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KTFA Members "News and Views" Tuesday 4-12-2022


Clare:  GREAT! NOW DO IT!.....

Samson:  Al-Zamili: We will ask the government to send the 2022 budget

12th April, 2022

Today, Tuesday, the First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hakim Al-Zamili, announced a request to the government to send the 2022 budget.

Al-Zamili said in a statement to the official channel, which was reviewed by Mawazine News, that "the House of Representatives will ask the current government to prepare and send the 2022 budget."

The Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Shakhwan Abdullah Ahmed, confirmed earlier that the Parliament is continuing its work and performing its legislative and oversight tasks, and is awaiting sending the current year's budget.   LINK

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DCDriver:  Just a question. Doesn't it make more sense for the CBI to reinstate/revalue the currency before the budget is released? How do you calculate a budget with a new exchange rate and show it to the world if the new exchange rate is not shown first? IMO it doesn't seem like a good idea to show the budget before the CBI comes out with a rate.

GodLover:  Before the budget is released or Opened rather......sure I agree with that. Rate exposed prior to sending the budget to parliament, not so much. Certainly whatever the budget opens at, that will be what it is for the remainder of this year. God willing it is a new rate, but it is just speculation until proven otherwise.


Samson:  Al-Kazemi announces bold decisions to protect citizens

11th April, 2022

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi confirmed Monday, that the Food Security Law will provide for the conduct of the state's daily affairs, while announcing bold decisions to protect citizens.

He stressed, "We presented the draft food security law, and we must all cooperate as government and parliamentarians, and bear the responsibility for passing this law, in order to continue to cover the state's expenses." And he added, "We have a financial surplus, but we need a budget and its law.

The food security law will provide the daily management of the state's affairs, as well as electricity, services, health, education and food resources that the Iraqi citizen   LINK


DeepWoodz:  A couple things I find interesting. 

We’ve all seen the same articles and yet depending on who is talking, the term “caretaker” is used as a political tool. We also know there is nothing in the constitution concerning this matter as well. Even if you play the semantic word games that Zidan went over when he discussed this issue, and assume there is a difference between a caretaker and a normal government, there are no guidelines or limitations stipulated in the constitution as to the difference of powers. 

In this article you have Kadhimi proposing the Food Security Law that MUST be passed to protect the citizens but somehow he can’t do the same thing for the 2022 Budget Law?
We know they’ve had the budget ready since last year and they could certainly have presented it in October when they were supposed to.

Makes absolutely no sense besides being a stall tactic. The only common denominator I see are the Iranian influence. They didn’t want to reveal it to the last parliament because of them. They don’t want to reveal it yet until they finish the process of creating a government without Maliki in particular and Iranian influence in general. There are many articles denouncing outside interference, corruption, and terrorism. All of which speak to Iran. 

Sadr has made it very loud and clear he will not allow Maliki to be a part of the government going forward. There is a path forward with the two largest blocks and a bloc from the Kurds. The Save the Homeland alliance is the winner and from the sounds of recent articles….Kadhimi will be the PM again. 

PS…I think this is why Frank said they need to seat the government. He also said Kadhimi will be the PM again.   IMO


Samson:  Al-Kazemi’s spokesman: The arrest of a very important leader in ISIS

11th April, 2022

The spokesman for the Commander-in-Chief of the Iraqi Armed Forces announced on Monday the arrest of eight terrorists, including a "very important" leader of ISIS, during separate operations in separate areas of the country.

The spokesman for the Commander in Chief, Major General Yahya Rasoul, said in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, that "the anti-terrorist apparatus carried out a duty in Anbar Governorate, which resulted in the arrest of three ISIS terrorists after reaching them according to accurate intelligence information."

Major General Rasoul added, "A special force carried out the duty to arrest two important ISIS elements in Kirkuk Governorate, and succeeded in arresting them in record time." He pointed out that "the Counter-Terrorism Service also brought two wanted ISIS terrorists, after coordinating with the General Directorate of Combating Terrorism in Erbil."

Major General Rasoul pointed out that "the Counter-Terrorism Service has arrested a very important leader in the ISIS gangs, which will be announced in due course."  LINK

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Samson:  Abdul-Mahdi and Khazali discuss a series of files, including the Chinese agreement and the Silk Road

11th April, 2022

The Secretary-General of Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq Movement, Qais Khazali, discussed, on Monday, with former Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi, the political and economic situation in Iraq and ways to get out of the current political impasse.  

And the media office of Asa'ib said in a statement, "Nass" received a copy of it, (April 11, 2022), that "the Secretary-General of the Asa'ib Ahl al-Haq movement, Qais al-Khazali, visited during his Ramadan tours, Adel Abdul-Mahdi in his office in Baghdad."  

During the meeting, they discussed "the overall political and economic situation in Iraq and ways to get out of the current political impasse."   The statement indicated that "the focus during the meeting was on the need to address the economic crisis that the country is witnessing and to invest the financial liquidity that resulted from the rise in oil prices."  

The two parties stressed, "It is necessary for the next government, whatever it may be, to focus on reviving the economic situation in Iraq, and that the file of the Chinese agreement, especially the Silk Road, be a priority away from political strife, and that this demand be based on a national sovereign decision."  

At the end of the meeting, the two sides commended the "people's efforts being made to advance the Silk Road project and the Chinese agreement, and the continuous education to remove this great project and its great importance will contribute to advancing the Iraqi economy forward."   LINK


Samson:  Industry : Iraq is the world's first in sulfur reserves

12th April, 2022

Today, Tuesday, the Ministry of Industry and Minerals confirmed that Iraq is the world's first in sulfur reserves, while noting that the sedimentary sulfur reserves in the Mishraq fields amount to more than 400 million tons

The media center of the Ministry of Industry and Minerals stated, in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the General Company for Sulfur Al-Mishraq affiliated with the Ministry of Industry and Minerals is the only one specialized in extracting and purifying sulfur through the fields located in Nineveh Governorate," noting that "the sedimentary sulfur reserves in the fields of Al-Mishraq is the first in the world, with a limit of more than 400 million tons

He explained, "The sulfur industry started since 1971, and the sulfur produced in the General Company for Al-Mishraq Sulfur played a major role in supporting the national economy through what is exported to neighboring countries, as well as supporting the local fertilizer industry," noting that "after 2003 it stopped the production of sulfur in the company as a result of the events in that period, including the bombing and sabotage acts that affected the company’s facilities and led to the complete suspension of work there.

He added, "The company has started preparing a feasibility study for the rehabilitation of the refined sulfur production line, but the costs are exorbitant to implement the rehabilitation process and return production," noting that "the company worked on the early stages of rehabilitating the project through the allocations granted on the investment plan

He continued, "In 2010, the company, in accordance with the amounts of the allocations, set import priorities and purchased materials, machinery and equipment, as it was able to purchase specialized sulfur wells excavators, and a specialized sulfur filtration unit, as well as purchasing a steam boiler unit, water pumps and specialized pipes.

He pointed out, "It was hoped to complete the equipping and rehabilitation of all production lines and the trial operation of the project in 2015, but the entry of terrorist gangs into Nineveh Governorate in 2014 prevented this, as the company was exposed to the theft of most of the materials and equipment and the destruction of the company's infrastructure

He stressed, "The company started for the second time in 2017, preparing an economic and technical feasibility study and preparing an integrated investment file for the project to produce refined sulfur in its current reality, but the project stopped. He explained that "the Office of the Prime Minister directed in the year 2020 a letter that includes directing the Prime Minister to leave the decision regarding the investment of mineral resources to the next government," noting that "the company is awaiting the appropriate decision regarding it

The company submitted, “proposals for the purpose of resuming production and industry of sulfur, including providing the necessary allocations on the investment plan for the purpose of completing the installation and installation of previously purchased equipment, as well as preparing and rehabilitating the industrial areas of the refined sulfur production line, which cost about 179 billion dinars, in addition to obtaining approvals from the central government to present the project.” As an investment opportunity for investors   LINK

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