Dinar Recaps

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KTFA, Charlie Ward, X22 Reports and more Tuesday PM 12-22-2020


Samson:  The Central Iraqi sales are down by more than 43% in today's auction

22nd December 2020

The Central Bank of Iraq announced, on Tuesday, the sale of $ 113 million, with the participation of 22 banks.

The Central Bank of Iraq, during its auction for the sale and purchase of foreign currencies today, witnessed a decrease in its sales by 43.5% to reach 113 million 494 thousand and 784 dollars covered by the bank at a base exchange rate of 1460 dinars per dollar, compared to last Sunday, when sales reached 200 million and 507 thousand dollars.

The request was distributed by 113 million and 294 thousand and 784 dollars to enhance the funds abroad in the form of transfers and appropriations, while the rest of the 200 thousand dollars was distributed in the form of cash sale that was fully covered by the bank at an exchange rate of 1460 dinars per one dollar.

While none of the 22 banks made any offers to sell the dollar in the currency auction.   LINK

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JJimmyjj:  What a little jewel of an article. 

Frank told us they were expecting to triple the size of the currency auctions post-devaluation, yet, at least for this one day,  businesses and banks aren't following the plan. 

What if you throw a costume party,  but no one wears a costume except you? You take off your costume and ditch the theme. 

Well,  this article (and the one yesterday about speculators in Erbil buying dinar at a discount) says to me that the GOI can make all the plans they want to pull dinar off the streets by causing panic,  but at least for now,  the public isn't going along with it. 

IMO, they seem to be saying "we know your real plan is to revalue, not devalue, and we're tired of waiting for you to do it. Get a move on!"

That's a message I whole- heartedly agree with. 

DeepWoodz:  Your right Jimmy, it’s only been a day or two. Life will continue on though, they have been living with dollars for 18 years now, and will come back after their initial resistance. I think. There are about 10 days left so let’s watch. There will always be the stubborn, but eventually they will all meet in the streets together in January


Samson: IMF Recommendations on Iraq

22nd December 2020

IMF Staff Completes 2020 Article IV Mission with Iraq

End-of-Mission press releases include statements of IMF staff teams that convey preliminary findings after a visit to a country.

The views expressed in this statement are those of the IMF staff and do not necessarily represent the views of the IMF's Executive Board.

Based on the preliminary findings of this mission, staff will prepare a report that, subject to management approval, will be presented to the IMF's Executive Board for discussion and decision.

December 12, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic and the sharp decline in oil prices and output have aggravated Iraq's economic vulnerabilities. Real GDP growth this year is expected to contract by 11 percent amid a sharp widening of fiscal and external imbalances.

A comprehensive package of near-term economic policies anchored in a credible fiscal strategy is needed to overcome the health crisis, ensure economic stability, and protect the vulnerable.

Achieving durable and inclusive growth amid formidable challenges will require wide-ranging structural reforms aimed at strengthening public finances, improving governance, reforming the electricity sector, promoting private sector development, and ensuring financial sector stability.

An International Monetary Fund (IMF) team led by Tokhir Mirzoev held a virtual mission with the Iraqi authorities from November 11 to December 10, to conduct discussions for the 2020 Article IV consultation with Iraq.

At the end of the virtual mission, Mr. Mirzoev issued the following statement:

"The fallout of the COVID-19 pandemic and the sharp decline in oil prices and output have aggravated Iraq's economic vulnerabilities. Real GDP growth is expected at -11 percent in 2020, reflecting a contraction of oil output and an interruption of non-oil economic activity. The sharp decline in oil revenue is expected to widen the fiscal and external current account deficits to 20 and 16 percent of GDP respectively.

"A decisive recalibration of near-term economic policies will be critical to ensure macroeconomic stability and protect the vulnerable. Overcoming the health crisis is the highest priority. The next phase of the pandemic will require additional fiscal resources, including to acquire and distribute widely a viable vaccine, supported by a strong governance framework. A comprehensive policy package to reduce fiscal and external imbalances will be critical to relieve financing constraints and ensure debt sustainability, while safeguarding international reserves. In this context, fiscal efforts in the 2021 budget should target key areas of fiscal vulnerability, notably reversing the unsustainable expansion of wage and pension bills, reducing inefficient energy subsidies, and raising non-oil revenues. Protecting the vulnerable will be of paramount importance and requires boosting significantly the targeted cash transfers and expanding their coverage, as well as improving targeting of other parts of the social safety net.

"Achieving durable and inclusive medium-term growth amid formidable challenges and vulnerabilities will require sustained implementation of wide-ranging structural reforms. These reforms should aim at strengthening public finances to enable critical health and social expenditure needs, reforming the electricity sector, fighting corruption, and expanding institutional capacity. Uncertain medium-term oil market prospects and strong population growth further raise the urgency of advancing the reform agenda.

"Continued strengthening of public finances over the medium term would create much-needed fiscal space for development and social protection. A comprehensive civil service reform would strengthen the effectiveness of the public sector while reducing fiscal costs. Recalibration of the pension system is needed to ensure its sustainability. Stemming the electricity sector's mounting financial losses and reforming the sector will enhance service provision and ensure its financial viability. Overhauling the tax and customs policy and administration will help diversify fiscal revenues. These efforts should be combined with improvements in public financial management and reforms to minimize fiscal risks stemming from government guarantees and other contingent liabilities.

"Addressing governance weaknesses and reducing corruption will be vital for Iraq's future economic development. Simplification, digitalization, and greater transparency of key public services and institutions would reduce corruption risks, especially in public procurement. Alongside, strengthening audits, improving legal and regulatory frameworks in line with international standards and conventions, expanding capacity for risk-based supervision and enforcing compliance with AML/CFT rules will help strengthen public trust and investor sentiment.

"A decisive strategy to reform the large state-owned banks and level the playing field in the financial sector will enable private sector development and secure financial stability. In addition to strengthening control over these banks' governance and enhanced supervision, it will be important to perform an international audit of the large state-owned banks to inform options for their restructuring.

"The team exchanged views with senior officials of the Central Bank of Iraq (CBI) and the Ministry of Finance, members of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, as well other ministries, government agencies, and representatives from the civil society.

"The IMF team would like to thank the authorities for candid and productive discussions during this mission."   LINK

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Tishwash:  Winners of protesters are demanding the Central Bank to reverse the decision to raise the currency exchange rate

Hundreds of merchants and businessmen gathered in front of the Central Bank building in Hafez Al-Qadi district in the center of the capital, Baghdad, in protest against the decision of the dollar’s ​​exchange rate rise and the current financial crisis.

The protesters demanded that the Central Bank management revoke the decision to raise the currency exchange rate and find alternative financial solutions, due to the impact of earners and traders, stoppage of business and the confusion of local markets.   link



Dec.22, 2020

About minute 4:00

Charlie Ward: When you are looking at timelines…..they are almost impossible to predict…but, from the transition from darkness to light –it generally has been said that we need 4 days to transition from the old banking system to the new banking system totally.

For Donald Trump to make a banking holiday on Christmas eve-in America…. he wouldn’t have done this just for fun….imo , he will have done it so we have a 4 day holiday.

This would allow the transition to take place without sabotage. And the transition of the banking system would have to come from America because the old system was the Federal Reserve and the swift system which was obviously controlled by Washington DC. .

My feelings are that on the 24th there will be some sort of an announcement. Which will be the start of the transition. My gut feeling is after the 4 days the US will be on Nesara….and then I feel on Jan.1s the rest of the world will follow onto Gesara. 

This is just my feeling based on the information I have got. I might be completely wrong but that is how I feel watching events worldwide.. There are things I cannot say.

They are locking borders down…and right now it’s safer to stay at home. This is a war between good and evil.




Tuesday Night X22 Reports

Trump Makes His Move On The Omnibus Bill, Proclamation Set-- Ep 2360a

Congress passed the Omnibus Bill and they have shown the American people how they really feel about them. The people are receiving a 600 check and the rest of the funds will be laundered to their special interest groups. Trump has now appointed individuals onto the Kennedy Center and performing arts to see where the funds are being distributed.



We The People Are About To Take Back The Country, THE CURE Will Spread WW – Ep. 2360b

The [DS]/MSM have taken the bait and they are proceeding down the constitutional path. Trump and Pence are ready to make their move. The people are ready to take back their country, Jan 6th is a marker. Trump sends a message letting everyone know that the world is about to see a miracle, everything is about to change and 2021 is going be glorious.


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