Dinar Recaps

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KTFA, Santa surfing, Pimpy and more Saturday Night 8-8-2020


Coco:  Nixon took us off the Gold Standard on August 15, 1971 (approximately 6 weeks prior to the end of the U.S. Fiscal Year).  The Key date of Saturday, August 15th, 2020 is quickly approaching. 

The Federal Reserve has already been wrapped into the U.S. Treasury. The Gold Standard occurs at the time we RV. 

The committee said that "the partial curfew has been extended until the 15th of this month, and includes Thursday, Friday and Saturday with a complete ban."

This has to make you wonder.....IMO

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Samson:  The partial curfew has been extended until the 15th of this month

08/08/2020 15:40:45

The Supreme Committee for Health and Safety decided today, Saturday, to extend the partial curfew until the 15th of this month.

The committee said that "the partial curfew has been extended until the 15th of this month, and includes Thursday, Friday and Saturday with a complete ban."

And she added, "It was decided that the official working hours in all governmental institutions would be 25%, and that ministries would be granted the powers to assess the need.

It indicated that "the partial ban will be reviewed after the 15th of this month."   LINK


BMiddle48:  "I'm suspending payroll taxes through the first of the year and if I'm re-elected, I will extend that and forgive that debt."-President Trump.)

"We are also looking at cutting income tax for middle and low income earners, they pay a lot of tax. And looking at cutting Capital gains tax" -President Trump


Purifiers:  President Trump Signs Executive Orders: $400 Unemployment Benefit, Payroll Tax Holiday, Student Loan Relief, Eviction Moratorium

August 8, 2020

In a press conference today, President Trump announced four actions he is taking to provide the American people Covid-19 relief. He said he is signing directives covering enhanced unemployment benefits, a payroll tax holiday, an eviction moratorium and student loan relief. He also said he is considering income tax reductions for middle and lower income earners and capital gains tax reductions to create more jobs.

Enhanced Unemployment Benefits

Mr. Trump announced a $400 weekly enhanced unemployment benefit. This is $200 less than the CARES Act and what House Democrats proposed in the HEROES Act, but $200 more than proposed by Senate Republicans in the HEALS Act. It's also consistent with the offer extended to the Democrats during negotiations over a stimulus package.

He said that states will be asked to cover 25% of this cost using existing funding, such as funds available to states through the Coronavirus Relief Fund. The federal government will cover 75% of the cost.

Payroll Tax Holiday

Mr. Trump also signed an executive order for a payroll tax holiday for those earning less than about $100,000 a year. Specifically, he signed a directive instructing the Treasury Department to allow employers to defer a certain portion of payroll taxes from August 1st or September 1st, details to follow. As provided in the executive order, the payroll tax holiday applies to individuals who’s compensation “during any bi-weekly pay period generally is less than $4,000, calculated on a pre-tax basis, or the equivalent amount with respect to other pay periods.”

Further, if he wins the election in November, he says he'll forgive these taxes and make these tax cuts permanent. He also said he may extend the payroll tax holiday beyond the end of the year.

Eviction Moratorium

The President will also sign a directive instructing the Department of Housing and Urban Development to make sure renters and homeowners can stay in the homes. He did not provide details on how this eviction moratorium would be structured. He's also directing HUD to provide financial assistants to struggling renters and homeowners, and work with landlords and lenders to implement this policy.

The executive order, among other things, instructs the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the CDC to consider whether an an eviction moratorium is reasonable necessary to prevent the further spread of Covid-19 from one state to another. It also directed the Treasury to identify funds that can be used for temporary assistance to renters and homeowners.

Student Loan Relief

He is also signing a directive to assist student loan borrowers. Specifically, he is extending the policy of 0% interest rates and suspended payments on most federal student loans through the end of the year (it currently expires at the end of September). He also said he would "most likely" extend this beyond the end of the year.

Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax Reductions

Acknowledging that tax inequality exists, he said he is looking at reducing income tax and capital gains tax. The income tax reduction will be for middle and lower income individuals. The capital gains tax reduction will be targeted to create jobs. He didn’t say how a capital gains tax cut would create jobs, particularly given that such tax reductions typically favor wealthier taxpayers.


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Santa Surfing Beach Broadcast

TRUMP DID IT!!! Payroll Tax "Holiday" - UI Benefits extended - No evictions all til 12/31/2020

Aug.8, 2020

They are plowing through Nesara/Gesara right now!!!!   This is some of the things included in Nesara/Gesara that are happening right now!!! 

This is going to be a fun roller coaster ride………


Some Facts about Nesara/Gesara

NESARA / GESARA was the National / Global Economic Security & Reformation Act – the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only the US, but the planet (thus GESARA).

The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, IRS, Shadow Government and more. NESARA implements the following changes:

-Zeros out all credit card, mortgage, and other bank debt due to illegal banking and government activities. This is the Federal Reserve’s worst nightmare, a “jubilee” or a forgiveness of debt.

-Abolishes the income tax.

-Abolishes the IRS. Employees of the IRS will be transferred into the US Treasury national sales tax area.

-Creates a14% flat rate non-essential new items only sales tax revenue for the government. In other words, food and medicine will not be taxed; nor will used items such as old homes.

-Increases benefits to senior citizens.

-Returns Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters.

-Reinstates the original Title of Nobility amendment.

-Establishes new Presidential and Congressional elections within 120 days after NESARA's announcement. The interim government will cancel all National Emergencies and return us back to Constitutional Law.

-Monitors elections and prevents illegal election activities of special interest groups.

-Creates a new U.S. Treasury rainbow currency backed by gold, silver and platinum precious metals, ending the bankruptcy of the United States initiated by Franklin Roosevelt in 1933.

-Forbids the sale of American birth certificate records as chattel property bonds by the US Department of Transportation.

-Initiates new U.S. Treasury Bank System in alignment with Constitutional Law

-Eliminates the Federal Reserve System. During the transition period the Federal Reserve will be allowed to operate side by side of the U.S. Treasury for one year in order to remove all Federal

Reserve notes from the money supply.

-Restores financial privacy.

-Retrains all judges and attorneys in Constitutional Law.

-Ceases all aggressive, U.S. government military actions worldwide.

-Establishes peace throughout the world.

-Releases enormous sums of money for humanitarian purposes.

-Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies that are being withheld from the public under the guise of national security, including free energy devices, antigravity, and sonic healing machines.

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Iraqi Dinar News 08/08/20

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Aug 8, 2020


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