Dinar Recaps

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Judy, Fleming, Pimpy and more Tuesday 2-23-2021

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Tues. 23 Feb. 2021

Compiled Tues. 23 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: The last word from our Military Intel Contact was on Sat. evening 20 Feb. when he said that notification for a Tier 4B start of exchange/ redemptions was expected early this week.

Two Admirals have stated that there was a 1,000 % chance that the RV would be this week.

Huge tranches of monies had been moved into place for Tier 4B exchange/ redemptions this week.

Paymasters have been called in and told to stay at their stations.

The beginning of the new global economic tax year was on Thurs. 1 April 2021.

Charlie Ward said that something massive was going to happen on Tues. 6 April 2021.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/02/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_23.html

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Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Clare   [new Guru]  Article:  "To the executive branch to the Central Bank of Iraq"  Quotes:  "A new exchange rate is required for the Iraqi dinar towards the US dollar, which is one dinar equals one US dollar...; "...in the future to return a new exchange rate Each dinar equals $3, as it was..."   THIS IS AN AWESOME ARTICLE...THE 3 ZEROS WILL BE REMOVED FROM BOTH (NOTES & EXCHANGE RATE)- HENCE IN THE ARTICLE IT SAYS "and according to the new exchange rate 1000 dinars equals 1000 US dollars,"  THAT IS A 1 to 1 EXCHANGE RATE RIGHT THERE IN IRAQ...imo.


Fleming Tuesday RV Update:

Our military intel contact cannot say much because TPTB want radio silence; so he said he cannot comment on USN activation timing or PP start timing except that activation of the QFS, the gold-backed USN activation, and the PP & adjudicated settlement deliveries are all still planned to be started when T4B notifications come out at the same general timing of the 72-hour shotgun start liquidity release process, which he agreed is still imminent at any time now as of Mon 22 Feb;

He is confirming Dr. Charlie Ward reporting from the number 2 person in the QFS transition team that there were minor technical issues several days ago and those are being corrected and finished now.

He is confirming Mr. Fleming’s sources saying that very large currency movements were happening over the past weekend in many areas of the world, money was paid out into accounts for the adjudicated settlements, fines & penalties, and PPs, all in preparation for the imminent shotgun start;

He agrees that if you are not ready to take into your appointment your currencies and exchange documents, your project outline, etc, you need to get ready now and do what you need to do today;

He is confirming Mr. Fleming’s sources saying that the banks and bankers have been told since last Thu 18 Feb to be watching for the start from tomorrow Tue 23 Feb onward this week; He qualified it by saying that the TPTB want silence and when a date like “Tuesday 23 Feb” is put out there, TPTB will deliberately change the date for security so the Deep State cannot interfere;

But nevertheless he confirmed that the banks and redemption centers are on high alert right now and are ready to start our T4B exchanges at any moment going forward.

He is confirming MarkZ’s sources reporting that all the paymasters, attorneys and T3-4A group leaders are STILL being told by the banks (<—UST <— DoD) to stay in place at their banking centers and NOT to leave, because the beginning of the shotgun start is imminent;

His info matches that of MarkZ who said this morning Mon 22 Feb, “I talked to a couple of folks …paymasters and group leaders …and they are being asked to stay in position until the end of the first week of March. . . . some people would like to leave [their banking centers]….yes…and one person that I speak to regularly approached management of a bank (with 2 letters [WF]) and said he was tired of sitting here. He was told point blank to stay in place…that this thing is imminent. So I am not worried.“

He is confirming Tony’s statement today Mon 22 Feb that we should all be excited and ready to go, ready to start at a moment’s notice.

He recommended we keep the prayers going and keep our expectancy high.(edited)


Iraqi Dinar News for 02/22/21 - plus a little humor at the end

Pimpy’s Investment Chat:  Feb 23, 2021


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Keiser Report | China Overtakes the US (Yet Again) | E1662

Feb 23, 2021

In this episode of Keiser Report, Max and Stacy look at the data out of Europe showing that China is now the European Union’s number one trading partner, overtaking the United States. They discuss the implications.

 In the second half, Max interviews Mitch Feierstein of Planet Ponzi about his thoughts on Stan Druckenmiller going “very, very short on dollar” and if the time is finally right for Japan after a decades-long deflation. 


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