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KTFA Members "News and Views" Wednesday PM 1-22-2020


Samson:  Armed factions threaten the President of the Republic because of Trump

22nd January, 2020

The Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq, President Barham Saleh, has threatened to prevent him from entering the capital, Baghdad, if he meets US President Donald Trump at the Davos conference.

"We stress the need for Barham Saleh's commitment not to meet with the foolish Trump and the group of killers accompanying him," the brigade's security official, Abu Ali Al-Askari, said, adding: "We will then say: Neither welcome nor easy, and the free people of our children will expel him from Baghdad".

The "Al-Nujaba movement" also made a threat to President Saleh if Trump met, according to a statement of the movement, in which she said, "At this crucial and important stage in the history of our country ... This occupier who usurped his land and refuses to withdraw, "(referring to US President Trump).

It is noteworthy that Iraqi President Barham Saleh left yesterday to attend the "Davos" economic conference in Switzerland, where a number of world leaders, including US President Donald Trump, are scheduled to meet on the sidelines of the conference to discuss bilateral relations  LINK

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Samson:  A source reveals the main goal of Iraq to participate in "Davos" and what Saleh will discuss with Trump

22nd January, 2020

An informed Iraqi source revealed the main goal of participating in the Davos Economic Forum in Switzerland, as well as what President of the Republic Barham Saleh will discuss with US President Donald Trump.

The source said in a statement to Al-Sharq Al-Awsat newspaper, which was followed by "Al-Ikhbaria", that "Iraq seeks to diversify the sources of its economy and its national income, especially after the start of signing agreements with many countries of the world, especially China, for this purpose."

He pointed out that, "Saleh will discuss with the world leaders the general situation in the region, especially in the Middle East. At the forefront is the Iranian-American escalation, which Saleh will discuss with US President Donald Trump, who announced that he will discuss with Saleh the issue of the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq."    LINK


Samson:  Political expert: Saleh and Trump's meeting with Switzerland is very important .. He will return next Thursday to resolve the prime minister

21st January, 2020

Iraqi political expert Wathiq Al-Hashemi stressed on Tuesday the importance of President Barham Saleh's meeting with US President Donald Trump on the sidelines of the Davos conference in Switzerland.

Al-Hashemi told Al-Akhbariya: “The visit of the President of the Republic to Switzerland is very important, especially at the present time. He added: "Saleh's meeting with Trump is very important in light of the American escalation on Iraqi soil, as well as more important issues that Saleh will discuss during his visit."

The expert Hashemi said: "Saleh will return next Thursday to Iraq, in order to resolve the prime minister's file."

It should be noted that an informed source in the Presidency Court said earlier today, in a statement to Al-Akhbariya, that the President of the Republic left for Switzerland to attend the Davos International Conference, after it was not possible to agree on the selection of a new Prime Minister during the meetings held today.  LINK

Jjimmyjj:  Iraq doing Iraq things:   They really did unofficially announce a new prime minister,  stir up confusion about who it was, didn't bother to name the prime minister officially,  then leave the country for a boondoggle trip to the Billionaire's playground at Davis-- all the while telling the citizens that they have everything under control and things will definitely get taken care of when they get back. 

If anyone wonders how we're this far down the rabbit hole with our investment,  this is why. These are not serious people. 

Why actually accomplish something,  when you can talk about accomplishing something  and steal during the confusion?

ChrisC:   Elementary my dear Watson, the whole lot of them are nothing but stinking thieves, but you have very succinctly defined their often repeated game plan.  I thought they had finished cramming the last of the bags full of bills, but they must have found another box of trash bags.  Will SOMEBODY JUST HANG SOMEBODY AND GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD!?!?  These protesters are insanely brave to take on soldiers and snipers with no weapons, but they are getting nowhere.  They need some video of Maliki being dragged behind a Jeep or Mahdi running a gauntlet.  Now THAT will get somebody's attention.  IMO

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Samson:  Trump's President: Iraq is keen to establish balanced relations with all

22nd January, 2020

The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, confirmed today, Wednesday, to the American President, that the Iraqi government is keen to establish balanced relations with all, while the two sides discussed reducing the American forces in Iraq. 

A statement issued by the President's Office received "Al-Akhbariya, a copy of it," that "Saleh met today with US President Donald Trump to discuss international issues and events in the region," noting that "the meeting came within the schedule of a series of daily meetings with a number of leaders and heads of state." He noted that "Saleh held in-depth discussions with Trump, on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum in Davos," stressing "the need to intensify international efforts to establish security and stability at the international and regional levels."

He pointed out that "consolidating and strengthening them is the only way to ensure the achievement of a comprehensive peace in the region," stressing that "Iraq is keen to establish balanced relations with all friends and allies in a manner that enhances its sovereignty and respect for its independent decision and realizes the interests of the Iraqi people, and to continue economic development and reconstruction and not to allow it to be transformed." Iraq into an arena for conflict and settling accounts."

For his part, the American President renewed his country's support for the stability of Iraq and its keenness on strengthening common relations and expanding the volume of cooperation between Iraq and the United States in a manner that serves the interests of the two peoples, valuing the pivotal Iraqi role in the region.

The statement pointed out that "the two sides examined the presence and reduction of foreign forces in the country, and the importance of respecting the demands of the Iraqi people in preserving national sovereignty and ensuring security and stability."   LINK


Samson:  Russian official: Whoever disagrees with America seeks to buy gold

17:40 - 01/22/2020

The amount of Russian reserves of gold increased by 159 tons in 2019, to 2270.56 tons, thus the country increased the gap between it and China, which ranks sixth (1948 tons) and at the same time narrowed the difference with Italy and France (2452 tons and 2436 tons, respectively).

While Germany, which occupies the second position with a reserve size of 3370 tons of gold, is still significantly ahead of its closest followers, the gold reserves of the United States of America is similar to the reserves of the three countries in the ranks that follow, together with a reserve of 8133.5 tons.

According to the information of the Russian Central Bank, gold has been purchased this year regularly to support the reserve, which included strengthening the country’s place in the rating.

"Gold is bought permanently by those countries that have problems with the United States, in addition to Russia, and large quantities of gold are bought by Turkey and Indonesia, for example," Alexei Vyazovsky, deputy head of the "Golden Currency House" company in Russia, said in a press interview. The example, as well as the clear interest that other big countries place on gold.

"As for the purchase of gold by Russia, work in this direction will continue, even if it is not at the level of the size it was in the past year and before, and with the waning of economic problems and the disposal of the imposed sanctions, the subject of buying gold has become, the developed countries maintain from half to a third of their reserves It is a precious metal, not just gold. If we reach this indicator, we can say that our economy is close to that of developed countries.

According to experts, Russia is still the largest buyer of gold, in 2019 its purchases of gold accounted for more than 20% of all purchases of this precious metal in the reserves of countries.   LINK

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