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It Will Only Get Worse- The Atlantis Report

It Will Only Get Worse! Inflation Hits 40-Year High - Prepare Yourself For Painful Cost Of Living

The Atlantis Report:  Jan 23, 2022

Lockdowns everywhere and everything. It’s for your health.

 All small businesses are bankrupt .Too many lives ruined because of these closures . Ruining lives to "save lives" is the hardest part to understand about everything that's going on.

The real restrictions will be getting worse and worse. The pandemic restrictions have created 500 new billionaires , and pushed 500 million into poverty . Largest wealth transfer in human history from the middle class to the elite. YOU'LL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY.

Welcome to the Great Reset.

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The intentional controlled demolition of our socioeconomic systems is well underway. Just what the government wants! Wants all people to be dependent on them! So they can usher in the great Reset!

you don't need a Business. you need to stay home and go broke. it's for your Health!!!

Yes you need money to support Survive, but You Will own Nothing and Be Happy. lmao this is what you get when you let the Government become a Tyrant!!!! ….

 Forget your future! Forget passing your property onto your grandkids (What property) Remember you will own nothing but you’ll be happy . We will be lining up for food if people don’t wake up!!!

Our system is built around infinite growth. A constant drive to maximize profits at all times and minimize employee pay and benefits. It's what's been in The Great Reset plan all along.

 Our government no longer cares about its citizens. Want it to change. Stop obeying. If everyone just said no, this would not be happening. Right in line with governmental plans to destroy the middle class.

Keep complying people and this will be the outcome. The Government wants complete control and no one is to own anything . What's next? An orchestrated breakdown of the supply chain...

When we consumers have to pay more -- somebody makes more money. Granted, in some cases, producers' costs go up. But, did line-staff wages increase 7% overall, nationally, last year?

A pattern begins to emerge, and that pattern is the classic infantry tactic of advancing under cover of smoke. The pandemic is the smoke that hides the assault, the advancing infantry are the manufacturers, and the poor sods being assaulted are we the regular folks.

Persistent supply chain backlogs and high consumer demand for goods have kept prices elevated. The solution, therefore, is quite simple: stop buying so much crap! Put the money you were going to spend on a new monster flat-screen TV in a mutual fund and watch it grow substantially for a year or two.

Repair that old used car of yours instead of buying a new one. Wear your old clothes instead of always buying new stuff. Eat less meat, or no meat at all. Decide that you don't actually need the very latest iPhone or tablet computer or Fitbit.

Borrow books from the library instead of wasting money on paperbacks. Honestly, people, stop giving in to the notion that we're driven by endless consumerism and spending.

Our landfills are overflowing with stuff we throw away just to make room for new stuff. The fact is that many of the markets with inflated prices involve necessities. Housing costs are a big one. Also, it is tough to reduce energy in heating your home in the short term. Total costs to better insulate from electric to heat-pump are also going up.

Even the cost of a vegetarian diet has increased (but I don't expect everyone to become a vegetarian). Buying a used car is often the frugal action, but it is used car prices that have the steepest inflation. Car repair shops are finding it hard to maintain skilled staff and their supplies are scarce with costs increasing.

It may sound fine to keep wearing old clothes, but kids grow and many adults can't show up at their jobs wearing worn out clothing. (confession, I periodically throw out my tighty-whities and buy new ones - they just get embarrassing).

The answer is more on the supply side here. We need to reduce the supplier and supply chain tangles. And that depends a lot on dealing properly with covid.

Even without covid, there needs to be better diversification of suppliers (with some of that sourcing coming back to the US.) The governments wanted an offshore supply chain. They cashed in on outsourcing. The showered tax cuts for them for closing down American factories. And now they're complaining about inflation from supply chain issues?!? That's hypocritical.

Why the confusion? The reason inflation is raging is the ridiculous, and anti-American worker - decision to move corporate operations and jobs offshore, meaning a majority of products need to be shipped here instead of made here.

And basic greed by companies taking advantage of the pandemic and raising prices. This is all on Corporate America and their paid for politicians who enable it all.


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