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KTFA Members "News and Views" Saturday PM 9-12-2020


Samson:  Shankali: Iraq will witness an economic collapse .. The distribution of salaries is not an achievement

12th September, 2020

The leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Majid Shankali, confirmed, on Saturday, that Iraq will witness an economic and financial collapse within a short period.

Shankali said in a tweet on Twitter: "The 2020 budget deficit is close to 81 trillion dinars. If the situation continues in this way, Iraq will witness an economic and financial collapse within a short period."

He added, "The sale of oil and borrowing to pay salaries and expenses cannot be called government achievement. Reform requires the radical eradication of corruption and not a conservative treatment of its complications."     LINK

Ryan1216:  Iraq has to very quickly raise the value of the IQD….imo

Osmosis:  It's like they don't have a clue what the solution is.......IMO

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Samson:  An Iraqi delegation will visit Kuwait tomorrow to discuss these files

10:09 - 12/09/2020

The Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Qabas reported, on Saturday, that an Iraqi delegation will visit Kuwait tomorrow, Sunday, to discuss several files related to the two sides.

The newspaper stated, in a news briefed by the information, that “The Senior Undersecretary of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Abdul Karim Hashem, arrives in the country tomorrow heading the Iraqi delegation, which will attend the meeting of the follow-up committee concerned with examining what has been achieved of what was agreed upon in the Kuwaiti-Iraqi Joint Higher Committee, which was postponed at the end of Father".

She added, "The meeting will be held the day after tomorrow, Sunday, and the Kuwaiti side will be chaired by Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah," noting that "the most important files that will be discussed are the demarcation of maritime borders, the opening of land ports, commercial and economic exchange, terrorism and compensation, in addition to the security challenges in the region." 

MilitiaMan:  Timing is very well in sync.. imo ~ MM


Samson:  Parliamentary Finance: The current budget is operating par excellence, and the government cannot borrow externally

17:36 - 10/09/2020

The Parliamentary Finance Committee indicated, on Thursday, that the federal budget bill for the year 2020 is an operational budget only.

Committee reporter Ahmed Al-Saffar said to / the information /, that “the federal budget bill for the year 2020 is an operating budget par excellence, in addition to that it does not have sufficient cover for ten months,” pointing out that “external borrowing can only be done for an investment project, as borrowing is considered Government failure and tampering with public money”.

He added that "the volume of debts owed by the government has reached 25 billion dollars abroad, 85 trillion internal dinars," noting that "the government borrows from countries that do not have resources, and this is unfortunate."

The Ministry of Planning referred the budget for the year 2020 to the Council of Ministers for approval, and then referred it to the House of Representatives for approval so that the borrowing law could be approved in order to release the entitlements of employees and citizens for the remaining months of the current year, confirming work with the relevant authorities to prepare the 2021 budget.


MilitiaMan:  "The big difference between government debt and sovereign debt is that government debt is issued in the domestic currency, while sovereign debt is issued in a foreign currency. The loan is guaranteed by the country of issue."

So in the article above they speak of Debt. They speak of they cannot borrow externally for the budget to pay salaries, it is for investment projects. They say the have 25 billion in debt. That is Sovereign Debt, the other 85 Trillion is their currency issued. imo CBI site shows less imo.. But none the less, they are telling us how much they have real close in both categories. 

Then they talk about the 2020 budget where they COM was given it for approval and the next leg is for the HoR approval to release the entitlements of employees and citizens for the remaining months for this year. But, take note the Budget is not for 3 months, but, the whole year.

That is very telling. It means imo that the whole year will not be at 1/12th each month for the whole year. Thus, we could may see the 2019 FMLA associated with the 2020 to then prepare the 2021.. imo ~ Again, we shall watch the next few days... imo ~ MM

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7-FA:  The White House

Foreign Policy

September 11, 2020

“Now that the ice has been broken, I expect more Arab and Muslim countries will follow the United Arab Emirates’ lead.”

President Donald J. Trump

SECURING ANOTHER HISTORIC AGREEMENT: President Donald J. Trump has brokered a deal to establish full diplomatic relations between Bahrain and Israel – the second such agreement between Israel and an Arab nation in less than one month.

Israel and Bahrain have committed to begin the exchange of embassies and ambassadors, start direct flights between their countries, and launch cooperation initiatives across a broad range of sectors.

This peace deal is a significant step forward for both Israel and Bahrain.

It further enhances their security while creating opportunities for them to deepen their economic ties.

This deal comes on the heels of the historic normalization agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are the first Arab nations to normalize relations with Israel in more than 25 years.

The United States will continue to support the people of Bahrain as they work to counter terrorism and extremism, develop economically, and build new peaceful partnerships across the region.

CREATING THE CONDITIONS FOR PEACE: President Trump’s wise foreign policy strategy has created the conditions for peace between Israel and its neighbors.

When President Trump took office, the Middle East was in a state of extreme turmoil.

President Trump has worked to rebuild trust with our regional partners and identify their shared interests, moving them away from the conflicts of the past.

Thanks to the President’s bold foreign policy vision and his acumen as a dealmaker, nations across the region are realizing the benefits of his thoughtful approach.

As the President’s work continues, more Arab and Muslim countries will likely seek to normalize relations with Israel.

Each country that normalizes relations will build upon the other, bringing peace and prosperity to the region and the people who live there.

AN UNPRECEDENTED REGIONAL TRANSFORMATION: After decades of instability and crisis, nations across the Middle East and Africa are increasingly working together to build a more peaceful and prosperous future.

Thanks to President Trump’s leadership, the Arab world is experiencing the most rapid geopolitical transformation in more than a generation.

As more countries normalize relations with Israel, the region is becoming more stable, secure, and prosperous.

Expanded business and financial ties between economies will accelerate growth and economic opportunity across the region.

Agreements with Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates also help to advance President Trump’s vision for finding a fair and lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

The United States will continue to stand with the people of the region as they work to build a brighter, more hopeful future.

View Original Content: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-brokered-historic-deal-israel-kingdom-bahrain/

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