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KTFA, Judy, Currency365 and more Sunday PM 1-24-2021


Samson::  An Iraqi representative delegation headed by Al-Halbousi will visit Kuwait tomorrow (today)

23rd January, 2021
An Iraqi parliamentary delegation headed by Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi will head to the State of Kuwait on Sunday, according to a parliamentary source.

The source told Shafaq News, "The delegation includes deputies from different political blocs, most notably Adnan Al-Zarfi, Ala Talabani, Muhammad Al-Karbouli, Rami Al-Skiny and Laith Al-Dulaimi."

It was not immediately clear the purpose of the visit.  LINK

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Samson:  A deputy reveals an amount of 54 billion dinars owed by the international coalition forces for two hotels in Baghdad

24th January, 2021
Member of Parliament, Representative Jamal Al-Muhammadawi revealed, on Sunday, more than (54) billion dinars owed by the international coalition forces in favor of two large hotels in the capital, Baghdad, calling for their urgent recovery.

Al-Muhammadawi said in a press release received by Shafaq News; We sent an official letter to the Office of the Prime Minister / Iraq Funds Recovery Team, and we previously addressed the Ministry of Culture with a parliamentary question on (12/14/2020) regarding the amounts owed by the International Coalition Forces for the benefit of the Rasheed and Babil Tourist Hotels, which amount to (54,850) million dinars (fifty-four billion) Eight hundred million dinars), according to the reports of the Federal Office of Financial Supervision.

Al-Muhammadawi demanded "a statement of the procedures of the Prime Minister's Office / Fund Recovery Team regarding these sums." He called for "recovering them urgently, not neglecting in obtaining the money of the Iraqi people, and preparing a database of the amounts owed by the international coalition forces and setting up appropriate mechanisms to recover them."  LINK


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MilitiaMan    Article:  "Sumaisem: America will not pump dollars into Iraq, and dealings will be in the digital currency...and Baghdad is forced to comply with the recommendations of the international monetary 27th December, 2020"   FORCED to devalue to 1460... Then think FORCE means they had to get in sync with the region. They are once they delete the zeros...imo...So there by they were forced into it, which means they have no choice but to RI...imo.


RV Excerpts from Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 24 Jan. 2021

Compiled Sun. 24 Jan. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: There has been no new Intel on the GCR release since last Fri.

Bonds were to be in place by Sun. 24 Jan. so as to provide liquidity to Tiers 1-4A, B.

Tier 4B us, the Internet Group, could start at any time through Tues. 26 Jan. when 1.4 million notification emails for Tier 4B would go out from Wells Fargo servers.

Activation of the Emergency Broadcast System could come at any time, though a communication blackout was expected by Sun. evening 24 Jan. or Mon. morning 25 Jan. It was likely to be a rolling blackout where communications would be cut off for a short period of time in certain areas where arrests were being made.

The general public Tier 5 was scheduled to start exchanging after the RV became public on Wed. 27 Jan. – the date of the Global Currency Reset.

Quote of the Day: Imagine a world where YouTube, Twitter and Facebook merge to be known as YouTwittFace.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/01/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_24.html



Harambe:  Bloomberg: Iraq to Lower Oil Production to Compensate for OPEC Breach

Iraq plans to cut oil output in January and February to make up for breaching its OPEC+ quota last year, according to the state company that markets the nation’s crude.

OPEC’s second-biggest producer will pump around 3.6 million barrels daily for the two months, according to Ali Nizar, the deputy head of SOMO. That would be the lowest level since 2015 and compares with around 3.85 million in December, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.


Exports, including those from the semi-autonomous northern region of Kurdistan, will be slightly more than 3 million barrels a day during the period, Nizar said in an interview in Baghdad, the capital. The figure for last month was almost 3.3 million.

Baghdad’s ability to meet these targets depends on whether the Kurdistan Regional Government agrees to reduce supplies from fields under its control, Nizar said. The central government has complained in the past that it can’t control Kurdish production.

The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries and partners such as Russia, an alliance known as OPEC+, agreed in April to slash output and bolster oil prices, which had been hammered by the spread of the coronavirus. Saudi Arabia criticized Iraq and other members including Nigeria for pumping above their caps on several occasions and called on them to make compensatory cuts.

Iraq is still committed to the OPEC+ deal, which runs until next year, Nizar said.

Following Saudi

Its decision to pump less oil follows a similar move by Saudi Arabia earlier this month. With the virus still raging, the kingdom said it would reduce production in February and March by 1 million barrels daily, a surprise move that caused oil prices to rise.

Tanker-tracking data suggest Iraq is already selling less crude. Exports slipped to just over 3 million barrels daily in the first 15 days of January, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Benchmark Brent crude has almost tripled to around $55 a barrel since OPEC+ begun restricting supplies. But it’s still far short of what Iraq needs to balance its budget and bolster its economy. The International Monetary Fund forecast that Iraq’s gross domestic product would contract 12% in 2020, more than that of any other OPEC member under an output quota.

Storage in Asia

Iraq is mulling whether to build or use oil-storage facilities in Asia to reduce the risk of it not being able to send crude to its main customers, according to Nizar. Persian Gulf neighbors Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates already stockpile some of their crude in Japan, South Korea and India.

Most of Iraq’s oil has to pass through the Strait of Hormuz. Iranian forces have targeted tankers traversing the chokepoint several times since early 2019 and threatened in the past to block it.

Iraq plans to export an average of 1.1 million barrels a day of its new Basrah Medium grade, Nizar said. The first cargo was shipped this month.

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi’s cabinet is yet to sign off on a multibillion-dollar supply deal with China’s Zhenhua Oil Co., according to Nizar. Under the terms, SOMO will supply roughly 130,000 barrels a day of crude to for up to five years, with Zhenhua paying for the first year upfront.

The pre-payment oil contract, a first for Baghdad, underscored the government’s need for cash.


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Tough IQD Devaluation Questions For CBI GOV Soon

Currency365:  Jan 24, 2021


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