Dinar Recaps

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Judy, Bix Weir, SRU and more Thursday Afternoon 2-4-2021

RV Excerpts from Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Thurs. 4 Feb. 2021

Compiled Thurs. 4 Feb. 2021 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: On Tues. 2 Feb. a top banker in Switzerland announced release of GESARA funds to SKR contracts. Paymasters notified Bond holder/sellers that they would have liquidity and access to funds sometime on Wed. 3 Feb. and Redemption Center personnel were on 35 min. standby to be at their desks.

On that same Wed. 3 Feb. Charlie Ward said, “Lots of arrests happening and as I’ve said from Day One, this is all a smokescreen to bring in the Global Currency Reset. From what I understand from the Financial boys— IT'S IMMINENT.”

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Wed. 3 Feb. Fleming’s Military Intel Contact:

The Shotgun Start and Tier 4B start were at any moment going forward this week.

Paymasters have notified Bond Sellers that they would have access to funds within 24 hours of Tues. 2 Feb.

Wed 3 Feb looked like a good possibility for the Shotgun Start including our Tier 4B email notifications.

For the first time in a long while everyone who needed to be in place for the Shotgun Start was in place at their bank centers, including Paymasters, attorneys, group leaders, Bankers and Redemption Center personnel waiting for the start to be triggered at any moment.

Claims by some Military sources that the RV release would not happen until mid-March was dis-information and was put out to throw off the bad guys.

The Military Intel Contact said to put a cap on the disinfo and stop relying on it to protect White Hat operations because the bad guys were already largely subdued/arrested.

The Interim Military Government knew that the RV / GCR release was needed RIGHT NOW NOT IN 5 WEEKS (!!) in order to bring down the D*eep State fully around the globe.

NESARA would begin to be revealed this February while GESARA would begin to be revealed as early as March 2021.

Read full post here:  https://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com/2021/02/restored-republic-via-gcr-update-as-of_4.html


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Jeff   Since Iraq devalued their currency who's been in charge?  Who instructed Iraq to devalue their currencyThe World Bank and the IMF.  The WB and the IMF they don't play games.  They don't work around a big sloppy mess.  They run a tight ship.  If you think Iraq is a big sloppy, disorganized mess that doesn't have stability, think about it carefully.  The WB would not work with Iraq if they were a big sloppy mess and they didn't have stability.  What we've been waiting on this whole time was stability...they're probably much further along than they're telling you and probably much more organized...


Fleming Thursday RV-Related Update:

Our military intel contact said the interim military govt is in charge of timing the RV GCR shotgun start when T4B notification emails go out, it is STILL IMMINENT, and enough arrests have to be finished of Deep State operatives to start everything—lots of ongoing arrests are happening domestically and globally RIGHT NOW & his info is we are almost there.


"The Murky World of Short Selling!" Word Wednesday w/ Paige! (Bix Weir)

Feb 3, 2021

Paige & Bix explore the murky world of Short Selling. From share borrowing to naked shorting to asset rehypothication...it's all a SHELL GAME!


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Silver Report Uncut

Hit Them Where It Hurts! The Elite Scramble For Cash After Wall Street Bets Short Squeeze

Feb 3, 2021

The Losses continue to mount from the Wall Street Bets short squeeze on Melvin Capital, but first, let's talk about the decline of the Eurozone. This morning’s GDP figure for the Eurozone shows the economy contracted in the final quarter of last year with 0.7% q/q (figure 1) and 6.8% in 2020 as a whole – compared to 3.7% in 2009.

There has been a frenzy of bailout activity from some of the giants that were targeted by the Wall Street Bets short squeeze and Robinhood was seeking new capital following their stunt.

There is also a move brewing for people to leave Robinhood since it is acting as a tool for the Elite to mine retail investor data and manipulate the stocks they tell you to buy.

Most of the top stocks are evil companies anyway


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