Dinar Recaps

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KTFA, Walkingstick, Bix Weir and more Wednesday PM 2-10-2021


Samson:  The Iraq Stock Exchange closed down in Wednesday's trading session

10th February, 2021

The Iraqi Stock Exchange index recorded a decline of 1.49% in the trading session on Wednesday, stopping at 514.38 points.

Shares of 35 companies fell "under the index", while 8 others rose, while 17 companies maintained their share price.

The number of shares traded reached 6,946,724,858 shares, with a value of 5,523,975,459 Iraqi dinars, obtained from the conclusion of 597 deals, including 60 joint-stock companies, out of 104 companies registered in the stock exchange.  LINK

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Samson:  Imprisonment sentences for managers of the Agricultural Bank of Iraq, Tikrit, and other employees

10th February 2021

The Central Anti-Corruption Criminal Court in the Presidency of the Baghdad Appeal Court Al-Karkh Federal issued, on Wednesday, the Director of the Iraqi Agricultural Bank, the Director of the Agricultural Bank in Tikrit and four other employees, to six years imprisonment against each one of them for a crime of charging them money in exchange for walking Loan transactions for citizens.

The Iraqi judiciary stated, in a statement that Mawazine News received a copy of, that “based on the investigations of the Anti-Corruption and Important Crimes Committee, the Central Anti-Corruption Criminal Court considered a case against the Director of the Iraqi Agricultural Bank and sentenced him to six years imprisonment for the crime of taking (bribery) for walking Loan transactions for citizens.

He added that "a second sentence of six years imprisonment was issued against the director of the Agricultural Bank in Tikrit for the crime of consuming money as bribes."

He pointed out that "the same court considered the lawsuits of four employees working in the Iraqi Agricultural Center and issued a ruling against each of them to six years in prison for the crime of taking sums of money in exchange for going through loan transactions for citizens, pointing out that" the judgments against the convicts were issued in accordance with the provisions of Resolution 160 / Second / 1 of 1983.'  LINK


Samson:  Parliamentary integrity calls for opening the file of Iraqi deposits abroad and the hidden profits made

19:40 - 02/09/2021

On Tuesday, the Parliamentary Integrity Committee called on the Iraqi judiciary and the Integrity Commission to open the files of Iraqi deposits abroad and to conceal their profits and not report them.

A member of the Integrity Committee, Khaled Al-Jusaimi, said to "the information" that "Iraq has valuable deposits abroad and international banks. No one knows the size of these funds and the profits made on them."

He added that "the central bank manipulated it and did not mention the talk about the profits made on those deposits, and there are no such profits in the budget."

Al-Jushami called for "the deposit file to be opened by the Iraqi judiciary and the Integrity Commission," noting that "Iraq could not eradicate corruption unless it has a brave judiciary that breaks into all files, opens them, and holds them accountable."   LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   We believe this week you are going to start seeing articles once again about lifting the 3 zeros off the exchange rate...

Walkingstick  [via Guru Frank26]   ...Three weeks ago part one of this meeting occurred.  This Saturday part two of this meeting will occur with more people.  They will be briefed on the success they've been doing the last 3 weeks.  What did they do in those 3 weeks?   ...a lot more [bank] accounts have been opened in Iraq.  The lowing of the exchange rate was for this purpose...the game-plan worked.  This meeting they are about to have this Saturday they want to see the sale of the American dollar lessened or simply stopped.  They accomplished this yesterday [Monday Feb 8th]...with the auctions gone the citizens have no choice but to only use their currency

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Bob Lock - Texas Snake & Blondie  CC Tonight

 2/10/2021 Wed 

Conference call at 5:00 PM PST/ 7:00 PM Central /8 PM EST.

Join the planning room for discussions.

Your questions will be answered on the calls. 


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You can join us on the internet by clicking the link below. Enter the number and access code. Also, be sure to remember to enter your name above the dialer if usng the internet https://www.freeconferencecallhd.com/dialer 

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Bix Weir

SILVER ALERT! PROBLEM: The Whole World Knows SILVER is Massively Undervalued!!

Feb 10, 2021


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