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Iraqi News Wednesday AM 12-9-20

Iraqi News Wednesday AM 12-9-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Al-Kazemi: No Retreat Through Economic Reform

Wednesday 09 December 2020  128 Baghdad: Morning The Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, reaffirmed that the path to economic reform is an irreversible approach and that it is the core of the government's commitment. Governmental apparatus.

Al-Kazemi reviewed, during his presidency of the regular session of the Council of Ministers held, yesterday, Tuesday, "the reality of the challenges that Iraq faces in the economic field and efforts to fight the Corona pandemic."

The council discussed, according to a statement by the Prime Minister’s Media Office, the file of people with special needs, securing their requirements, and upgrading the services provided to them by service and government departments, in light of the Prime Minister’s meeting with a delegation of their representatives at the end of last week, adopting the solutions, procedures and facilities offered to serve this generous segment of Iraqi society .

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The Council approved the inclusion of the Nasiriyah Airport project within the schedules of the investment budget of the Civil Aviation Authority, provided that the listing requirements are completed later, and the project will be funded

From the Chinese fund.

It also approved the Policy and Standards Document for Information Security and Data Sharing, approved by the National Security Council at its nineteenth session, held on July 26, 2020, and in accordance with its Resolution No. 14 of 2020, the accompanying linking of the National Security Adviser’s letter No. 5/1/817 on July 27, 2020. Taking into consideration the opinion of the Legal Department in the General Secretariat

To the Cabinet.

The Council also agreed to authorize the ministries and entities not connected with the Ministry and the governorates to continue contracting for the implementation of their annual plan until December 31, 2020, instead of December 15, 2020, while it approved granting the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research a foundation license for each of: College Al-Huda Al-Ahlia University in Anbar Governorate, Al-Mashriq National University in the capital Baghdad, Al-Maqal National University in Basra Governorate, Ibn Khaldun University College in the capital Baghdad, and Sawa Al-Ahlia University in Al-Muthanna Governorate.  LINK

The Council Of Ministers Holds Its Regular Session Headed By Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi And Issues A Number Of Decisions

December 8- 2020  Today, Tuesday, the Council of Ministers held its regular session chaired by the Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, during which they discussed a number of issues and topics included in its agenda.

During the session, the Prime Minister reviewed the reality of the challenges that Iraq faces in the economic field and efforts to fight the Corona pandemic, stressing that the path of economic reform is an approach that cannot be reversed and that it is at the core of the government's obligations.

His Excellency confirmed his previous directives to the ministers and all state agencies to exert utmost efforts and work around the clock to provide the best services to the Iraqi citizen, as this is usually a duty of the government apparatus.

Mr. Al-Kazemi also summarized the Council about the meeting held today by the three presidencies and political blocs, to discuss the budget, and showed the forces ’assurances of their support for the government's reform plans, the white paper and the passage of the budget.

The council discussed the file of people with special needs, securing their requirements, and upgrading the services provided to them by service and government departments, in light of the meeting of the Prime Minister and a delegation of their representatives at the end of last week.

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The proposed solutions, procedures and facilities have been adopted to serve this generous segment of Iraqi society.

After the council considered the issues and files on its agenda, it took a number of decisions, including:

1- Approval of the inclusion of the Nasiriyah airport project within the investment budget schedules of the Civil Aviation Authority, provided that the listing requirements are completed later, and the project will be funded by the Chinese Fund.

2- Considering next Thursday an official holiday marking the third anniversary of the victory over ISIS terrorist gangs.

3- Adoption of the policy document and standards for information security and data sharing ratified by the National Security Council at its nineteenth session, held on July 26, 2020, and in accordance with its Resolution No. 14 of 2020, the accompanying linking of the National Security Adviser Book No. 5/1/817 on July 27, 2020 Taking into consideration the opinion of the Legal Department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers.

4- Agreeing to authorize the ministries and entities not connected with a ministry and the governorates to continue contracting for the implementation of its annual plan until December 31, 2020, instead of December 15, 2020.

5- Approval of granting the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research a founding license to each of: Al-Hoda College, Al-Ahlia University in Anbar Governorate, Al-Mashriq National University in the capital Baghdad, Al-Maqal National University in Basra Governorate, Ibn Khaldun University College in the capital, Baghdad, and Sawa Private University in Muthanna Governorate.

The Media Office of the Prime Minister,8 - December – 2020  https://pmo.iq/press2020/8-12-202002.htm

The House Of Representatives Votes On Three Laws And Ends The Debate On The Election Financing Bill

09/12/2020  The House of Representatives voted in its twenty-sixth session, which was held under the chairmanship of Mr. Muhammad al-Halbousi, Speaker of the House, and in the presence of 188 deputies today, Wednesday 9/12/2020, on three laws and ended the discussion and reading of three laws .

At the beginning of the session, Deputy Muthanna Amin read a statement regarding the demonstrations taking place in the Kurdistan region in Sulaymaniyah, Halabja and before them in Dohuk in protest against partisan control of the government and parliament, the exploitation of the people's wealth, condemning injustice and corruption, and demanding truth and integrity, in addition to the failure of the government in the region to pay employees' salaries and its failure to protect The demonstrators, after civilian casualties, demanded an investigation into the killing of peaceful demonstrators, the release of those arrested, and the federal government assuming its responsibilities in providing salaries for Kurdistan region employees, similar to their peers in the governorates of Iraq, and not to politicize the issue.

After that, the council read Al-Fatihah on the souls of the martyrs of the demonstrations in the Kurdistan Region in particular and Iraq in general.

For his part, the Speaker of the House of Representatives directed the Human Rights Committee to carry out its work through a field visit to the areas of demonstrations in the Kurdistan region to emphasize the need to protect human rights and protect demonstrators from repression.

The Council voted on the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the International Convention on Preparedness, Response and Cooperation in the Field of Oil Pollution (OPrc90) of 1990 submitted by the Foreign Relations Committee, to protect the territorial waters of the Republic of Iraq from oil pollution incidents and the importance of preparing, responding and returning emergency plans to the Republic of Iraq as one of the exporting countries For oil.

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The Council voted on a draft law abolishing Law No. (127) for the year 1981 Ratification of the Arab Labor Agreement Law No. (10) for the year 1979 regarding paid study leave and the Arab Recommendation No. (3) for the year 1979 attached to it and submitted by the Foreign Relations Committee, given that a long period has passed. On the promulgation of the law.

The Council also voted on the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ballast Water and Sediments in Ships for the year 2004 submitted by the Foreign Relations, Health and Environment Committees, which came to enhance cooperation in the field of controlling ballast water and sediments in ships and the application of standards aimed at preventing the transfer of harmful water organisms And disease-causing organisms and reduce them to the maximum extent possible and avoid the unwanted side effects resulting from them and the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the international convention.

In the same context, the Council finished reading a report and discussing the draft law on joining the Republic of Iraq to the amendment of the Basel Convention on Controlling the Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal submitted by the Foreign Relations Committee.

The interventions of the ladies and gentlemen focused on demanding that the government give attention to treating 20 sites contaminated with radiation and hazardous waste, which led to the injury of 19 thousand citizens with cancer diseases, 18 thousand cases of respiratory diseases and 4 thousand cases of congenital deformity, all in Basra Governorate

The Council completed the reading of the report and discussion of the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Nairobi International Convention for the Removal of Wreckage of 2007 submitted by the Foreign Relations Committee.

The Council completed the reading of the report and the discussion of the draft law on financing the expenses of the House of Representatives elections, which, according to estimates, amounted to 329 billion dinars, to be funded in the form of 133 billion and three hundred million dinars from the cash balance of the general budget for the fiscal year 2019, in addition to the amount of 195 billion and 700 million dinars by resorting to borrowing .

The interventions of the women and gentlemen focused on the importance of providing all the requirements and requirements to create a sound environment for the Iraqi voter to bring about change and political reform, in addition to the call to benefit from the amount of 133 billion dinars that was allocated within the commission's budget in 2019 without resorting to borrowing, as well as adding a paragraph to install contracts in High Electoral Commission for job stability.  Then it was decided to adjourn the session  Media Department  Parliament   9/12/2020   LINK

The Finance Committee Hosts The Delegation Of The Ministries Of Finance And Planning And The Office Of Financial Supervision

09/12/2020  Hosted the Finance Committee headed by Deputy Dr. Haytham Al-Jubouri and the attendance of its members on Wednesday 9/12/2020, the advanced delegation of the Ministries of Finance and Planning, the Office of Financial Supervision and the Director of Accounts in Anbar Province, to discuss the dues of companies and contractors from the amounts of late trusts in the liberated governorates.

During the meeting held at its headquarters, the committee discussed the reasons for the delay in disbursing funds for trusts and the problem between the Ministry of Finance and the Office of Financial Supervision with the administrative units of the provinces that were under the control of terrorist gangs and the destruction of all paperwork for projects.

In a related context, the committee sent a letter to the Ministry of Finance regarding the administrative units lagging in submitting their final accounts, urging them to expedite sending them to the Bureau of Financial Supervision for the purpose of approval, as the committee noticed that some administrative units had not submitted to their final accounts since 2012.   Media    Department Parliament  9-December-2020  LINK

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During His Presidency Of A Workshop To Study The Draft Law On Partnership Between The Public And Private Sectors

 Al-Kaabi: All obstacles to investors must be removed and the doors opened for the private sector to take an active role in real economic development

09/12/2020  Al-Kaabi: Iraq needs a revolution to raise awareness of the importance of achieving development, as legislation is not sufficient to achieve this goal

Hassan Karim Al-Kaabi, First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, called on the authorities concerned with achieving economic development in Iraq to start the development process through a real revolution to raise awareness of the importance of comprehensive development framed by sober legislation that finds those who believe in it and implement it on the ground.

This came during his chairing, today, Wednesday, December 9, 2020, a workshop on the draft law on partnership between the public and private sectors, which was organized by the Economic and Investment Committee in cooperation with the Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation and in the presence of the Chairman and members of the Economic and Investment Committee and representatives of the Parliamentary Financial and Legal Committee, and he also participated through the Department of ( Online) one of the experts of the Takamul project of the United Nations and representatives of the private sector in Iraq.

His Excellency described the movement of investment activity in Iraq as (not feasible) despite the passage of 14 years since the investment law was enacted, as the concerned authorities failed to attract local and foreign investors, as well as the need for the presence of the Investment Authority to be more effective and remove all obstacles before investors. The lesson is not the number of projects The proposal is for investment, but in the importance of these projects because developing countries starts from investment and nothing else.

He continued by saying: The time has come for a comprehensive change in the field of development by allowing the private sector to take its full role in developing the Iraqi economy, framing the relationship between the public and private sectors with solid legislation, and starting a real act of managing the state with a mentality that differs from what we have done over the past decades by renouncing the hegemony of the state. On all aspects of the economy, including production, energy, labor market, etc., and start introducing modernity into the mentality of those concerned with development, investment and the company between sectors. The Media Office of the  First Deputy Speaker of Parliament  9/12/2020   LINK

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Issue (4607) Of The Iraqi Newspaper Al-Waqi’a Issued On 7/12/2020

2020-12-09 01:27:00

1- Instructions No. (1) for the year 2020 the progress of work in the Board of Directors of the Iraq Money Recovery Fund.

2- Instructions No. (1) for the year 2020 to form main and subsidiary committees and their tasks and to evaluate documents in the Property Claims Commission.

3- Statement No. (3) for the year 2020 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture ((the compensation amount for one kilogram of fish infected with (KHV) epidemic disease is at a price of (2,700) two thousand seven hundred Iraqi dinars)).

4- Data issued by the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control.

Those wishing to acquire the Iraqi factsheet can refer to the Iraqi investigation department located in Salhiya / Haifa Street (Ministry of Justice building), and obtain the required number.     https://www.moj.gov.iq/view.5247/

The Ministry Of Justice Announces The Issuance Of The New Issue Of The Iraqi Newspaper Al-Waqi’a With Number (4607)

2020-12-09 01:52:00  A The Ministry of Justice announced the issuance of the new issue of the Iraqi newspaper Al-Waqi’a with number (4607), which included a number of instructions and statements approved by the Presidency of the Republic.

The Director General of the Department / Sitt Agency, Haifa Shukr Mahmoud, said that the number included the issuance of Instructions No. (1) for the year 2020, the progress of work in the Board of Directors of the Iraq Fund for Refund, in addition to the issuance of Instructions No. (1) for the year 2020 to form the main and subsidiary committees. Its tasks are to evaluate documents in the Property Claims Authority.

The Director-General added that the number also included the issuance of a statement No. (3) for the year 2020 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture, the amount of compensation per kilogram of fish infected with the (KHV) epidemic disease at a price of (2,700) two thousand seven hundred Iraqi dinars, as well as data Issued by the Central Organization for Standardization and Quality Control.      https://www.moj.gov.iq/view.5248/

Al-Kazemi Presents The "Comprehensive National Dialogue Initiative"

Wednesday 09 December 2020 213  Baghdad: Morning   Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi launched the "comprehensive national dialogue initiative" to prepare for early elections.

A meeting was held in the Governmental Palace in Baghdad yesterday, Tuesday, by the President of the Republic, Barham Salih, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi and Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi, and leaders of political blocs.

During the meeting, current developments and developments were presented, as were the general lines of the federal budget and the outstanding problems between the federal government and the Kurdistan region.

The meeting stressed that Iraq is going through exceptional circumstances, as a result of the global economic crisis that occurred due to the spread of the Corona epidemic, and that economic reform is the necessary solution that must be adopted within the scope of Iraqi political and social solidarity that reflects the unity of the position before the main issues. The meeting indicated support for government measures to achieve economic reform in the draft federal budget law for the fiscal year 2021, in a way that guarantees solutions to fortify the economy in the face of crises. To the constitution.

The Prime Minister also presented a comprehensive national dialogue initiative adopted by the government in order to create a political, security and social environment, to conduct free and fair early elections, protect them from violations, and achieve the highest levels of transparency and justice in them.   LINK


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