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Judy, Bix, Lynette and more....Friday AM 8-19-2022

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 19 Aug. 2022

Compiled Fri. 19 Aug. 2022 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington

Judy Note: It is my personal opinion and it appears reasonable that notification of Tier 4B (us, the Internet Group) for exchange and redemption appointments would take place AFTER a big Event where Mainstream Media Satellites were taken down and the Emergency Broadcast System came into effect on the new Star Link Satellite System.

There was only a handful of Military Intelligence people who would be informed of when Liquidity release would actually occur, and they weren’t talking. The date would be decided by the Quantum Computer and based on safety issues. Any other dates given by Intel Gurus or others, were pure speculation.

The next few months were promised to be full of turmoil. I have been asked to publish my Restored Republic via a GCR Updates only on Mon. through Friday, with none on the weekends. That will go into immediate effect. Special Reports will be published only under certain situations.

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Thurs. 18 Aug. 2022 The Big Call, Bruce: Thebigcall.net 667-770-1866 pin123456#

If you are a Zim holder they would put all of your exchange into a Quantum Account. You would have access to 1% of your total exchange in a Primary Account. 30 days later you would have access to another 11% of your total exchange. There will be 9 traunches of 11% access of your total exchange during a ten month period.

That Primary Account would be interest bearing and be at the bank of your choice.

If you do not have Zim you would have 100% of your exchange available at your appointment.

Bond Holders were looking at having liquidity by next Monday 22 Aug.

The General Public should start on Tues. 23 Aug. or Wed. 24 Aug.

One source said we would be seeing some major activity in the next two days (over the weekend).

The Quantum System has been integrated, but not completely. It is supposed to be fully implemented by 5pm EST Fri. 19 Aug.

At 10:30 Fri. 19 Aug. the Redemption Center Staff will begin working.


Global Financial Crisis:

The Western globalists’ plans were to crater their economies so they can finally exert full authoritarian control over their populations. Zimbabwe’s roll-out of gold coins is a smashing success as a cratering dollar will lead other nations such as the US, to do the same. Again, African countries save the day: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-08-17-zimbabwes-roll-out-of-gold-coins-smashing-success.html

White Hat Intel:

There is a collaboration of nations called “BRICS” which stands for Brazil, Russia, India, China’s and South Africa (Zimbabwe). These nations are teaming up to bring back a gold standard and recent realize oil purchase. Hence why they are trying to get Saudi Arabia and Iran on board. Saudi as of this year is veering away from the US dollar and looking to back their oil in the Chinese gold-backed “Yuan.” If you know what the dollar truly is, you can read between the lines here and see that the financial slavery of the world is on the verge of ending.

Read full post here:  https://dinarchronicles.com/2022/08/19/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-august-19-2022/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru

Frank26   The Federal Courts IMO have already dissolved parliament many many months ago...Federal courts are not needed to dissolve parliament - parliament is dissolved.  It's been dissolved...relax.  Kazemi is your Prime Minister.  Kazemi already has his government.  He's been running the country of Iraq...repeat after me - parliament is dissolved

Mnt Goat   "CENTRAL BANK OF IRAQ RESERVES RETURN TO LEVELS BEFORE ISIS WAROh…but the dinar is still just 1/6 of a penny…maybe some day you can brag about the rate of your currency reflecting its TRUE value…very sad what they are doing to the Iraqi people in delaying all this wealth that can derived from their currency if they only released it to the world.

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Bix Weir:

ALERT! Silver & Gold Market Rigging Is LEGAL Under US Law...but Not for Banks!

Yes, the Gold Reserve Act of 1934 gave the power of gold and silver market manipulation to the Exchange Stabilization Fund run out of the US Treasury Department.

This law has NOT been rescinded and is used on a daily basis to rig ALL MARKETS. But that does NOT mean that large banks, like JP Morgan, has the same legal standing when it acts on it's own behalf!

During the 8 years that JPM traders were rigging gold and silver prices (from the short side!) they accumulated over 1B ounces of physical silver and of that silver a very large amount (over 300M oz!) of US Silver Eagles paying only $1-$2 over generic rounds.

This was facilitated by the US Mint. Today, as retail buyers clamor for US Silver Eagles the Mint REFUSES to make enough Silver Eagles to meet demand thus forcing retail buyers to pay $12-$15 over spot...TALK ABOUT RIGGING THE MARKETS TO ENRICH THE BANKS!!


BULLION GOLD, DEBT & PREMIUMS + Q&A with Lynette Zang & Eric Griffin


Viewer Questions:

Question 1: 2:26 Is it worth holding other currencies as well as dollars or will the dollar be the last to fail since it’s the global reserve currency?

Question 2: 4:40 At what point during a debt implosion and or market crash and freeze up would we see gold drop to a momentary sweet spot for buying?

Question 3: 7:54 When purchasing silver or gold and given the premiums on both, is there an advantage to purchasing a silver eagle, with higher premium, as to say a buffalo silver round with lower premium?

Question 4: 12:47 If we have to make a choice between buying metals and paying off variable debt, which is more important to do first?

Question 5: 16:11 Bullion gold is known for holding its purchasing power over time. One of the added benefits to pre-1933 coins seems to be appreciation in the premium attached because of their rarity. Do you suspect this will repeat?


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