Dinar Recaps

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Judy, Sierra, VitalBrad, Lynette and more Wednesday PM 12-4-19

Excerpt:  Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Dec. 4 2019

Compiled by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Evidently last Fri. Nov. 29 and with President Trump out of the country, a set-in-stone date for 800#s release was entered into the Quantum Financial System Computer. Upon completion of 27 RV protocols (that included the US President being out of the country – he was presently at NATO meetings in London – center of the Cabal Banking System), the computer had been programmed to release emails of currency/ bond buyers worldwide that contained the 800#s, plus instructions on how to exchange and redeem at Redemption Centers set up for the purpose.

None but a few knew when, though most expected that release some time Wed. 4 Dec, after which Redemption Centers would be working 24/7 for about two weeks.

After that time the higher contract rates would no longer be available, though foreign currencies could be exchanged at banks at international rates appearing on the Forex at the time of transaction. Because Zim Bonds were backing the GCR, there was a push to redeem them within a few days of RV release.

As of today Wed. 4 Dec. the New York Stock Market remained in the red and on the verge of collapse, as it had since Aug. 2018 when it lost all gains for the year, never to recover.

The German Deutsche Bank, which held the majority of Cabal Central Bank derivatives, was officially in meltdown. Deutsche was heavily interlinked via derivatives with the big banks on Wall Street, including JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America.

The Global Currency Reset was designed to take world economies away from using the fiat US dollar of those failing banks to gold/asset backed currencies of their different sovereign nations. Unless that reset happened very soon, be ready for an economic collapse across the globe.

Bruce: All but two or three of 27 protocols that had to complete before 800#s were released did so as of Tues. 3 Dec. Once finished, 800#s notification would be sent out from Wells Fargo. Bruce (and others such as Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Recaps, MarkZ and Tony) would also receive the 800#s to post on their websites. Redemption Center Staff have been notified to man the exchange/ redemption appointments by late morning Wed. 4 Dec.

On Fri. 22 Nov. President Trump was on Fox and Friends saying, “In the next few weeks we would see release of the IG FISA Report (set for Mon. 9 Dec.), John Huber’s Report and from the World Court, the names of those found guilty of committing Crimes Against Humanity, Treason and Sedition.”

Read Full Post Here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2019/12/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_4.html

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RVAlreadyThe basic story has not changed in 30 years: The central bankers messed up. The Fed, as it exists, must die. The situation is not recoverable. The central banking system will be replaced. There will need to be a GCR. I think we are, by necessity, near the end of the ride.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Breitling   ...If you look at it in chronological order of what we've been watching, it's such a beautiful thing!  You should be very very happy.  It's a reality.  It's a huge huge pressure cooker for Iraq right now.  So watch the conversations about the budgets.  Watch what they're talking about...when is the exact date of when it's gonna happen?  It doesn't matter...they can't depend on that $56 per barrel budget and whatever value they're gonna add to the currency.  In other words they're gonna be forced to do it if they take too long...that's not my opinion.  That's the language they're throwing out there...I couldn't be more excited...It's a great position to be in.  It's fun to watch.


Thank you Sierra

"Decodes on Melania's White House Christmas Decorations" by Sierra (NZ) - 12.3.19  

Entry Submitted by Sierra (NZ) at 8:18 PM EST on December 3, 2019

This video is full of excellent information, including decodes on Melania's Q related Christmas decorations, plus facts on GITMO...


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Watch from 3'33" for Melania's White House Christmas video. It's beautiful - like her. The short video is followed by great decodes of the Q symbols sprinkled throughout the White House Christmas decorations.

Watch from 9' for an informative thread about GITMO (Guantanamo Bay prison) by War Nuse. She talks about the Tennessee National Guard deploying more than 100 soldiers to GITMO this winter. These soldiers have been training for a year and will be there for a year.

War Nuse shares some interesting information about GITMO - bearing in mind there are currently (officially) only 40 prisoners there...

During his Presidential campaign, Donald Trump said he would keep the detention center open and "load it up with some bad dudes."

The Trump administration spent more than $200 million on new construction at GITMO over 2018/9, including $115 million for a 848 troop barracks. (For 40 prisoners?? Yeah, right)

GITMO prison leadership is making plans for 25-35 years of detention

The GITMO commander has made a pitch for a new hospice care wing for 'frail and elderly prisoners'.

It sounds as if Nervous Nancy Pelosi has good reason to be extremely nervous. Apparently she is currently at an international climate change conference where she has stated that 'it's not true that President Trump removed USA from the Paris Climate Change Agreement'. Treason, much.

Everywhere you look there is overwhelming evidence that the Alliance Plan is in full steam ahead mode. In fact, that is the exact phrase I was given in my meditation this morning: 'Full steam ahead...'

Where We Go One We Go All.

Love and Light
Sierra (NZ)


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If Iraq Created a Digital Currency | (12-4-19)

VitalBrad:  Dec 4, 2019

In this video I speak with Damian Questiny to answer a question I received from a viewer: What if Iraq creates a centralized digital currency??


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Lynette Zang: The Reset Is Already Under Way!

David Moadel:   Dec 3, 2019

At about minute 7: The financial reset has already begun

The new currency that they come out with will probably have some gold in it


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