Dinar Recaps

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Judy, Pimpy, and more....Wednesday Morning 4-13-2022

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Wed. 13 April 2022

Compiled Wed. 13 April 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset:

Tues. 12 April 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin #123456

A Lead Bank representative said Redemption Centers would be closed today and tomorrow Wed. 13 April.

A Treasury conference call scheduled for 2-3 pm Fri. afternoon was moved up to Thurs. morning at 10 am 14 April.

It was possible that Tier 4B notification would be released Thurs. afternoon 14 April to set apts. beginning Fri. and Sat. 15, 16 April.

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Mnuchin said that the greatest transfer of wealth in the earth’s history would take place over Easter weekend. That means GESARA and NESARA could be announced this Easter weekend.

Under NESARA your taxes paid, interest paid on homes and car loans paid would be paid back by direct deposit to your bank account.

The banks were saying that were no structured payouts.

We would receive a Mother Lode Access Card with the Treasury that would be ours only to see the balance of and no bank would have access.

A secondary account would be set up to operate our projects from.

Those accounts would have an annual percentage rate on your monies (example 8%) positioned to pay out semi-annually.

They want us in and out of our appointments in 30-40 min.

The Central Banks around the globe were on their way out. There were 22 countries which were rid of the Rothschild bank and 14 more nations in the process of closing those banks in their countries over the next 7 days.


Wed-Thurs-Fri 13,14,15 April Bond Holders were getting notified of their liquidity.

Tues. 12 April 2022 MarkZ: Bond folks have not yet been paid and are in hope they will have monies by this evening. They do have written agreements of liquidity. Word was that Redemption Center Staff would be working full time later this week.

By Sun. 1 May the Global Currency Reset to gold/asset-backed currency of 210 nations was expected to be announced. If so, by Mon. 2 May the general public could exchange currencies at the new International Rates.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/04/13/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-april-13-2022/


Kat Anonup Update: The Collapse of the World Banking System

1. Gold shall destroy the fiat/Fed
2. bloodline banks collapse 

3-30-22 Q The Storm Rider
The collapse of the CENTRAL BANKING SYSTEM → FIAT currency..

4-10-22 Q The Storm Rider
Markets $$$$ being Robbed by ELITES across the world
(They know the COLLAPSE is IMMINENT)..

PELOSI dumped her stock
Soros orgs. dumping BILLIONS..

In almost every country Elites, politicians dumping Stock 
They seem not to care of INSIDER trade laws & prosecution as the FIAT system WILL NOT RETURN

You have to Wonder at HOW INCREDIBLE WHITE HATS ARE THAT THIS LONG WAIT was for a perfect opportunity  to catch ALL THE WORLD ELITES  IN SEVERAL DIFFERENT OPERATIONS  → including FIAT collapse orchestrated by the DS CABAL  & HEISTS OF THE CENTURY TAKING PLACE…




Wednesday From Holly

I’m feeling pretty crummy and not up to writing today. Have a good day everyone.


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Deepwoodz  ...The 40 day period Sadr put out has me wondering why.  It’s almost as if Kadhimi, Sadr, and the CoM are waiting for something in particular. I just don’t know what.

MarkZ   [via PDK]  Most of my bankers are expecting a “Work Weekend” this upcoming weekend…Other than that it has been quiet on the RV front.  I think it’s so quiet because all the decisions that are necessary have been made…So at this point it may be quiet until the switch is flipped...We don’t control the timing but the writing is all over the wall that it is coming.

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Iraqi Dinar update for 04/12/22 - This will help Iraq

Pimpy’s Investment Chat: 


EXPANDING WAR: With Both Goldman Sachs And Bank of America WARNING On The Economy.

Greg Mannarino: 


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