Dinar Recaps

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KTFA Members "News and Views" Friday PM 9-13-19


Tivon:  The International Iraqi airport is supposed to open on Oct 1st.

Also on that date the new Iraq/NASDAQ deal for trade is supposed to start on Oct 1st.

Not to mention that is also the new fiscal year.

The Private Banks are supposed to be opening before the end of next week. So with all of that said regarding those three pivotal events I don't know how Iraq will be able to escape this month without reinstating their currency ASAP.

Dragging this out beyond the 15th would be ridiculous given what lies ahead. 


Inspired:  For those who still have problem grasping (like I did) why Iraq needs 1000 Fils perhaps the following may help:

Currently, a loaf of bread (500gms) in Baghdad costs about 1246 IQD (US$1.05). When the RI/RV happens, instead of paying1246 IQD, they will pay 1 Dinar and 246 Fils.

Similarly, a pound of potatoes is about 361 IQD. When the rate changes, they need only pay 361 Fils. How much simpler can it get?? Over time, these goods will get cheaper as the value of the IQD increases INTERNATIONALLY.

Personally, I suspect the highest denoms in Fils will be 100 so carrying a few loose change wont be such a drama and a common occurence world wide.

Kuwait also has 1000 Fil = 1 Kuwaiti Dinar so it's not exactly that the CBI had an Einstein moment and wanted to introduce something special.


Coco:   September 22, 2019 will be exactly 15 years since their currency was placed at a program rate.  It is the last day of summer and falls on a Sunday.    Many revaluations of currencies take place in the third week of the month and Iraq in particular April or September.  IMO

MW:  Also... didn't Kim Clement mention in one of his videos that it will be in the FALL....I don't remember the exact words but it was something about the Fall... and Fall starts on the 23rd!!   Just a thought!!!

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2Cents:  I thought it may be a good time to bring this article out of the FA thread......



Iraq discloses designs for redenominated banknotes slated for July 2013

Jul 21, 2012 08:17 AM Category: Middle East

According to Iraq's semi-official Alsabaah newspaper, the finance committee received specimens of the new Iraq banknotes from the Central Bank of Iraq.

The specimens were of the 25, 50, 100, and 200 dinars. The committee urged the central bank to delay the introduction of the new currency from January 2013 to July 2013 to study all the aspects of the process.

Other Iraqi media reports state that the new currency will be issued in denominations of 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 dinars for banknotes and 25, 50, 100, 250, and 500 fils, plus 1 and 2 dinars for coins. The designs have been already chosen for banknotes and coins:

5 dinars: Beck waterfall and palm tree

10 dinars: dinar coin minted in the reign of the Umayyad dynasty and lighthouse Hadba in Mosul

25 dinars: King Hammurabi receiving the law and farming of Iraqi Kurdistan

50 dinars: King Codaa and Fort Ukhaydir

100 dinars: Central Bank building in Azwaip area in Baghdad and ziggurat

200 dinars: bridge and school


Samson:  Saleh calls the Emir of Kuwait and reassured about his health

2019/1309  8:51 

The President of the Republic Barham Saleh, on Thursday evening, a phone call with the Amir of the State of Kuwait Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah to check on his health.

Saleh wished the Emir continued good health and safety, and the Kuwaiti people continued prosperity and progress. For his part, the Emir of Kuwait expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation to His Excellency for the good feelings and sincere prayers, wishing him good health and well-being and the Iraqi people prosperity and security.

The emir left a hospital in the United States after completing successful medical tests. Sheikh Sabah had been admitted to a US hospital to complete medical tests, the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) said on Sunday.   LINK

Popeye7:  Was there more to this visit than just a checkup?... Hmmmmm....

Samson:  There was an article two threads ago that the Emir had a meeting planned with Trump but due to the hospital tests it was cancelled/postponed.  It may have gone ahead.

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Samson:   Activating a memorandum of understanding between Iraq and the World Tourism Organization

9/13/19 17:37

The delegation of the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Antiquities represented by the head of the Tourism Authority, Hamoud Mohsen Hassan, participant in the meetings of the General Assembly, met with the Director General of Relations at the World Tourism Organization (Marcelo).

A statement by the Ministry of Culture received a copy of the agency (Euphrates News), that "was addressed the importance of the management and presidency of the Iraqi side of the meetings of the twenty-third session as a vice president of the General Assembly."

The statement added, "The Iraqi delegation also met with the regional director of the Middle East Committee of the Organization (Basma al-Maiman), which stressed the importance of the active role played by Iraq in the organization." He pointed out, "It was agreed during the meeting to activate the memorandum of understanding between Iraq and the World Tourism Organization in order to develop the tourist reality."   LINK


Don961:  The rationality of politics… Adel Abdul Mahdi reaps the fruits of Iraq

- 10 Hours Have Passed

It seems that the meetings of the Iraqi Council of Representatives next week will witness serious discussions on the impact of the levels of US-Iranian escalation in the region, and the effects of that escalation on Iraq, there are three important issues will be raised on the first sessions of the Council: the file of the exit of US forces and the international coalition from Iraq, and the second: Concerning the discussion of the strategic framework agreement signed between the United States of America and Iraq, since its signing until now, it is not clear who is responsible for the protection of Iraqi airspace, is it an Iraqi responsibility, or it is an American responsibility, and the third file: concerns the possibility of accountability The staff of the Iraqi government ministers or some of them.

With regard to the exit of US troops from Iraq, it is known that Iraq's money from oil revenues is kept in the US Federal Reserve, which is responsible for the money of Iraq, and in this context, a law or resolution issued by the House of Representatives in the direction of removing US troops from Iraq, may lead President Donald Trump, through the US Treasury Department, has imposed harsh and multilateral measures.

For example, all Iraqi money will be subject to prosecution. It is now protected by presidential decree based on the security agreement between Iraq and the United States. The reparations file, as well as accusations against Iraq of supporting terrorism, and the losses of US companies will be reopened before 2003, and Iraqi funds will be withheld until the cases are resolved, let alone stop sending the dollar currency to Iraq, which will stop many obligations, and Iraq is unable within two to three months. Pay the salaries of his employees, especially those of embassies abroad,

The Iraqi Council of Representatives must think deeply before taking any decision or law that may constitute a devastation on the security and economy of Iraq, and it must also stem from that its decisions and laws are in harmony with the higher interests of the Iraqi people, and not down at the interests of the US or Iran, it is a House of Representatives representing the Iraqi people Under the dome of the Council does not represent Tehran or Washington by proxy, the Iraqi people will not accept to be locked in decisions or laws that increase their economic suffering, if the Iraqi Council of Representatives issued that resolution or law, everyone in Iraq is a loser and the Iraqi political class.

Therefore, there must be a dialogue between the financial, security and defense committees emanating from the House of Representatives, the Prime Minister and the Governor of the Central Bank to reach political, legal and economic understandings to avoid Iraq risks.

As for the strategic framework agreement, so far it is ambiguous between the Iraqi government and the Iraqi Council of Representatives on the one hand, and the United States of America on the other hand, on the body responsible for the protection of Iraqi airspace, according to the strategic framework does not have a legal formula that indicates that the United States of America is There is no legal formula that Iraq may ask the United States to provide assistance to protect Iraqi airspace.

According to some observers of the Iraqi issue that the Strategic Framework Agreement and the withdrawal of forces signed in 2008, confirmed the responsibility of US forces to protect the airspace of Iraq after 45 thousand feet, but below it is the responsibility of the Iraqi government, and that all drones - Aldron - fly within a lesser extent Of 45,000 feet, which is within the responsibility of the Iraqi government.

Therefore, the Iraqi government and the US administration represented by its embassy in Baghdad must put the points on the letters to know the limits of that agreement and the consequences of a party of responsibility, and this requires them to be a high degree of clarity and credibility.

The third file concerns the questioning and questioning of the Iraqi Council of Representatives by some ministers, which may amount to the dismissal or resignation of Iraqi Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi.

"Sairoun" led by Mr. Moqtada al-Sadr, and "conquest" led by Hadi al-Amiri backed by the Popular Mobilization, after a parliamentary-judicial controversy over the designation of the "largest bloc", which is constitutionally entitled to nominate the prime minister, where some parties went Iraq to consider that the international regional settlement that protects the government is coming to an end as a result of the escalation of Iranian-American tension in the region, which was reflected directly on the relationship of the «crowd» government, and its refusal to abide by its decisions, especially on how to respond to air strikes to its bases, but attempts «crowd» The rebellion against state institutions soon opened Late to the internal crisis between the poles, it showed a lack of cohesion and revealed a weaker position before the weapons claim to limit the Iraqi majority, however, the state and abide by the decisions of the Iraqi sovereign currents of conflict

However, this crisis and this conflict between the poles of the government gave the president a new maneuver margin, which enables him to fortify his position, and improve his conditions, after the attempts of the settlement parties to impose its agenda on the work of the government, at a critical stage where the level of criticism of the government, and increased call to account after ten days It was formed in October last year.

The Iraqi constitution guaranteed the Iraqi parliament the right to question and question the Iraqi government, and it is the government of its ministries accused of corruption issues, and who accuse the government of this, are already members of that government, while Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi does not have a minister in the ministry or a deputy in the House of Representatives calculated On his political current, then who is corrupt ?!

However, Adel Abdel Mahdi scores important points in his favor, easing the pressure on him, giving him an opportunity that may not be repeated, helping him to rearrange his priorities, and move faster steps towards achieving some slogans of reform, and independence, albeit limited, in making decisions, taking advantage of a group Political factors have surfaced on the surface of the settlement.A wide segment of the Iraqi street in all its categories and colors is betting on its ability to expand its margin and liberate it from internal and regional constraints.It is an important reformist warrior for years against the big and funny restrictions imposed by the militants inside and outside the Iraqi parliament.

At this critical stage in Iraq's history, it is in dire need of a multidimensional roadmap to get out of its crises. The threatening and intimidating approach does not address deep crises in the body of the Iraqi political system, but are tools that may be legal to gain time or gain only phases. The ministry promises accountability and interrogation and may reach the level of dismissal, is the holder of the positions and privileges in it, and is also the body that runs the ministry through its economic offices.

In practice, Iraqi concern over the future of the government is rising, and at this stage neither society nor political parties or elites are ready to enter into a political vacuum that may occur as a result of the overthrow of the government and the difficulty of choosing an alternative if it is impossible. Alongside the reformist warrior, Adel Abdul Mahdi, who, through his rational policies, managed to spare Iraq from entering the US-Iran conflict, which is witnessing a relative breakthrough, and with his good national stance in avoiding polarization in the US-Iranian conflict

Adel Abdul Mahdi feels his strong position because he is aware of Each deep that this conflict must end at the negotiating table, and that Iraq not be the loser of that conflict, Iraq is in his reign has good relations with both Washington and Tehran. Therefore, we reiterate that all Iraqi political forces should stand by Adel Abdul Mahdi in order for Iraq to reap the fruits of its rational policies at home and abroad.

Iraqi Studies Unit

Links Center for Research and Strategic Studies   link


 Don961:   Baghdad is preparing to receive world leaders

Friday 13 September 2019

Baghdad / morning

Baghdad is preparing to host several visitors and senior officials from around the world, including French President Emmanuel Macron, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and other Arab and international figures. 

The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova, announced that Minister Sergei Lavrov will pay a working visit to Iraq on October 7-8. .

During the visit, the two sides will exchange views on the pivotal aspects of the Middle East agenda, focusing on the situation in Iraq, Syria and the Gulf region. They will also discuss the situation surrounding Iran and the developments in the Palestinian territories.

Zakharova said that special attention will be given to developing cooperation between Iraq and Russia in the fight against terrorism and the spread of religious extremism. In addition, a member of the Iraqi Economic Council expert Ghadeer al-Attar, an upcoming visit to French President Emmanuel Macron to Baghdad soon to discuss several economic files, including the signing of a contract «Baghdad train suspended». 

Al-Attar said in a press statement, received «morning» a copy: The «French President Emmanuel Macron will visit the capital Baghdad during the three months of this year at the head of a high-level delegation of government ministers and businessmen French», stressing that «the French president will sign a contract ( Baghdad train suspended) with the Iraqi government.

He added that «Macron's visit will witness the discussion of trade exchange between Paris and Baghdad with the presidents, ministers and parliament as well as the activation of economic agreements between the two countries», and pointed out that «Macron will also discuss the subject of facilitating Iraq and overcome obstacles for the entry of French companies to invest in Iraq, in addition to the facilitation process Iraqis enter France. 

Prime Minister Adel Abdul-Mahdi discussed with Turkish Ambassador to Baghdad Fatih Yildiz last Wednesday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's upcoming visit to Iraq. 

An official source told Al-Sabah that a high-level Lebanese government delegation headed by Lebanese Minister of Economy and Trade Mansour Bteish will visit Baghdad on the 7th of October next for three days to discuss the joint economic files between the two countries.    link

Iobey777:   PRAYING THIS IS POST RI!!!!!

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