Dinar Recaps

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Judy, Militiaman and Bix Weir Friday PM 1-3-2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Jan. 3 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington

(Excerpts) Judy Note: The GCR update remained the same as yesterday. All indications were that the Internet Group would begin exchange/redemption by at least Tues. 7 Jan; the General Public would begin on Wed. 15 Jan (at which time the Contract Rates may no longer be available) and all would be completed by Fri. 31 Jan.

Evidently the World Court was using Interpol to arrest global elites worldwide who had been charged with the more serious Crimes Against Humanity and Treason. It appeared that Mass Arrests began around Dec. 24 and were continuing. Rumor was that the new Emergency Broadcast System would be tested on Fri. 3 Jan, which indicated that even more prominent elites were about to be served.

MarkZ: US Bankers believed that we were at an any moment for the reset to happen; Iraq sources believed the reset would be on Sun. 5 Jan, while Military contacts believed it would happen sometime between Sun. 5 Jan. to Wed. 15 Jan. The Package delivery plan was to get them out over the weekend, possibly as early as tonight Fri. Jan. 3.

Bruce: On Fri. 3 Jan. they would start to pay out Tiers 1, 2, 3 and 4a groups, which should complete by Sun. 5 Jan. The Internet Group would have the 800#s and start exchanges by Mon. 6 Jan, or Tues. 7 Jan. The General Public would start on Wed. 15 Jan. when the US-China Trade Agreement was signed, verifying that all world currencies were now gold/asset backed – the reset set for completion by Fr. 31 Jan.

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Meanwhile, the Mainstream Media continued to cover up world economic and child exploitation events by failing to do their job in competent investigative reporting. This 5 April 2019 article on the extent of members in Congress involved in Pedophilia and High Treason was just one example of what has never made Mainstream News: “Majority of Congress Said Charged With Pedophilia and High Treason”: https://beforeitsnews.com/v3/politics/2019/3080834.html


A. Jan. 3 2020 Morning Chat with MarkZ: https://www.twitch.tv/theoriginalmarkz

1. US Bankers believed we were at an any moment for the reset to happen.

2. Iraq sources believed reset would be on Sun. 5 Jan.

3. Military contacts believed it would happen sometime between Sun. 5 Jan. to Wed. 15 Jan.

4. The Package delivery plan was to get them out over the weekend, possibly as early as tonight Fri. Jan. 3.

5. Mike Cottrell:

In June 2004 Bush Sr. tried to assassinate Bush Jr. because the balance of power had shifted.

It was said that to make the release happen there had to be some international crisis. Because of the Iran crisis with the general being killed yesterday, I’m very optimistic this would go soon.

On Wed. 15 Jan. when they formally sign Phase One of the China-US Trade Treaty, it would release the gold/asset-backed currency standard for the world.

Trump has already signed off on the Gold Treaty release to the army and Chinese families.

Interpol said that the Stock Market was no longer pertinent as of 2010. The Dow was totally worthless and being computer manipulated to stay afloat.

Bush Sr. was trying to obtain all the gold held by the Chinese Elders. It wasn’t until 2013 when the Gold Treaty came in, that they finally had some traction to do the GCR.

By 2010 or 2012 all gold had been taken off the US continent by Interpol so the rats wouldn’t have control of it.

The World Court’s major job is to recover assets that were stolen. It was regulated by the various nations. The World Court used Interpol as it’s legal arm.

With the GCR as many as 1,000 banks will go under, but will be picked up by (national) Treasury Banks so people won’t suffer.

Bank bail-ins won’t be tolerated – they would cause the GCR to happen.

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to readers to do your own research and decide whether or not it was valid.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/01/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_3.html

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MilitiaMan said (Post #18 Page 1, 12-24-19 Thread)

So this is starting on the 26th. Hey folks no cash starting on the 26th.. Better get in and get what you can now if need be.. -MM

MilitiaMan said (Post #19 Page 1, 12-24-19 Thread)

So on the 26th they start stopping cash withdrawals then on the 29th they stop cash deposits.. They seriously are telling everyone that something is a foot and don’t get caught blind. Just as the CBI told everyone to be prepared to modify contracts, in which the ITB do exactly that and now are going even further!! - MM

MilitiaMan said (Post #21 Page 2, 12-24-19 Thread)

Now they correspondently say from the 29th no deposits in cash and also no foreign remittances are to be made through the 01/05/2020.. No wire transfers? Really? Talk about a huge deal.. They have this timed like no other!! Oh ya!! - I don’t care who is at the helm of the CBI anymore.. it matters not at this stage. Alaq has been tapped for the AMF is all real time data the rest is hearsay! Imo - MM

MilitiaMan said (Post #22 Page 2, 12-24-19 Thread)

"The price of the dollar may change."

Another indicator warnings are flashing and even suggesting they may have or can at a moments notice!! Imo - MM

PennyPan said (Post #20)   Remember people that many of Iraqi citizens keep cash in their homes becuase they don't trust the banking system.  This shouldn't make a huge difference to the average citizen.  That being said, I do hope that the NSCN are being put into the ATM's   and the RV happens in time for the banks to be back online. Just my humble opinion...

MilitiaMan  The point is they have a time line to convert! Imo -MM

Stephenmac63 said (Post #23)

IMO, this will also give the citizens confidence after they have a crash course in using the Cards, essentially a step in weaning them off of cash altogether in the future......unless the cards will also be out of service.

MilitiaMan  Yes, financial inclusion has been a main focus from many entities.. Having the new system in place with massive education over time has the citizens and banks ready to convert now.. imo - MM


MilitiaMan  :  (Today 1-3-2020) Nothing out of the CBI has changed in regards to the above. In fact, since the above was written, we found that the currency supply decreased by 975% real close and the CBI clearly shows charts to prove they did in fact did do it.

By decreasing the money supply (note count) the common denominator is a value increase based of supply and demand. They will have a liquidity issue going forward if they don't raise the rate soon..

We have not heard any denial out of the CBI thus far, for any reason. In my opinion the recent on goings with the neighborhood bully having been taken out of the equation and a few other bad apples more likely bodes better now for us and CBI for many clear reasons.

Seems to me that those bad apples now gone and out of the way, will usher in more reforms and faster than ever before or at least clears the window sills.

We know the banking side of things begins again in full again, in short order. It would not surprise me to see them get more vocal about this MR now, just as we saw Nusiri talking again on the 1st. 

The calendar year has started as of 01/01/2020, just as the last year ended on 12/31/2019. Reporting of what has been done is approaching fast.

The reduction in currency wasn't found until around the 23rd - 26th era December 2019, but it was in fact reported to have occurred on 12/08/2019 by the CBI and whereby, the movement of that money value from the reduction in currency showed up around on the commercial side of banking on 12/29/2019 real close. imo. 

So, we can see that timing is of extreme importance now. With normal accounting behaviors, this time is very sensitive. I have a very good feeling about the window we are in.

So lets see what the cat drags in.. lol ~ MM


Bix Weir Live! 2020 the Year of Chaos!!

Streamed live 2 hours ago

2020 will issue in the "Occupy Everything!"

Movement from Bank Bailouts to Repos to Market Manipulation to Political Chaos...it's all going to happen this year!!


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