going to do next.


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Fleming Second RV update for tofay:

Regarding the bond liquidity process being stopped a few hours ago, our military intel contact said it was started up again at about 4 pm PST;

It was a pause, not a stop; the reason for the stop was (1) there was an issue with the QFS paying out bond liquidity and (2) it  had to be audited, checked and rechecked, all passed, so now it’s moving again—that’s his info, and all paymasters and attorneys and group leaders and bond seller recipients are still at their posts waiting for it to be released this week and it will be released, he said; that’s his current info.;

Regarding the various parts of the system failing us, he said set back and keep watch because everything will change this month of March during and after T4B exchanges.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff   They're not going to approve the budget...until Saturday March 20th.  This is becoming so predictable.  They're gonna do the budget 24 hours before they change the rate.  It's that simple...


X22 REPORT Financial Report Ep. 2422a - The People Are Now Being Presented With New Economic System

[JB] economic policies are now destroying the economy, prices are moving up and the people are noticing the difference, this didn't take long. The oil prices have risen since [JB] has taken office. The [CB] is preparing to raise rates, they are testing the markets, when they proceed this is the signal that they will be bringing down the economy. The patriots are now presenting the people with a new economic system.


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The Atlantis Report:

WARNING: Inflationary Depression & Economic Pain is Only About To Begin

Mar 8, 2021

Interest rates are going to skyrocket due to the pandemic and the inflation. With higher inflation, the ten years bond had no choice to give a high-interest rate.

The money continues to flow to many who do not need it, while many Americans continue to suffer. The stupidity of the US government in dealing with this economic crisis seems to know no bottom.

Checks for people who don’t need them were obtained with money borrowed from my children’s generation. We gave trillions of dollar tax cuts to corporations who didn't need it, who then turned around and, instead of pay increases, bought back their own stock in order to, artificially, inflate their value and, authentically, inflate their bonuses.

Governments have also borrowed record amounts which will impact fiscal policy for generations (unless inflation returns to erase the debt). The point is government and corporate spending is unsustainable here, any further up, so is the housing market.

 It all leads to a nasty crash in commodities,which might be what the Fed wants. The bond market will be sitting on their hands this Monday. Who wants to buy 1.9 trillion of new debt? The interest going to skyrocket due to the pandemic and the inflation. It’s the level of debt. It’s higher than it’s ever been. A small move will make repayment impossible. This whole thing is burning down .

 The economic pain is only about to begin. People are without food in the greatest country in the world! The 1.2% increase this year in Social Security does little to help most seniors. They continue to line up in food banks and not take their meds because they can't afford them.


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