Dinar Recaps

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KTFA, X22, Lynnete Zang and more Wednesday Night 12-2-2020


Samson:  Economist: The Faw port will pass Chinese goods to Europe at 680 billion euros annually

2nd December, 2020

The economic expert, Nabil Al-Marsoumi, confirmed, on Wednesday, that Al-Faw Port will be the shortest international way to transport goods from China to the European Union, which is estimated annually at 680 billion euros annually, indicating that it will turn the Iraqi economy from one state to another.

Al-Marsoumi told Al-Maalouma that "China's trade to the European Union goes through a long way, and in the event that the Fao port is established, the FAO will choose a route for it, as it is the shortest." He added that "the Chinese trade that will pass through the port of Al-Faw is estimated annually at more than 680 billion euros," noting that "many countries will leave the UAE port of Jebel Ali because its depths do not bear the giant ships that pass through it."

Al-Marsoumi explained that "according to the design of the Al-Faw port, it will be at depths that bear the major giant asphalt," noting that "the ships and vessels that will choose the Faw port to shorten the routes will save them 100 dollars for transporting each ton." Al-Marsoumi stressed that "the Faw port with the berths and the dry canal will achieve a qualitative leap in the Iraqi economy and a savior for the current stage."   LINK

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Samson:  Hard currency is smuggled abroad ... Companies are canceling themselves after stealing Iraqi money

2nd December, 2020

A former member of the Anti-Corruption Council, Saeed Yassin Musa, revealed, on Wednesday (2-12-2020), that there are fake companies in Iraq that practice money laundering, received contract money and smuggled abroad.

Musa said in a televised interview (Baghdad Today), that "the file of fake companies was opened in 2015 and it is assumed that these companies are registered and pay taxes and fees in addition to social security for workers." He added, "These fictitious companies acquire a set of contracts and then cancel themselves after taking a certain part of the money and flee outside Iraq, and there must be oversight by the Ministry of Commerce, but there is weakness in oversight and performance and the lack of coordination between the ministry and customs."

Moussa continued, "Fake companies practice money laundering and harm the Iraqi economy by taking hard currency out of Iraq," noting that "some of them have political influence that helps them by excluding taxes, and we need a revolution in the administrative and legal sides to end the phantom companies."

The representative of the National Approach bloc, Hussein Al-Uqabi, confirmed, last March, that fake companies steal Iraqi money without control, indicating that these companies give imaginary profits, sometimes reaching 80%.

Al-Aqabi said in a statement that "there are a number of fictitious companies in Iraq that claim to invest money in return for attractive profit returns, sometimes reaching 80%." "These companies adopt the marketing mechanism by using the hierarchical system to invest victims' money by involving the victim, who brings in another number of victims, and his promised profitability increases by increasing the number of clients he brings," he added.

Al-Aqabi pointed out that “one of these companies as an example only, which is the (UnicFinance) company, indicates in its initial information that it is a fake company without a clear address and headquarters, and without registering it in the official international institutions accredited, as this company claims that it operates in the American market and gives its subscribers up to 80%, while the specialists assert that the profits of the American market do not exceed 8-10% at best, so how can it give its subscribers such an imaginary percentage of profits. He explained that “since the date of its website was established in August 2016, it is a newly established company and claims to be registered with (the well-known large security company McAfee). International organizations - such as the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the Swiss Supervisory Authority - are suspicious companies.

Al-Uqabi stressed that, according to observers, approximately 90% of clients or victims of this company are Iraqis, with great regret, and huge sums have been withdrawn from them amid the complete absence of the role of the Iraqi authorities.  Al-Uqabi pointed out that "what is surprising and surprising is that these suspicious transactions are taking place in Iraq in light of weak follow-up of government institutions concerned with the economic and financial file, with proof of their great danger to the national economy and to Iraqis who previously suffered from fake companies such as (SAMCO) and others."

Al-Uqabi indicated that “out of caution, we call for strengthening regulatory procedures by government financial institutions such as the Central Bank, following up on the activities of these companies, activating Iraqi laws in protecting consumers and preventing the theft of Iraqi funds, which should be invested in its proper framework with guaranteed projects that provide additional job opportunities in the private sector and reduce High employment rates.  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Pimpy  ...the deletion of the zeros what that means is devaluing the currency the Iraqi dinar.  Which is not the same as deleting the zeros off the rate.  That's different.  I'm talking about deleting the zeros off the dinar.  So what happens is 1000 dinar becomes 1 dinar...that doesn't help Iraq at all...There's a lot of back and forth about this...you've got one person talking about they need to delete off the exchange rate, which we love and support that of course because that's good for us.  But the deletion off the currency is not good...just be happy that they're talking about it...we want to see what they do not what they say...

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Wednesday Night X22 Reports

The [CB]s Trapped Themselves In Their Own Plan, The World Is Watching  Ep 2343a

The [CB]s and the [DS] thought they had the upper-hand, they thought that their plan was moving forward. They will soon realize that their plan was a trap by the patriots. The MSM is still pushing the idea that the economy is about to implode.



Barr Moves Durham Into Position, [DS]/MSM Panic, Hold Position Before Executing Raid – Ep. 2343b

The [DS]/MSM are now being backed into a corner. The evidence is about to be produced. Barr places Durham into position. The storm is about to hit, the [DS] is now panicking, their [e] fraud did not work, people are waking up and now they are trapped. The raid on their system is about to happen, hold the line until the right moment. SP announce that the white hat hackers got it all and the connection to other countries is being produced. Trump makes one of the most important speeches about [e] fraud.




Streamed live 4 hours ago

1. Paul S: Why can’t all countries continue to spend far more than they take in in taxes and in essence, fully pursue MMT? The US is sure doing a great job of keeping the scam going on and I can’t imagine how this craziness can continue, but it sure seems to be working for now.0:59

2. Heather S: In your estimation, how many ounces of gold do I need to payoff a mortgage of $200,000 after the reset? 3:04

 3. Maria G: Does the great reset involves all currencies no longer being anchored to the US dollar? If so, how would this effect the currencies going forward? 4:55

4. Mary E: In a digital environment, how can gold be used to “pay bills and property taxes” as Lynette Zang states in her videos? 6:41

 5. Kay K: Do you think the US gold the government claims to hold in storage will help buffer the US from hyperinflation? 7:20


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