Dinar Recaps

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Judy, KTFA and Lynette Zang Monday Afternoon 2-15-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Mon. 15 Feb. 2021

Compiled Mon. 15 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

There has been no new Intel on Tier 4B setting appointments to redeem/ exchange since Sat. 13 Feb. On that date orders went out for Tier 4B notification to be done, that was now within the next 24 hours or so.

The Alliance was beta testing a new platform that guaranteed Free Speech and could handle without censorship, public communications on the Internet.

There was a possibility that by Thurs. 18 Feb. the US could be in lockdown with businesses closed for around two weeks. FEMA was setting up emergency stations all over the country in preparation for the two week lockdown.

We have been promised that if we were in lockdown during the exchange period we would be given passes and even military escort if so wished, in order to go to our appointments.

All signs were that the next two weeks would be epic.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/02/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_15.html

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Samson:  The arrest of members of a government committee to collect money for "bribery" in southern Iraq

15th February, 2021

The Investigation Department of the Integrity Commission announced that a member of the collection committee in the municipality of Nasiriyah (southern Iraq) had caught a bribe, while the rest of the committee’s members were arrested for taking a bribe in exchange for reducing the amount of the collection.

In a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, the department said that a team from the Commission’s investigation office in Dhi Qar managed to arrest a member of the collection committee in the Nasiriyah municipality’s directorate. For his taking a bribe in return for reducing the amount of the collection owed as fees for municipal services from the complainant about promoting a property transfer transaction.

She explained that the preliminary investigations of the Commission's investigation office in the governorate, which included the defendant’s confessions after recording his statements, showed the complicity of the rest of the committee’s members and the accused’s participation in sharing the amount of the bribe, confirming that they were arrested after obtaining a judicial arrest warrant against them.

The statement indicated that a fundamentalist seizure report had been organized in the process, and it was presented with the accused to the competent investigating judge. Which decided to arrest the accused arrested for bribery in accordance with the provisions of Resolution (160 of 1983). At the end of last December, the commission announced that it was able to seize a payroll official in the municipality of Nasiriyah, while misappropriating the salaries of daily workers, while it indicated the amount of sums seized in the process.

It is noteworthy that the head of the commission, Judge (Alaa Jawad Hamid), during his visit to the commission’s investigation office in Dhi Qar governorate, directed the need to escalate the pace of seizure operations for the flagrante delicto, and a permanent field presence in the state’s departments, especially the service ones; In order to implement the strategy of the work of the Presidency of the Authority.  LINK


Severe imprisonment of the former governor of Diyala for damaging public funds by nearly two billion dinars

15th February, 2021

The Federal Integrity Commission announced, on Monday, that the former Diyala governor had been sentenced to four years' imprisonment. For causing serious harm to the money and interests of the entity in which he was working.

The investigation department of the authority said, in a statement received by Shafaq News Agency, that the convict, who held the position of Governor of Diyala, inflicted serious damage on the funds and interests of the governorate by referring the project of preparing, studying and designing soil investigations and implementing the cladding of the Diyala River to two contracting companies by direct invitation for an amount of ( 24,254,125,000) billion dinars; Despite the existence of a project disclosure report prepared by the beneficiary (Baqubah Municipality Directorate), the project completion value is estimated at (22,420,240,000) billion dinars.

The department added that the accused referred to the two aforementioned companies without informing the Ministry of Planning, which led to material damages represented by the price difference between the amount of the contracted contract and the report on the inspection of the project amounting to (1,833,855,000) billion dinars.

She explained that the Al-Karkh Misdemeanor Court specializing in integrity issues, and after reviewing the statements of the legal representatives of Diyala Governorate and the Directorate of Water Resources who requested the complaint against the convict, in addition to the report of the external audit in the Integrity Commission, and the expert report that determined the amount of damage, in addition to the statements of witnesses and the presumption of the escape of the convict, I reached the full conviction of his conviction, and sentenced him in absentia in accordance with the provisions of Article (341) of the Penal Code.

The ruling issued included the issuance of an arrest and investigation order against the convicted person, seizing his movable and immovable property, preventing his travel, and reserving the right to claim compensation for the affected party. According to the provisions of Article (19) of the Code of Criminal Procedure.  LINK

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Feb 15, 2021

Question 1: 0:43​ Do we need to worry about a confiscation of junk silver under the guise of a physical currency recall? My precious metals dealer has told me to go for pure fractional silver as much as possible (which is difficult to find), but in a barter situation I see the benefit of junk silver. My only resistance is having it confiscated not due to its intrinsic value, but under the banner of it being contaminated coinage that needs to be removed for the health of the population. Also, are foreign currencies (like early 20th century francs, pounds, etc) at risk? What category do foreign coins fall under?

Question 2: 6:48​ The chapwood index had 50 US cities and for each city it had the real inflation rate over 5 years then a five-year average. When I checked it two weeks ago it had the first have of 2020 inflation rates that were in some cases/cities close to 13%.............then poof....it is gone.....Lynette, do you know about it and about shadow stats?

Question 3: 9:09​ How is intrinsic value determined in a coin or in another asset class, like a Rolex?


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