Dinar Recaps

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Judy, Frank26, Bix Weir and more Tuesday PM 2-2-2021

RV Excerpts from Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 2 Feb. 2021

Compiled Tues. 2 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: Mon. evening 1 Feb. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact reported:

Tier 4B Shotgun Start could be triggered any moment going forward this week.

Redemption Centers were fully staffed and ready.

On Mon. 1 Feb. there were pauses in the Liquidity Tier 4B Shotgun Start due to minor security issues that have to be nailed down by the RV Security teams under the Department of Defense. Those security issues were around containing the D*eep State.

The Cabal was losing the war domestically and globally and had efforts to burn the country on their way down. Other issues revolved around some paymaster & bond sellers who had violated their NDAs. All issues were in the process of being cleaned up.

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He advised to watch Iraq on Tues. 2 Feb. when they were expected to pass their economic reform budget. The Iraqi Dinar RV rate was in the approx $16.00 range and were to publish it in their Gazette on Wed. 3 Feb, making it official.

He advised to stay ready. As Isaac in Zurich said on Mon. 1 Feb, "We are closer than ever. Be patient and ready."

Mon. 1 Feb. Bluwolf: We are on the edge of receiving this blessing. According to Pentagon sources we are on a min. by min. to receive the 800 numbers. Reno has the money and codes are activated. Only one sequence is missing that would start everything. https://dinaresgurus.blogspot.com/2021/02/bluwolf-update-1-feb.html?m=1

On Mon.1 Feb. the Global Currency Reset was completed and the Quantum Financial System Computer was now in full control of the Central Banks. Before when you deposited money into a bank the Cabal then took ownership of it. They used it as collateral to loan it back and forth from their Central Banks, making billions in overnight trading. That old Cabal Central Banking System was no more. As of Mon. 1 Feb. this system was completely shut down – which would then affect the Stock Market.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/02/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_2.html



SusanaC:  looks like we are waiting a bit more... rates are still good and go...those interested in cmkx..$8, vnd 0.47-2, zim 0.36-0.40(old),1:1(new),idr1.70..that is what i am hearing LOL

SusanaC:  contract rate for iqd 28.5// $3.41,internal iraq 14-15$


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26  The budget law is the key I believe to bring forth the new exchange rate.  I don't know if the budget is going to have the new exchange rate.  IMO the budget has a rider in it to be able to bring it back retroactive to January 1st.  I do feel deep in my heart that this budget is highly involved with the new exchange rate that they are going to be coming out with.

Footforward  Article:  "Iraq' 2021 Budget law to be approved this week..."  Quote:  "Iraq' 2021 Budget law is expected to be approved tomorrow Tuesday...Which is good news. But I'm 97% sure that the new rate is not going to be in that budget and will come out in something shortly after the budget's released. It's not financial or investment advice that is my opinion.

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Iraqi Dinar Guru Highlights

Feb 1, 2021


SILVER ALERT! Reddit Helps Expose the Silver Rigging Shell Game!! (Bix Weir)

Feb 2, 2021

The Light of Day will expose the mechanisms behind the silver manipulation. It's like pulling the curtain away from the Great and Powerful OZ!

Watch how fast the Silver Manipulation falls apart!! Watch for Feb 11th...


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