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News, Rumors and Opinions On a Quiet Sunday Afternoon 12-1-19


Elmerf123456:  Happy Dec.1st. You go to bed, you wake up and say the years almost over…. Or You go to bed, you wake up and you see a new year is just about to begin…. It’s all in how you look at things.

RVAlready:  Weekends are pretty much no new news. Treasury is closed. Not much chance of 800 numbers  imo

Hijack:  The treasury doesn't have to be open for the button to be pushed.

RVAlready:   As treasury controls US banks, you cannot get the button pushed without them, in terms of exchanges in the US. You can start the process from Iraq, but you cannot exchange at a US bank without treasury. You also cannot get an 800 number without treasury….. I still think it might happen this week, but I doubt it will happen on a weekend.

NWMontana:  From NPR~  https://www.npr.org/2019/12/01/783960949/iraqi-parliament-accepts-pm-a​del-abdul-mahdi-resignation-but-protesters-demand-m?utm_medium=RSS&utm​_campaign=news


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Vital Brad   …all the gurus, all of them right now they’re all saying it’s “done”.  I’ve been in this so so long that it almost seems like every Thanksgiving it’s done so I always take it with a grain of salt but there’s so much happening right now.  In the 10 years I’ve been in this it’s never been this active around Iraq and around the Middle East…the gurus and those guys they’re saying it could happen anytime…

Frank26   …I even said…I think it was Tuesday, it’s a domino effect.   What is going on with the monetary reform right now, the exchange rate, is effecting -boom- one thing - boom - that affects another thing, it affects another thing and that affects another thing. You can call it the domino effect….this is great!  What happened today.  Just as soon as he [Mahdi] said I hand in my resignation it was like oh boy!

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Samson:  Is America on the verge of full energy independence?

1st December, 2019
In a recent pivotal shift, the United States is months away from achieving full energy independence.

By 2030, total primary energy production is likely to exceed demand for the same energy by nearly 30%, according to the latest forecast by oil and gas company Restad Energy.

Oil breakthrough follows strong growth in both hydrocarbon and renewable resources, and the United States is expected to post a preliminary surplus in oil and gas. Energy by February or March 2020, depending on the winter season.

Energy independence

According to Knutson in the coming phases, the United States will be able to achieve energy independence in a monthly format, with total primary energy production rates going to exceed 30 percent of primary energy demand by 2030.

These developments have already peaked. Accordingly, Ristad Energy Oil & Gas expects that the next monthly release of the U.S. Energy Information Administration will reveal that the United States has always enjoyed self-sufficiency in primary energy for a full 12 months, from October 2018 to September 2019.

Knutson noted that this is the first time this has happened since May 1982, as this latest development illustrates some broad implications on a number of fronts.  In 2018, the US oil deficit was estimated at $ 62 billion, which is equivalent to 10% of the country's total trade deficit of $ 621 billion, including goods and services.

From deficits to growth

These changes in the US energy balance could turn its $ 62 billion oil deficit in 2018 into a $ 340 billion surplus by 2030.  Knutson said the change could add up to a $ 400 billion shift. Dollars, within a period of not more than 12 years, thanks primarily to the dramatic rise in oil shale production in the United States. Ristad Energy expects total primary energy production to rise from 95 quadrillion BTUs in 2018 to 138 quadrillion BTUs in 2030.

Both crude oil and natural gas production will be the main contributors to the growth Primary energy supplies in this period, with oil accounting for 75% of growth and gas accounting for 38%.

Crude oil production from the Permian, Bakken and Eagle Ford basins is also expected to grow from 21.5 quadrillion BTUs (10.32 million barrels per day) in 2018 to 39 quadrillion BTUs (18.73 million barrels per day) in 2030. 

Growth in natural gas production due to the increased supply in the basins Marsells and Haansfiel basins Utica, as there is also a large amount of associated gas from Albermaan basins, which would make the total natural gas production of up to forty quadrillion British thermal units (about 1.1 Trillion cubic meters of medicine gas Aa) in 2030, compared to 29 quadrillion British thermal units (0.8 cubic tons of gas) in 2018.    LINK


Samson:  National Bank of Georgia introduces its 10-lari banknote

1st December, 2019

The Central Bank of Iraq announces that the National Bank of Georgia issued a
banknote (10) Larry updated, knowing that the old banknote of the same category and
issuance and old categories remain in circulation and with the power of discharge and
legal offer  

Hong Kong riot police fire pepper spray at protesters during anti-government rally

Dec 1, 2019

Hong Kong riot police on Sunday fired pepper spray at protesters during a brief scuffle after anti-government demonstrators returned to the streets following a week of relative calm. Protesters were blocked by police from an area in Tsim Sha Tsui, which ensued in a short altercation as protesters tried to get through the police barricade.

Thousands took to the streets, some driven back by tear gas, to demand more democracy and an investigation into the use of force to crack down on the six-month-long anti-government demonstrations.


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