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Judy, PIR and Max Keiser Friday Afternoon 10-2-2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR as of Fri. 2 Oct. 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington

Judy Note: [Cue] said “It’s all part of The Plan” and “There are no coincidences.” Evidently The Plan was rolling out as planned. The Ten Days of Darkness have begun. POTUS and FLOTUS were in hiding. Here we go!!!

On Fri. morning 2 Oct. our Military Intel Contact reported that since early morning on 1 Oct. RV liquidity had been rolling out in Hong Kong, Zurich, Dubai, etc. through the Quantum Financial System, which as of Thurs. 1 Oct. was solely running the global monetary system.

Thurs. 1 Oct. was also the first day of the Restored Republic fiscal year where the new gold/asset-backed digital US Note was actively online in the QFS and the old SWIFT global monetary system run by the Cabal was now in control of the Alliance.

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The Alliance was composed of President Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Chinese President Xi Jinping, Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, India Prime Minister Narendra Modi, [Cue] (composed of around 100 influential figures), [Cue]_Anon (headed by JF Kennedy Jr?), Pentagon Generals, the National Security Agency and various militaries across the globe including the international force authorized to make arrests in any country, Interpol.

These decision-makers were making the RV liquidity release go slowly to prevent any mistakes the De_ep State could blow up (figuratively & literally) – no more 9/11s, or assass_ination attempts against Trump as with JFK & almost with Reagan.

There were aspects of the new US Note and Restored Republic being formalized from a legal and statutory perspective, making it a very dangerous time for potential retaliation by desperate De_ep State crazies. This could be the reason why on Fri. 2 Oct. at 12:01 am President Trump tweeted that he and Flotus were in seclusion for the supposed reason that on Thurs. 1 Oct. they tested positive to Cov_id-19.

At 11:24 pm EDT Thurs. 2 Oct. Vincent Kennedy ([Cue]? JFK Jr.?) indicated in a tweet that President Trump had left in Air Force One, was protected from the Storm, adding +++ -7 (“3 days gone, less than 7 days left”) – equaled 10 Days of Darkness. https://qalerts.app/

On Thurs. Oct. 1 at 12:0015 am EDT [Cue] had posted “Red October, Hunters Become the Hunted, Patriots in Control, the Hunt is On”: https://qalerts.app/

On that same Thurs. Oct. 1 Santa Surfing had posted: “When POTUS said "It's about time that something happens, OK?!!" You KNEW he and "cue" were about to let a BIG ONE out of the bag — and it's Hill_ary Clin_ton. "POTUS: It’s about Time that Something happens!" by Kat - 10.1.20, plus The Real Johnald@SavageDystrophy tweeted: There’s a reason for this (Mickey Mouse clock pointing to 10:2). My first thought was Oct. 2 and it’s on a Friday.

*** Must Watch Video*** POTUS / FLOTUS tested for Covid-19! They're safe! GITMO preparing for high level arrests!, Santa Surfing: https://youtu.be/ByqgHrc0dLA

Our Intel Military Contact reported that Tier 4b (us, the Internet Group) would be going into our exchange/redemption appointments at any time.

Bruce reported that Redemption Center personnel were off on Thurs. 1 Oct. and Fri. 2 Oct; that Iraq was celebrating their new rate on Sat. 3 Oct. (our Fri. night 2 Oct.); that Tier 4b was to start Tues. Oct. 6 and go through Wed. Oct. 14 and the general public would start exchanges on Oct. 15 and go through Sun. Nov. 1.

Emails containing a Safe Link Website that sets your exchange/ redemption appointment would be sent out from Wells Fargo, Chase or HSBC. The Safe Link Website would also be published on various Dinar websites. Specific redemption/ exchange instructions would be part of the emails and Safe Link Website.

Read Full Post Here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/10/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_2.html

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Patriot Intel Report

PIR 10 02 20

President Trump announces that he and Melania have tested positive for Covid19.

Today all markets,  currencies, cryptos equities , precious metals are down, down, down, down down. Worldwide, globally…..all are down….all are red. And why is that? Well because President Trump and Melania have tested positive for covid.

Remember that when things seem bad and “off the rails” economically…..that is when we see major changes.

Look for possible big news to come out tonight, tomorrow and tomorrow night……


Keiser Report | Alien Encounters with a Commercial Real Estate Crash | E1600

Oct 1, 2020

In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the commercial real estate catastrophe roiling property markets in the UK and U.S. In the latter, the Fed has got all investors’ back with a huge balance sheet onto which to dump their bad bets. In the UK, only the Queen has such an exorbitant privilege. In the second half, Max continues his conversation with Brian Roemmele of VoiceFirst.expert about the state of artificial intelligence, why Siri is so much worse than Amazon’s Alexa technology and what the U.S. Department of Defense statement about encountering a vehicle ‘not of this earth’ is all about.


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