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Judy, Pimpy and KTFA Saturday AM 2-13-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 13 Feb. 2021

Compiled Sat. 13 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Fri. 12 Feb. – the start of the Chinese New Year – Liquidity was initiated for a 72 hour Shotgun Start of the Global Currency Reset that would run through Mon-Tues 15-16 Feb.

Us in the Tier 4B Internet Group would receive notification to set our redemption/ exchange appointments sometime during that 72 hour Shotgun Start according to our Military Intel Contact.

Since the start was imminent Paymasters, attorneys and group leaders were gagged and asked to remain in place at their banking centers around the world.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/02/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_13.html

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The silver squeeze is working

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Feb 13, 2021


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Samson:  Legal settles the debate over the possibility of filing a lawsuit against the Central Bank to restore the exchange rate

08:34 - 13/02/2021

The head of the Jurists Union in Diyala, Hussein Al-Taie, resolved, on Saturday, the controversy over the possibility of filing a lawsuit against the Central Bank to restore the dollar’s ​​exchange rate to what it was.

Al-Taie said in a statement to "the information", that “determining the value of the exchange rate for the dollar against the dinar is one of the exclusive powers of the Central Bank of Iraq, as it is responsible for the monetary policy in the country and the law according to its various contents allows it to regulate and determine the exchange rate for economic requirements, whether its decision is correct or wrong, as it is He is the one who bears responsibility and is entitled to be questioned by Parliament, as it is the highest legislative body in the country and has the right to monitor all state institutions, including the financial ones.

Al-Taie added, "It is not possible to file a lawsuit against the Central Bank to return the exchange rate of the dollar to what it was, because determining the price is an exclusive right of the bank, such as the exercise of a ministry or a specialized sector body concerned with its powers, meaning that the matter is related to the exclusive powers and it is the right of the central bank."

He pointed out that “the Iraqi judiciary intervenes through the existence of a case, and the last one must have a legal basis if it does not exist and is missing in the main. How will the judge rule,” noting that “even if it is lifted, the response of the Central Bank or its representative will have exercised its exclusive powers according to the law. He did not violate its provisions.

And the Central Bank had suddenly raised the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar, without prior warning about a month ago from now, which led to confusion in the markets.   LINK


Samson:  President of the Republic: Iraq is at a crossroads

11:06 - 13/02/2021

The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, affirmed, on Saturday, that Iraq is in front of a crossroads, either to go backward with sectarian and nationalist disputes and alignments, or to progress towards building the state.

"We need to review the overall political process and establish a new political contract that guarantees correcting the tracks and meets the aspirations of the people," Saleh said in a speech he gave during the official memorial ceremony on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Mr. Muhammad Baqir al-Hakim and his followers, "the information".

He added, "Preparing to hold free and fair elections is a demand created by the arenas of the popular movement throughout Iraq," stressing, "We are at a crossroads, either going back to sectarian and nationalist disputes and alignments, or progress towards building the state, preserving its sovereignty and imposing the law on everyone."

The President of the Republic stressed "not to allow Iraq to be made an arena for settling regional accounts, neither security nor stability in the region, without security, stability and sovereignty of Iraq and its leading regional and international role."   LINK

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Samson:  Similar to the borrowing law .. Parliamentary finances threaten to vote on the budget without the Kurds

11th February, 2021

The Finance Committee in the Iraqi Parliament set today, Saturday, a deadline for resolving the dispute between Baghdad and Erbil over the 2021 budget, threatening to vote on the budget without Kurdish representatives, along the lines of the borrowing law.  

A member of the committee, Thamer Theban, told Shafaq News, “Until the moment, there is no agreement between Baghdad and Erbil regarding the Kurdistan region’s share in the budget bill for the year 2021.” Financial, if this agreement is delayed." "We do not want to go in this direction, but we want there to be participation and an agreement to pass the 2021 budget between all political parties," said Dhiban, a deputy for the Al-Fateh Alliance. He added, "During the next three days, we are waiting for an agreement between Baghdad and Erbil regarding the region’s share, so that there will be a final settlement of this file," indicating that "otherwise we will be compelled to vote on the budget without the Kurds."

The regional government delegation reached an agreement with the federal government to deliver 250,000 barrels of crude oil per day and half of the financial revenues generated from the border outlets in exchange for Baghdad granting 12.67% of the budget to Kurdistan after deducting the sovereign and governance expenditures, and this has been confirmed in the draft budget bill However, the delegation, on its last visit, was informed that the agreement was no longer valid.

It is noteworthy that the Iraqi parliament approved, on June 24, a bill to finance the fiscal deficit (borrowing) without including the salaries of the region’s employees in it, which prompted Kurdish representatives to withdraw from the voting session, and this also sparked angry reactions in Kurdistan.



Samson:  Head of a bloc: The mechanisms of fighting corruption in the Al-Kazemi government did not succeed in achieving any of its goals

18:42 - 12/02/2021

The head of the Bayariq Al-Khair Parliamentary Bloc, MP Muhammad Al-Khalidi, confirmed on Friday that the anti-corruption mechanisms in the Al-Kazemi government had not succeeded in achieving any of its goals.

Al-Khalidi said in a statement to "the information", that "combating corruption in Iraqi ministries and government institutions is a strategic necessity because it is the drain of money that led to this in the completion of projects and the deterioration of services to a painful level in all the provinces of the country, pointing out that his mass is supportive of all frameworks that lead to confrontation Corruption”.

Al-Khalidi added that "the Al-Kazemi government did not survive in the mechanisms of fighting corruption and did not achieve any of its goals, the most prominent of which is the return of the stolen money as a basic criterion for the success of any anti-corruption operation."

He pointed out that “those who were arrested are from the small corrupt and not the big ones, stressing that Iraq cannot develop and move forward in the presence of corruption that plagues its governmental institutions and there is looting of money in various ways, stressing that corruption is no less dangerous than terrorism, and we support it all the mechanisms that lead to cutting the frameworks of corruption that Pose a threat to the security and economy of the country.

Iraq suffers from great corruption in its governmental institutions, amid accusations by influential parties that they protect the corrupt. '' LINK

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