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Lynette Zang, Frank26, Fleming and more Friday 12-4-2020

Lynette Zang: 

DELAY. DENY. PRETEND. When will it End? (Libor Update)

What is happening with LIBOR?  Interbank Offer rate….

This is the interest rate benchmark that is used in trillions and probably quadrillions in contracts…this is ssupposed to go away by the end of 2021

A news release just came out.

IMO I’m thinking that what happened with that 80 trillion in contracts that they were converting from the LIBBOR to the US SOFAR (Last month) did not go real well….It seems they are now postponing it.

This LIBOR transition is a significant event that poses complex challenges for banks and the financial system


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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Walkingstick and Intel Guru Frank26  We believe IOO that the floor managers of Iraqi banks are now receiving the information that the executive level and the senior executive level have received.

Delta   ...For the first time ever they  [Iraq's parliament] demanded the CBI to lift the 3 zeros.  We dreamed about this...remember everyone before was against it.  But now it's all over the news.  We are on the verge to see something...there is a very high possibility, I may be wrong, they told us the 2021 budget has the rate.  The council of ministers is going to pass it on Saturday.  That means if there's a rate in it then everyone [Parliament] is going to be exposed...so sometimes between now and then IMO that is another possible window maybe the CBI might show us the rate. Unless the government postpones that [passing along the budget] again...

Walkingstick and Intel Guru Frank26   Do you remember I told you about the satellite banks?  The CBI established many many banks.  And they started with the United States of America, remember?  ...the CBI will tell you about these banks when they lift the value because they are going to want you to go into these banks to exchange your dinar there.  You know why Because those banks will send the dinars back to the CBI.  If you go into an American bank they are going to send it to the United States Treasury.  They need to collect all their 3 zeros.  All these satellite banks IMO are now notified.


Friday Fleming RV Updates

Our military intel contact is busy over the next 24 hours but will try to get more of an update out later into the weekend; right now he is confirming much of what Bruce and Bruce’s sources are saying that:

(1) while bond funds are moving into T3 accounts in Miami WF and WF Reno is working on SKR fulfillment to get funds downstreamed and ready for the T4B start, (no you and MarkZ and others will NOT hear about this money-movement because obviously it is under heavy NDA gags)

(2) there are STILL heavy ongoing snatch, arrest, and rendition Spec Op Forces missions going on now arresting and renditioning Antifa, BLM, and other Soros-paid anarchist leaders who HAVE CONTINUED TO THREATEN to cause violence because Trump won’t concede to their election fraud, and they are threatening to attack as the RV exchanges start (google “ pittsburgh antifa if trump does not concede” AND “Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP Wed 12.2.20 - 92 H60’s up! Busy evening! [Apache helicopters SOF]”)—

There are at least 8 more hotspots as Bruce’s sources said, where insurgent Antifa cells and leaders need to be contained, so they cannot hurt currency holders or other citizens when we start exchanging; this will take through the weekend so we’re now looking at approx Tue 8 Dec start to STILL BE DONE BEFORE CHRISTMAS by TUE 22 Dec;

He said if you want to BLAME someone for moving the football—it’s NOT Lucy and it’s NOT Trump and the white hats—he said blame the Deep State lunatics and their footsoldiers Antifa & BLM FOR MOVING THE FOOTBALL THIS WEEK, as they have continued to threaten the same threats they started making 1.5 weeks ago to start violence in over 18 cities;

POTUS & DoD CAN NOT LET THIS HAPPEN!!! This necessitated the current challenge to Special Operation forces to have to take them out right now, IN ORDER TO MAKE IT SAFE ENOUGH for us in T4B to exchange;(edited)

He said, for evidence that this is really happening, he said Watch Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP Wed 12.2.20, who again is a 30 year military aviation expert (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOdpsu9AQAI )

AND he said read Mike Adam’s Thu 3 Dec Situation Update of https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-12-03-situation-update-dec-3rd-trump-invokes-foreign-interference.html “Trump just invoked the legal framework — and national security provisions — necessary to allow the Secretary of Defense (Chris Miller) to activate military processes that lead to a tactical takedown of domestic enemies and active traitors.”) (

he said also google "Tues. 1 Dec. Juan Q Savin Tweet: PANIC EVERYWHERE because General Flynn is arresting all the Traitors, Seditionists and Pedophiles around the world. ") (also see https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-11-26-trump-pardoned-flynn-to-put-him-back-in-play-dod.html 

AND. he said read Monkey Werx on Deep State leaders behind the scenes arrests & trials at GITMO- arrestees taken to GITMO, Honduras XPL (Sato Kona Honduran mil base), Spain’s Santa Cruz Islands—US CITIZENS MIL PRISONS: Puerto Rico (San Juan Guaynabo mil prison), Fort Worth Naval Base mil prison —for charges of human & child trafficking, drug smuggling, RICO money laundering— https://www.monkeywerxus.com/blog/observation-of-hope ) —

Our guy said the military arrest missions have been ongoing for the past weeks but THIS WEEK TRUMP HAD TO INVOKE the NDAA (National Defense Activation Act) legal provisions IN POTUS’S SPEECH DESCRIBING THE ELECTION FRAUD YESTERDAY WED 2 DEC in order to COVER the increase of military mission arrests that DoD is having to do RIGHT NOW; he said his current info matches Bruce’s sources that they will finish the main clean up on aisle 3 by this weekend;(edited)
YouTube Monkey Werx US Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 12.2.20

Situation Update, Dec. 3rd – Trump invokes foreign interference pro…
Ask yourself this question: What was the purpose of yesterday's White House speech about election fraud and vote rigging? If you think it was all about Trump communicating to the people, […]

CONFIRMED: Trump pardoned Flynn to put him back in play at the DoD …
If there were ever a maneuver that could be characterized as "unleashing the Kraken," this is it: President Trump just pardoned Gen. Michael Flynn, who was framed and vilified by the […]

Observation of Hope… — MonkeyWerx
Arrests ARE taking place, just not the ones WE want to see..

He said he knows that many of us are frustrated but he said realize you are not in a vacuum or RV bubble; the swamp Deep State lunatics are fighting back and they are still trying to delay the release, but the WHITE HATS AND WE AND THE RV WILL PREVAIL, he said as we pray to that end.

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