Dinar Recaps

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KTFA, X22, Santa Surfing and more Tuesday PM 1-5-2021


Samson:  Economist: The Devaluation Of The Currency Results In Great Losses And Extreme Poverty

4th January, 2021

Economic expert Ali Al-Masoudi emphasized that the decision to devalue the currency caused a loss of 24 percent of cash, describing it as a big problem.

Al-Masoudi said that the families who live below the poverty line as well as middle-income groups are most affected by the devaluation decision, as prices rose from 27 to 37 percent, according to Global International.

He pointed out that the commercial circles negatively affected by the decision are proceeding with legal procedures to demand compensation for the large losses due to the sudden decision, which came without prior warning, but the decision may cause extreme poverty for the poor.

He stressed that controlling the window of currency sale and revenues from border crossings would bring the country’s revenues estimated at four times what the decision to reduce the value of the Iraqi currency had.  LINK

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Samson:  Opinion: The Iraqi Dinar needs Political Support !

5th January 2021
Iraqi Dinar needs political support...to serve the economy!

The Iraqi Dinar (IQD) was devalued by nearly 23 percent on Saturday, December 19, 2020, from its previous (official) price of 1,182 IQD down to 1,450 IQD per one US$.

The ministry of finance said the devaluation has been agreed with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and serves the diversification of the Iraqi economy. [i]

Typically, devaluation serves the following key purposes:

It makes exports more price-competitive, and hence leads to more exports being sold, though this may not necessarily lead to a corresponding fall in the value of imported goods/services.

Policymakers also hope that currency devaluations leads to 'expenditure-switching', that is consumers spend their money on output of domestic firms, rather than on imports. Expenditure-switching may, additionally, be supported by imposing (new/extra) tariffs on imports and/or introduce quotas, which directly reduce expenditure on imports. These measures are also aimed at improving both the balance of trade and (indirectly) the balance of payments.

Finally, depending on the elasticities of supply of goods, inflationary pressures might ensue in the short- to medium-term.

In Iraq, the policy makers at the Ministry of Finance and Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) have on the same day expressly outlined the reasons for the IQD's devaluation:

"First, there was a feeling that IQD was over-priced in comparison with the US$ [ii]; encouraging imports, the exodus of capital, and discouraging foreign investment and tourism, with the economy thus leaning towards commerce and retail trade rather than productive sectors; second, overall, given over-priced IQD, the Iraqi economy becomes less competitive, and the Iraqi markets controlled by imports; third, high valued IQD, in general, does not encourage investment in sectors Iraq wishes to develop, e.g. agriculture, tourism, industry and services; fourth, adjusting the value of the IQD will increase the proceeds from oil revenue in IQD, and will lessen the budget deficit, but the timing of the devaluation now is organically linked with the acute decline in the state's oil revenues, and the price of the IQD should reflect this reality." [iii]

Arguably, the IQD's devaluation presents a litmus test to Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kathimi [al-Kadhimi] and his finance minister Ali Allawi. In so doing they have bought precious time - this is the moment of truth!

Decisive political and economic actions are now needed to protect the IQD and the economy from sliding into the abyss. Al-Kathimi must now subvert the deliberate and well-organised intruders (defined below) who since 2003 continue to exacerbate a cycle of fragmentation of the economy and society in Iraq.

It is al-Kathimi's supreme obligation to provide against the intruders, which aim to deepen strife, acting against the common good.

To save the Iraqi economy from collapsing, Messrs al-Kathimi and Allawi have a short-term window: January-June 2021. They will be well-advised to focus on three critical issues - politics, economics and export-oriented diversification...

Please click here to download Dr Hirmis' full report in pdf format   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   ...something is about to happen with the Iraqi dinar on a permanent basis...they are about to introduce a 1 to 1 rate because the American dollar is disappearing [Inside of Iraq]...

Footforward   Don't be surprised if they devalue again to try and get those  notes in faster.

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Tuesday Night X22 Financial Report

Ep 2370a – Trump Pushes Forward With Destroying The [CB], She’s Back

The [CB]/Globalist are now trying to convince the people that if we keep the system we are in and move forward with the great reset it will be better for everyone. They left out the reason why China became a manufacturing powerhouse. The economy improves once again. She’s back, Judy Shelton is nominated once again. 



Santa Surfing:  1/4/2021 - STORM ACT AND “NESARA”

Last year, President Trump tweeted about Billions he funded to different states for "Infrastructure".  The Bill that became effective on January 1, 2021 is one paragraph and incredibly HUGE!

This Bill allows for continuous funding under the category of Land and Agriculture.  What is NESARA all about?  Humanitarian Projects!  What is the foundation of most any Humanitarian project?  Land, Real Estate, Shelter, Warehouses to stock needed items, Building, etc.  Who would benefit from Humanitarian projects...EVERYONE!  Why?  (Short List)

1.  Those that are in need of housing, shelter, food, clothing, basic essentials.  

2.  Those pre-selected groups funded to build projects to help those in need

3.  Humanitarian Projects will soon become big employers.  Think of the domino affect of a project and the supply chain and services.  

4.  Living Self sustained, meaning we do not have to rely on the chemically based food products that we consume each day.  To grow your own produce, or work with ranchers and farmers to provide food.  Self sustained energy such as Solar.  And what other suppressed technologies will be released that would change the way we live?  

5.  Cures, Therapies and Technology released.  How many of these cures, Therapies require natural resources?  

Do you see the domino affect and how it will blossom into a magnificent working world.  A world for those that are capable to work.  However, a world where Seniors can truly enjoy their lives.  

The Domino affect, most everyone prospers because we are all working towards a common goal.  Think about this...owning a business that supplies for humanitarian projects; providing a certain type of counseling service to help those that are not use to abundance, they are familiar with mediocrity or services to manage a project.  Do you see how huge, large and wide this goes?

Our infrastructure as a country was destroyed and taken away from us!  We were living under the terms of the cabal / elites.  They formed a corporation in the USA to by pass the original Constitution of 1776.  This is why, during our entire life time, our voices were never heard, no matter what we did.  Now that the USA Corporation is defunct, gone , done...we have taken back our country.  Our Constitution is back!  

Again, this all begins in America and then it branches out to other countries.  BREXIT for the UK was huge, to separate itself from the EU Union.  

Remember, America will fund projects for other countries.  So these EO's eventually affect the entire world.  

 Now this Bill is so huge that it will overwhelm all of you!  

Transcript:  https://beachbroadcast.com/whats-happening/f/storm-act-and-trumpsara


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