Dinar Recaps

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Judy, Currency 365, Lynette Zang and more Monday Afternoon 11-9-2020

Special Restored Republic via a GCR Report as of Mon. 9 Nov. 2020

Compiled by Judy Byington

Judy Note: According to our Military Intel Contact, the RV Shotgun Release and Tier 4B notification was still underway. It would be here this week under cover of the federal and Supreme courts’ scrutiny of evidence about election vote fraud. The start would slightly follow and shortly overlap security issues that were being handled right now.

All upper Tiers have been funded and platform traders were finished, with monies sitting in accounts awaiting the Shotgun Start.

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A. Mon. 9 Nov. 12:46 pm EST Fleming’s Military Intel Contact Update:

1. The Tier 4B start was still coming this week.

2. In spite of the war against its release, the start would come under cover of the state courts’ scrutiny & SCOTUS scrutiny of emerging clear evidence of election vote fraud.

3. Over the past years (20 plus for some), it’s been a sacrifice for us in Tier 4B, as the elite and more privileged have exchanged, gotten their 1-2% advances, and lived in relatively more ease than us in Tier 4B.

4. The Military Intel Contact said, “While Tier 4B has suffered with lockdowns and loss of innocence, respect, faith, trust and especially too many lives lost that could have been saved. The cost of the past, lost years could only be balanced by the understanding of our ultimate freedom earned, vs death post RV. This had been The Plan of the White Hats, top five Elders and of Heaven.”

5. He did not intend to trivialize the real suffering of so many and what he himself has suffered trying to out-wait the release war, but he said the phrase is really true, “no pain, no gain.”Can we ever know that our sacrifice has given us a life of freedom? Because given a choice we all would choose to wait. He agreed that for better or for worse, waiting through the war to get this RV released has made us grow stronger —he said there have been times in his own life when he lost everything, so he knows how this works from the inside out.

6. He also said that, “Sharing this message at this time can only be done once the SAFE-LINK [via 800# notifications] was given. But this must be shared to help people recover faith, hope and trust in the [post-RV] System [that] we're building together.”

7. He said to “Hang on folks, we are almost there.”

8. The decision-makers and release algorithm were suggesting a start that would shortly overlap and slightly follow security issues being handled right now.


B. Sun. 8 Nov. Fox News Morning with Maria, Sydney Powell on Democratic Voter Fraud: https://youtu.be/OKzw9zABVIE Powell was part of Trump’s legal team. She said they were taking Election Vote Fraud issues to federal court on Mon. 9 Nov., plus there were three major issues that would go before the Supreme Court this week. Powell gave an excellent review of evidence to be presented, which covered the same issues outlined in this article on the Trump win that was validated by a recount of votes on the Quantum Blockchain System: https://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2020/11/trump-win-validated-by-quantum-blockchain-system-recount-of-votes-3217468.html

C. Gregg Hunter on election fraud: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=16s424pCUHA

Read full report here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2020/11/restored-republic-via-gcr-special_9.html


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff   Article:  "With a value of 21 trillion dinars to pay salaries and expenses...an early date for the passage of the borrowing lawthe borrowing law is the last thing we're waiting for for them to change the rate.  They can change the rate anytime after they complete this borrowing law...they're tentatively telling us they want to do the second reading on Thursday.  Article "Prime Minister Spokesman: To vote on the borrowing law next Thursday"  that's this Thursday...there are two articles suggesting to us they're trying to do the second reading this Thursday...after they do the second reading this week we're looking for the 3rd and final reading of the borrowing law on Saturday November 21st and then they can change the rate anytime after that.

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Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes

Sunday, November 8, 2020 15:01

A recount of voting ballots nationwide was being done by elite units of the National Guard by early Sun. morning 8 Nov. To prevent fraud official ballots had been printed with an invisible, unbreakable code watermark and registered on a Quantum Blockchain System.

As of this writing, in five states 14 million ballots had been put through a laser scanner – 78% of which failed because there was no watermark to verify the ballot. Of those that failed 100% had checked for Biden.

An initial test showed that according to water marks on validated ballots fed into the Quantum Computer, Trump won re-election by over 80% of the legal ballot cast. The final validated vote tallied in that test: Trump 73.5 million votes to Biden’s 25.9 million – and that didn’t even account for Trump votes that people observed being tossed and never accounted for.



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November 9,2020


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