Dinar Recaps

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Judy, Pimpy, Currency365 and more Thursday Afternoon 1-28-2021

RV Excerpts from Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 28 Jan. 2021

Compiled Thurs. 28 Jan. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: All sources reported that we in the Internet Group Tier 4B could receive notification to set redemption/ exchange appointments at any time. Wells Fargo’s 1.4 million notification emails would go out, along with publication on Dinar websites of a secured website that gave us access to 800#s.

Banks have been notified that the Global Currency Reset was on Wed. 26 Jan. when currencies of 209 nations revalued, including the US dollar going defunct and the new asset/ gold-backed US Treasury Note being recognized.

GCR liquidity began on Tues. 26 Jan. – the same day a gag order was placed on bond movement at UST headquarters in Miami and Reno. That order was said to be lifted so as to access liquidity by Wed. morning 27 Jan.

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Tier 4B could redeem Zim and exchange foreign currencies at the special rates over the next two and a half weeks. The general public would start their foreign currency exchanges at the new international rates after Tier 4B completed and before the Chinese New Year on Fri. 12 Feb.

Tues. 26 Jan. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

On Tues. 26 Jan. preparation for the Shotgun Start was going strong. At 1am EST and again at 4 pm orders came from the Department of Defense to push things forward. By 8pm EST a green light release was given for a green light to start sometime over the next day or so.

On Mon.-Tues. 25-26 Jan. group leaders, paymasters, attorneys and others were traveling to be back in position in their banking centers for the Shotgun release to start at any time and many key people were in place for a start as of Tues. 26 Jan. evening.

Redemption centers were fully staffed in anticipation of the start.

They were looking for a revaluation (RV) of the Dollar, this being in keeping with the US Comptroller of Currency Office which was expecting the US Dollar to revalue on Wed. 27 Jan. in order for the digital gold-backed, asset-backed USN dollar to be fully functional for exchanges from Wed. onward.

The general public would start after Tier 4B exchanges completed in February.

On Tues. 26 Jan. Tier 3-4A paymasters were given pre-advice letters of liquidity, committing the issuing banks to issue the liquidity to be down-streamed into end-recipient accounts starting at a certain time this week. https://www.globalnegotiator.com/international-trade/dictionary/pre-advice/

Bond seller recipient account holders were told to expect their notification emails giving them instructions on how to access their account funds by Wed 27 Jan. Our Tier 4B notifications would come in the Shotgun Release sequence either at roughly the same time, or just after the bond seller account holders received their notifications to access.

Tier 4B notifications were expected at some point in the release sequence within the next 24 or 48 hours.

Arrests have continued behind the scenes, including arrests of politicians, inside and outside of DC, D*eep State controlled senators and congress people over the past several days.

The disclosure of D*eep State crimes and Mass Arrests were to be made public soon and have always been expected when the top five Chinese Elders and Department of Defense were releasing the GCR.

The release was the third weapon for Check Mating the D*eep State globally – another reason for the White Hats to release the RV right now.

The DoD and UST must push the RV/GCR out right now because globally, the financial markets were imploding sooner than later and the financial implosion “monster” was spiraling all economies and banks down at exponentially faster and faster speeds.

Though the Iraqi Parliament finished its 3rd reading of the budget and passed it last Sat 23 Jan, for security purposes the budget with the Dinar RV rate would not be made public in the GOI Gazette until after the Shotgun Start and Tier 4B notifications went out.

The serious nature of security issues was clear when only last Thurs. 21 Jan. the two Baghdad suicide bombers ki*lled 32 and seriously injured dozens of other people. https://www.hindustantimes.com/world-news/suicide-attack-kills-3-injures-16-in-central-baghdad-market-police-101611216986846.html

That was D*eep State Iranian/ISIS retaliation for the RV being pushed out now in Iraq & globally.

God knew the beginning from the end, and our guy appreciated continued prayers that we all would get through the fiery furnace of enduring to the end, appearing to be coming in the next 24-48 hours. Prayers were appreciated that the release would be successfully carried over the finish line.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/01/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_28.html


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

MilitiaMan    Article:  "Al-Halbousi and the Emir of Kuwait discuss activating the joint governmental and parliamentary committees between the two countries"   This is about tens of billions of dollars for re construction. Clearing and Settling payments goes hand and hand with this. If we cannot see what is at play by now, one may never get it.. Wow! This is good... imo!

Bruce   [via WiserNow]   ...Iraq...should be in a good position with the budget having been read three times it can be put into law and then of course it can be revealed in the gazette...Wednesday and Saturday are the two days that Iraq prints out their official record called the Gazette...the problem is if they passed their budget and the budget is printed – or even if it’s available on line – on the digital version – of the gazette – the people will see it and be able to see the rate of the Dinar relative to the budget for 2021... so it’s sort of a dead giveaway - what makes it interesting is – they have held it back – obviously withholding  it from us – we have a team over there that was helping them go through the final aspects of the re-evaluation of their currency – there are several theories of how it will come out ... We’ll see what happens in the next couple of days – as far as we know everything is set and ready to go  - we’re not going to know “exactly” until it happens...

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raq Politicians Still Don't Want Internationalism

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