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Life Energy Creates The Future And Learns From The Past - White Hats Briefing #154

Life Energy Creates The Future And Learns From The Past

JUNE 11, 2020 Information Briefing #154  by whitehatsauxiliaries

White Hats Auxiliary / Information Center

To Unite In Support Of The White Hats, Accurately Inform About The Mission To Release The World Global Settlements/Global Currency Reset, And Explore The New Frontier Of Digital Wealth

In a world of Chaos, Racial Riots and Killings, where is Leadership now? Beyond the closed mind borders, after the chaos of Covid 19 will we learn anything of becoming a Better Humanity? Or have the mass mIndless Sheeple given up and lost the whole point of this wonderful life privilege they won?

When will they rise above the Dark Ages after the Covid pandemic? Man Up! If 30% Job losses hit, everything changes. We need your life to have meaning, not be demeaning. Time to rethink Real Values – of Living Beings!

We do nothing as rabid Mobs riot trashing cities, looting, mugging, drug dealing and pimping. They riot because we have offended them? En masse? These are race conflicts no one needs. It will backfire. Mandela would never have gone forwards with BLM. I know, I was there. I pushed the Afrikaners to set him free, or all perish if he dies in jail. That is what permeated their Nazi skulls. Not one of you will live! That got Ministers on side. Saving their own butts. Fast! His release was historic. Wonderful.

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Mandela alone saved South Africa. And the whites. He brought forgiveness. He healed wounds. BLM is not about healing, just looting and stealing. Nelson was truly one of our Greats.

How Empires end and Heroes turn out to be sorted Possums, who flattered to deceive. Post Covid we will have such enforced change and stress. Many businesses will not cope and fail. Jobs all gone. Society is currently in freefall. Chaos rules.

There is not even a Collective Leadership able to reach out and share a Global vaccine, if even merited as safe, to save our whole world of nations. Without it, Covid will just keep on recycling as a virus, and returning ever more mutated. Instead, we see China and the US trying to buy up Vaccines at source as pure Self interest greed. Me, Me, Me!

This is no way to advance Humanity, just selfish Vanity! When do we come together as a Collective entity of Beings all in this together and reason ways forward together? Wouldn’t that reduce conflicts?

If, in fact, either Oxford or Imperial Colleges are first, it needs to be Democratically overseen as our gift to humanity. You all – Matter.

But where is that Leadership now? Me. Me, Me is no Humane Destiny!

Have any of you taken time to reflect on the real purpose of your journey here, as a carbon life force? Yes – You. Do you ever think, Why?

Let’s think outside of the box together. Time to reflect, and question why? Thinking time – the importance of that Unique One Off Being – that is YOU! What can YOU achieve?

In such a messed up world run by either rapacious Zionists, Political misfits and deviants, or seeing a surge in Radical Islam, a semi itinerant mad dog tribe left over clueless from the 7th century, is a rabid threat to all. Now, oil is almost gone, surges of them will run West, polluting all where they settle.

They bring nothing to the Gene pool. Under-educated, ignorant trash as waves of illegals bring only surging welfare costs and social threats. Where are their great successful Islamic States to go to?

Or the other lot, the Genghis Khan Zionist Cult pox pool. Look what they have done to America. Integration – Not Sequestration. 6,000 years and still they don’t get it. Roaches!

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At the moment of that race for the creation of life, between 400 million to 1.2 Billion sperms are released where it’s the race for life – or death. At best, one succeeds, or usually, all die. Again the miracle of conception, you alone made it. You won!

You had no religion then, or need. So who brainwashed you, and why, for what Lie?

You out-swam the interceptors, and vast millions of others competing for that one chance of fertilised life competing against such impossibly high odds. You won bigger than any Olympian. You alone now exist in full living human life form. A Miracle in itself. Your right to be- Free! Why did you win, and how are you living this life? Winning, or Whining?

This life is YOUR Journey, so why allow any predatory Zio Trash Cult, or NWO Elite likes Gates or the Tri Laterals take it from you? Do you have a clue what is in play for your future? To even exist? Rights are not free! Will you abdicate life and go into the night?

They are few, you are many. Before they population deplete you, think, for once, and act. This wonderful life is your right, not to be sent into the night. Say NO!!! To NWO.

Will you give Gates and the NWO viruses the right to chip you, to inject your coming children or grandchildren now at birth? Chipped, tracked, and when no longer needed, Whacked! You will be first for their compulsory flawed nano-technology vaccines.

Will you walk willingly to your State demanded annual Vaccines, knowing once tracker signaled, the Off Button in nano technology units will be triggered for you when they judge you superfluous to need?

Which aged 65 plus, is at their call? What is happening to our Right to Life? Not harvesting up your pensions. Do you even think outside of that bubble they cocooned you in? You all start equal. Who takes it from you? When you don’t control your own money, how can you win, when your not even In – The Trough System? Work it out.

Do you have any concept of what’s coming soon? Their macabre plans for you?

You were born to live, to achieve your destiny, not in a Human Zoo. It’s on record what vile War Criminal Soros did to his own people and glorified his profits. Why has he not paid for his disgusting crimes? The Bushes, Clintons and Zionists?

America, the UK and Commonwealth are full of so many highly qualified, experienced and motivated Professionals, leading in the Arts, Sciences, Engineering and Medical fields. Empowered by such collective abilities, yet deceived by greed and political depravity.

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Why can we not all, at this time of Hubris for all, contemplate in this time, our new opportunity to focus our time and lives on being – a better Human Being?

Why can’t we all assess what’s left the rails in Leadership?

To reassess what’s brought us all to this mess. No one is owed! Life is your road, to bear!

Education should be integration, not segregation. Each child deserves a chance to develop and for a life of meaning, not racial or poverty demanding. Look now at the wealth portals of Corporate powers. It’s time to rethink need, not Jewish Greed.

History repeats itself, and Zionism will bring its own Apocalypse. Deservedly.

People need to have a sense of belonging and need. Not farmed clones to Zio greed.

Human beings need to feel inclusive, not excluded from a chance to evolve and succeed, but denied by race or Creed. Cults Segregate, and segregated tribes annihilate. Ask the Romans how that went?

Do you really want Population reduction, and where do you think you will be in that pecking order? Covid will bring ever more pressures to cut Welfare costs as Beings.

Who then decides your Right to the Life you beat up to a Billion to win? So – You are Special. Start there.

Where is Ethereal leadership, Ethereal values? Who even elevates to aspire to an evolution of purpose where life – Is more?

Post RV’s you will do what?

We now live in a Toxic world. Millions of lives will be lost because of deferred Hospital treatments, or checking processes. Toxic Debts will devastate economies. Tax Collectors – Want! How can the Hospitality sector meet its overheads with the impact of Social distancing. Ever more stores will now fail.

How will economies cope with escalating unemployment and losses? Back to work, when there is none? If Covid strikes again in Winter? Shut down again and switch off the lights?

The road ahead may be littered with dead. Where are the Inspirational Leaders?

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 Kennedy reached for the Stars. This lot is more likely to reach for your Rrrrs!

Time to think Integration not Segregation?

Who is thinking, a Life Purpose Mission? Not assume it!

If we release the RVs, we will do what?

You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. R. Buckminster Fuller



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