Dinar Recaps

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KTFA, TNT, PIR and more Friday Afternoon 4-24-2020


GodLover:  Just a question for you MM. I personally see the evidence something significant is happening behind the scenes with the CBI/ISX, but of course I do not expect to see anything as soon as there opening/trading resumption Saturday/Sunday imo. I still think we need a new seated PM & budget sent imo.  With that said..... what are you hoping to see (if anything) with the ISX resuming over the weekend? I will admit the ISX is over my head. Why would the CBI change the index number & then resume as normal? How could they resume as normal? I still think Iraq does everything backwards imo.

MilitiaMan:  Glad you see evidence something significant is happening behind the scenes with the CBI/ISX. 

I am sure that the CBi publicly showed us evidence. Or we wouldn’t be having the ISX Indices 1,045.71 + change in value.

i have no idea why you think based on the CBI telling us that data on their statistical website  and the ISX telling us they are still opening this coming weekend, they won’t do anything soon?  That is baffling to me.

We all know WS has suggested his view is the care taker government is in place.. Tamimi tells us, and I believe their system allows for no new laws can be done but, those that are in place can be facilitated including moving money when need be. 

Do you have support that there is a reason since we know the CBI has been given the reins to facilitate monetary reforms and it came from the GOI, that they have to wait for a PM and even the 2020 budget? I believe and hope everyone else await too, is that the 2019 FML amendment has been hidden, hence, no 2020 budget!! Why? The amendment holds the rate we seek. Imo 

The view to me suggests the CBi wouldn’t make a change as such to be so public data; even if a mistake, by adding three zeros to ISX Index while it is closed supports and suggests they have a motive in respect to value adjustments. Again, the CBI changed the data to the index not the ISX.. I hope you realize the implications of that now. They wouldn’t do that imo if they haven’t a good reason.

Add in all the data from the CBI and GOI and think a complex project like this is backwards? Ok. Maybe re read the final articles 80-81etc.. Better yet focus on the FIMA, CML, the CBI having authority to access the facility FIMA provides to support smooth international trade and that the auctions are now in far different manner than before.. 

Worry beads may be in order, but, they may not be needed in the short term.. mine are eating thin.. lol .. Thank you! ~ MM 

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Red Pilled and PoisedAdnan Alzurfi tweeted the following on April 21st. "The country is no longer stolen, they formed the government and rested the people".  Sounds like it's done


Don961:  Trump: We have found evidence that overheating affects the Corona virus

2020.04.24 - 01:48

The American Crisis Cell announced that there is evidence that warming weather may affect the life cycle of the Corona virus.

And the cell said during a press conference held by US President Donald Trump and a number of officials, and was followed by "NAS" (April 24, 2020) that "research shows a relationship between the rise in temperature and the life cycle of Virus Corona."

"The Coruna virus lives more indoors, but we need more research."

In response to a question posed by a journalist about the safety of a number of children gathering in a schoolyard, for example, exposed to the sun, officials said, "This needs further research on whether the virus will enter openings not exposed to the sun."

"There is a study that says a person's exposure to the sun's rays may help him against corona virus and other viruses as well, and the research that we have seen relates to the relationship of the virus with three elements - heat, heat, and lighting," Trump said.

A journalist posed a question during the conference that he started with the phrase "You are the president and the people take these briefings very seriously" so Trump replied, "I am the president and you are a journalist in a fake institution, because I know where you work, and I say that the research that we have seen from specialized centers talks about this, it talks about Heat, heat, and lighting. "

In the context of attacking journalists, Trump also said that "the information that indicates that the North Korean president is going through a health crisis is incorrect information received through a report of a fake station, CNN." 

The American President promised his people that the United States will end this epidemic "so that our country will return strong," calling for "continued observance of social separation, while we are ready to reopen our country."

"Work is under way to develop a plan to treat antibody corona," Donald Trump said.

Trump expressed optimism that "the economy will catch its breath quickly, and in quick steps. People are anxious to return to work and will return at a fast pace, and we are doing a great job in California, Florida, New Jersey and New York as well."

Trump sent a message of congratulations to Muslims all over the world, on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan.

"We have seen during the past months how important the power of prayer is in difficult times, and today with the start of the month of Ramadan, I pray that those who celebrate this sacred time find comfort and reassurance in their faith," Trump said in a message that the White House posted on its website.

He added: "For millions around the world, this holy month is an opportunity to renew and strengthen their faith by strictly fasting, praying with devotion, meditation, reading the Qur’an and performing charitable work."

He continued: "These actions are closely aligned with the universal values ​​promoted by the Islamic faith, in peace, compassion, love and respect for others," wishing "a blessed Ramadan" to Muslims.  link

Moakes:  Utterly Amazing: There are alternative Cancer Centers which have been using heat to cure cancer for ages. They raise the patients body temperature to 105 degrees and keep it there; under strict supervision, for 6 hours and the cancer cells die.

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Tishwash:  The World Bank cuts oil and mineral price expectations as demand collapses

The World Bank trimmed its forecast for oil and minerals prices on Thursday due to the economic repercussions of the Corona Virus pandemic and said that the shock of commodity markets could be more severe for developing countries.

The World Bank said crude oil prices are expected to average $ 35 a barrel this year, 43 percent below the 2019 average, and in a sharp drop from its October forecast.

"The reduction is due to a huge unprecedented decline in demand," the bank said in a press release, and said that the decline in prices was exacerbated by the exaggeration in production from OPEC and other major oil producers.

Meanwhile, mineral prices are expected to drop 13 percent in total this year, the bank said. But gold, a traditional safe haven, is expected to rise 15 percent.

He added that the impact of the health crisis on agricultural commodities is expected to be moderate, but supply chain disturbances may increase food security risks in some areas.

"The massive shock of commodity markets and low oil prices could cause a serious setback for developing economies," Mukhtar Dayoub, World Bank Vice President for Infrastructure Affairs, said in the statement.

The foundation recommended that governments reform energy subsidy programs to make funds available to tackle the Corona virus, and favored not using fees or other commercial protection tools to fortify domestic industries   link


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff  ...the pricing index shows it's one-to-one right now on the background yet we haven't seen a rate change occur while it's at one-to-one.  So the value is most likely going to be where Kuwait is at the second step.  Probably greater than Kuwait.

Footforward     ...Z  [Adnan Alzurfi]  posted a very cryptic tweet..."The country is no longer stolen, they formed the government and comforted people."  ...it kind of gives you the idea that Iraq is now free... and kind of gives you the idea that the government has been voted in although no one has confirmed that...

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Patriot Intel Report

PIR 04 24 20

Machinations and movement in the markets is unbeleivabe


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