Dinar Recaps

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Judy, MilitiaMan, Bix Weir and more Friday Night 9-11-2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Fri. 11 Sept. 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington

Judy Note: (Rumors) It’s 9/11 and the Global Currency Reset has begun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

An IMF source said the Global Currency Reset began globally on Fri. 11 Sept. A Paymaster in Reno reported that initiation of RV liquidity started just after 12 midnight Reno time Fri. 11 Sept.

Payouts overnight Thurs. 10 Sept. included certain Tier 3-4A SKRs, accounts of top level Tier 3-4A groups and intermediate accounts like the Native American accounts.

Some sources were saying that the notifications would reach Tier 4B any time between Fri. 11 Sept. and Mon-Tue 14-15 Sept., while others said Tier 4B would start on Tues. 15 Sept.

Over the past 24+ hours the Department of Defense Security Teams caught over 3,000 Deep State bankers and operatives trying to wire through the SWIFT system millions & billions of dollars into the USA to support and hydrate Deep State “domestic terrorism”

The General Public start for exchanges at banks at the International Rates has been pushed to Thurs. 1 Oct. Also on Thurs. 1 Oct. the Quantum Financial System and asset-backed USN would be fully online for the start of the Restored Republic federal govt fiscal year.

On Fri. 4 Sept. a 10-day blackout and readjustment of the banking system to the Quantum Financial System began and would go until at least Mon. 14 Sept, perhaps longer (although not all banks were affected). The old Cabal SWIFT financial system would play a very minor role in the global banking for the next year to 1 Oct. 2021.

On Tues. 8 Sept. at 3:30 pm EDT an Executive Order on a Stimulus Bill was signed off by President Trump, US Attorney General Bill Barr and US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin. That settled NESARA requirements and opened the door for an RV Shotgun start.

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A. Fri. 11 Sept. 7:27 am EDT Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

1. An IMF source said the RV release would begin globally on Fri. 11 Sept.

2. A Paymaster in Reno said that “they summoned several paymasters at 12:00 pm EDT and initiation started at just after 12 midnight Reno time Fri. 11 Sept. to initiate liquidity being paid out into accounts.

3. If all went to plan, the payouts overnight Thurs. 10 Sept. would include certain Tier 3-4A SKRs, accounts of top level Tier 3-4A groups and intermediate accounts like the Native American accounts (as told to Bruce’s sources).

4. On Fri. 11 Sept. the Crow, Arapahoe and other Native American Indian tribal heads would receive advances on the money-of-account in their accounts of up to $100,000 per account (full amounts of funds in their accounts fully accessible when Tier 4B started).

5. This showed that the start was finally being initiated Thurs. 10 Sept.

6. Some sources were saying that the notifications would reach Tier 4B any time between Fri. 11 Sept. and Mon-Tue 14-15 Sept., while others were saying that the release-line ahead of us would reach us in Tier 4B to start on Tues. 15 Sept.

7. Over the past 24+ hours the Department of Defense Security Teams caught over 3,000 Deep State bankers and operatives trying to wire through the SWIFT system (that was still running in a minimal way parallel to the QFS system). They wired millions & billions of dollars into the USA to support and to hydrate what QAnon described in post #4644 (qanon.pub) as the current Deep State “domestic terrorism” campaign and the multi-faceted “blitzkrieg” by waves of Deep State anarchist maniacs in DC and in our states and cities.

8. QAnon said that the blitzkrieg was a “highly coordinated and funded” Antifa, BLM riots still going on in our cities, with arson-started fires in the Western States (6+ Antifa arsonists were arrested in Oregon and Washington this past week), the Covid-19 scamdemic so-called “second-wave spikes,” and the non-stop fake stream media smear campaign against Trump (see Praying Medic’s account of “The War Going on Now” and Google Q thread for 9 Sep. 2020: threader.app/thread/1303854957230055424).

9. The Department of Defense Security Teams had no choice but to freeze the Deep State funds-transfers and arrest the 3000+ perpetrators inside and outside the country for interfering (again) in US domestic election politics to try to prevent Trump from being re-elected.

10. For his part President Trump was adamant that the RV release started on Fri. 11 Sept, the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 Deep State attack that blew up the Twin Towers in NYC in order to stop the RV/GCR going back then.

11. The White Hats learned from what the Deep State did through Bush Jr, Bush Sr and Dick Cheney back on 9/11/2001 to stop the RV. The White Hats were intent on not letting the Deep State carry out the Nazi globalist agenda interference again this time.

12. If you want a blow by blow account of “The War Going on Right Now” affecting the RV release process, read Praying Medic’s QAnon analysis of QAnon’s recent posts, as well as Charlie Ward and Charlie Freak’s sources (Chinese Elders, QAnon sources, White House sources) in recent YouTube’s and Intel Dinar Chronicles Updates.

13. The RV was being released right now as part of the Alliance’s, Trump’s, DoD’s and the White Hat’s mission to dis-empower the Deep State that murdered JFK and almost murdered Reagan.

14. If they did not dis-empower the Deep State enough now before the RV exchanges under a Biden (Kamala Harris, Michelle Obama, Pelosi, etc, etc) presidency, the Deep State would have taxed and confiscated almost all your currency exchange and Zim redemption funds. They would have directed those funds into their own pockets and to Ocasio Cortez’s New Green Deal.

15. Be glad that the Department of Defense was clearing the path for you and the whole world right now so that all of us were free to receive and spend all the funds from our redemptions / exchanges as each person’s conscience directed.

Full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/09/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_11.html

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Clare:  Another HISTORIC breakthrough today! Our two GREAT friends Israel and the Kingdom of Bahrain agree to a Peace Deal – the second Arab country to make peace with Israel in 30 days!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 11, 2020

JJimmyJJ:  I think we need to take another look at these Middle Eastern peace deals involving Israel.

All of this is in my opinion, of course, because it is all speculation on my part.

To recap:

On Aug 17, Trump announces that UAE and Israel have signed a peace treaty normalizing relations.

On Aug 20, Iraq's prime minister meets with Pres. Trump after several days of high-level meetings between the Fab 4 and Iraq.

On Sept 4, Serbia and Muslim Kosovo announced a treaty with Pres. Trump "normalizing economic relations" and Kosovo ESTABLISHING DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS WITH ISRAEL.

And now, on Sept 11, Pres. Trump announces a peace deal between Bahrain and Israel.

Now, from a political standpoint, announcing a new, historic peace deal each week is pretty amazing; and, seeing peace breaking out in the middle east between arab countries and Israel is something I never thought I'd see. But, that's not why I'm spending my time bringing this info here.

No, I want to remind us all that these peace deals all started being announced when Iraq and these countries were in Washington DC and economic deals were announced between the US and Iraq.

IMO, Iraq is the key to all of this incredible news. As Frank has taught, the US hasn't put trillions of dollars and much US blood into Iraq just to leave it behind. 

I believe that the US has big economic plans for the Middle East, and they all revolve around Iraq. And, somehow, the meetings in DC seemed to set it all in motion. And further, I believe if any other Muslim countries want to play in the US-Iraq sandbox, the price of admission was making nice with Israel.

Frank has told us for years that huge economic opportunity would come through these reforms, and I believe we are seeing these countries jockeying for a good starting position. AND THEY ARE IN A HURRY.

I think that Iraq will be the epicenter of US economic development in the middle east, and it appears that the US just let the Muslim countries know what the black friday deals are going to be.

This would seem to be very good news for us and our investment.

MilitiaMan:  Well done JimmyJJ.. Very exciting times before us. Money can ease many ails. Not everything, but, is sure helps out for the needy.. imo We are witnessing history in the making. ~ imo ~ MM

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Iraqi Dinar News 09/11/20

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Bix Weir

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