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KTFA Members "News and Views" Sunday 3-28-2021


FromBelgium:  Hi. Has anyone noticed what our newest WOW-article (FA 749) REALLY says?

"The last statement of the Minister of Finance - Ali Allawi - to make the price of every 1{00} dollars equal to 3{00} thousand dinars, as it was before 2003"every 1{00} dollars equal to 3{00} THOUSAND dinars”

Does any one know why it says "3 thousand" Dinars? I even saw someone repost this article with the word "thousand" removed. I guess it really looks better without the word thousand. But I would like to know why it is there in the original article... IMO  

Iobey777: YES!! I noticed it and was Very excited to see it!! As FRANK has told us often, they have recalculated,recalculated and recalculated the numbers of the rate! Perhaps they have “different “ rates for different circumstances! IMO, we have been told the 1-1 rate is for in the country of Iraq..I believe it could be higher outside of Iraq due to the demand and interest of the market. Wouldn’t that be just a wonderful blessing?! I think so and am it is so! I believe we will soon have our answers! Blessings!

McDan:  I have not seen the original post , but if true there is a change .  The 3000 Dinar to one dollar comes to .  .0003333.  Drop the 3 zero and you have a rate of .33 or the $ 3.33 rate adjusted to the Dollar IMO

Billuke:  This is what the actual article says: "The last statement of the Minister of Finance - Ali Allawi - to make the price of every 100 dollars equal to 300 thousand dinars, as it was before 2003, ..."     FA 749   LINK

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Samson:  Three governorates will be shut down tomorrow on the occasion of the birth of Imam Al Mahdi {PBUH}

03/28/2021 14:45:23

Three governorates announced today, Sunday, that the official working hours will be suspended for tomorrow, on the occasion of the anniversary of the commemoration of the popular visit.

The governor of Diwaniyah, Zuhair Ali Al-Shaalan, decided in a statement that Al-Furat News received a copy of, "suspending the official working hours for tomorrow, Monday, except for the service, health, security and education departments."

For his part, Karbala Governor Nassif Al-Khattabi announced, "the official working hours will be suspended tomorrow, Monday, on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the Imam Al-Mahdi, with the exception of service departments." To this extent, Diyala governorate decided to suspend the official working hours on Monday, with the exception of schools to sit for exams. The governorate of Maysan announced this morning that the official working hours will be suspended for tomorrow, Monday.

According to a document issued by the governor of Maysan Ali Dawai obtained by {Al Furat News}, it was decided to "suspend the official working hours in Maysan governorate tomorrow, Monday 3/29/2021, on the occasion of the birth anniversary of the awaited Imam Al-Mahdi (may God bless him), except for the Maysan Education Directorate for the conduct of exams for students."   LINK


Samson:  The budget .. agrees to the region’s share and a meeting to put the final touches before voting on it

28th March, 2021

The Parliamentary Finance Committee announced, on Sunday, that the political blocs and the Kurdish delegation agree on the article on the region in the budget law.

Committee reporter Ahmed Al-Saffar said, "There has been agreement on Article 11 in the 2021 budget between the region’s delegation and the parliamentary blocs."

He added, "The Finance Committee holds a meeting to finalize the paragraphs on which amendments have been made in the 2021 budget before the voting session this evening."  LINK



Samson:  Parliamentary meeting and preference ... the latest developments in the Iraqi budget

28th March, 2021
Dylan Ghafour, a deputy from the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, suggested, on Sunday, that the political blocs had reached an agreement on the financial budget for Iraq for the year 2021.

According to her party's media, Ghafour said, "The Presidency of the Council of Representatives meets today at six o'clock in the evening before the special session. In the budget, "explaining that" the meeting of the Finance Committee is still continuing regarding points of disagreement in the draft law."

She added, "The political blocs are getting closer to agreeing on the budget," and the bill is likely to be passed tonight.   LINK


Samson:  Al-Abadi Describes The Decision To Devalue The Dinar As A Mistake, And To Withdraw It Is A Virtue

28th March, 2021

The leader of the "victory" coalition, former Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, called on Sunday the federal government and parliament to backtrack on the decision to reduce the value of the Iraqi dinar in front of hard currency, describing this decision as a "mistake" and retracting it a "virtue."

"The dollar is in the hands of the rich, and the dinar is the hand of the poor. They lower the value of the dinar, and they raise the value of the dollar, so that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, then divide my dizzy," said Al-Abadi. How do you judge ?!"

And he added, "I call on the deputies and the government to stand with the weak and to take the right for them. Pride does not lead you to sin, for retreating from a mistake is a virtue."

Bashir Al-Haddad, Deputy Speaker of the Iraqi Parliament, said yesterday, Saturday, in a press conference that the government and most of the members of the Finance Committee kept the exchange rate in its current position and that the price of the dollar against the dinar would not be reduced. The Central Bank of Iraq had decided to raise the price of selling the dollar to banks and exchange companies to 1460 dinars, from 1182 dinars to the dollar, with the aim of compensating for the decline in oil revenues caused by the deterioration of oil prices.

It is noteworthy that all the prices of materials and commodities witnessed a significant increase in the local market with the devaluation of the dinar, which sparked a wave of resentment among the people and some of the political bloc, in addition to the objections of some economically interested people. The security authorities imposed strict follow-up measures on the prices of local and imported goods and goods in stores and markets, while reducing the value of the Iraqi dinar against hard currency, specifically the US dollar, at the end of 2020.

The Iraqi Ministry of Planning estimates that the poverty rate has risen to more than 30 percent, due to the repercussions of the Coronavirus pandemic, which has placed the country in a stifling financial crisis. Iraq is under great pressure under the weight of the worst economic crisis it has witnessed since 2003 until now due to the low oil prices and the outbreak of the Corona virus.   LINK

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Manu68:  In all honesty, IMO i think this back and forth shenanigans regarding the budget is really waiting on timing with what is happening with your US politics.

Trump has worked hard on setting up peace deals with the middle east - the fact that these ME countries are still adhering to those business deals shows Biden has no pull or respect from them. Something is brewing and Trump did not set those up just to have Iranian/China puppet Biden and his cronies take the credit or syphon funds out of an Iraq RI and do more damage.

We haven't heard the last out of Trump that much you can bet the farm on. The date of the first phase Frank/WS mention could well be aligned with that.

Of course this is my opinion. If this is in God's plan and this RI will usher in the start of the end times then timing is key here. 


Samson:  Al-Tamimi: This is what happened during the parliamentary finance meeting with the government regarding the budget

03/27/2021 20:44:04

 A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Magda Al-Tamimi, revealed, Saturday, what happened during the meeting of the Finance Committee with the government regarding the 2021 budget.

 Al-Tamimi said in a statement, "The continuation of the meeting of the Finance Committee for a period of eight hours in the presence of the Minister of Finance, Oil, Trade, Planning, Labor and Social Affairs and the Minister of Electricity, as well as the Chairman of the Federal Service Council. The Deputy Minister of Finance and Director General of the Ministry of Commerce also participated in the meeting. She indicated that "among the outcomes of the meeting was an increase in the financial allocations for the ration card by 500 billion dinars in addition to what is in the budget."

Al-Tamimi called for "the necessity to change the mechanism of distributing the ration food basket by adopting the electronic card, which would contribute to eliminating corruption in the ration card file, as well as reduce transportation and storage costs and give the citizen freedom to choose the goods he wants at the time he desires."

Al-Tamimi indicated that she had "called for doubling the salaries of those covered by social care and people with disabilities." She stressed, according to the statement, "the necessity of monitoring prices in the local markets to control them by activating the supervisory role of the concerned authorities." LINK


Samson: US reports: Biden is preparing to raise taxes on corporations and the rich

28th March, 2021

US press reports revealed, on Sunday, that the Biden administration is ready to raise taxes on companies and the rich to finance the development of the country's infrastructure.

"The president's infrastructure development proposals likely require trillions of dollars in new tax revenue, and they give liberals an opportunity to address what they describe as Republican tax-cut failures," the New York Times said in a report today.

 "Democrats have spent the last several years demanding tax increases on corporations and the rich, seeing them as a necessary antidote to widening economic inequality and a rebuke for Trump's signature on tax cuts," the newspaper pointed out.

 She pointed out that "Democrats now, under Biden, have a chance to launch the largest federal tax increase since 1942, and it could help pay for a set of spending programs that liberal economists expect will boost economic performance and reform the tax law that encourages the rich to boost their wealth and businesses." Great on bookings of profits abroad."

The newspaper believes that "the question now is whether Democrats in Congress and the White House can agree on how taxes should rise significantly and who exactly should pay the bill." The Democrats broadly share the goal of rolling back the tax cuts approved by Trump in 2017, but they have yet to agree on the details, and because the Republicans have likely not supported their efforts, they have no room for error in the Senate deeply divided between the two parties.   LINK

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