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Iraqi News Tuesday AM 8-25-20

Iraqi News Tuesday AM 8-25-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

The First Deputy Of The House Of Representatives Announces His Infection With The Corona Virus

08/24/2020  In the name of of Allah the Merciful  “And if I fall ill, he will cure.”  Believe God Almighty  Praise be to God that His grace is righteous ..  Two days ago, I felt uncomfortable health symptoms, and as a result, I underwent all the necessary medical examinations that showed my infection with the new Corona virus, praise be to God first and foremost ..  I thank everyone who asks about me and I apologize for not being able to respond during the current period. My honorable people, my brothers and sisters in the House of Representatives have also assured that my health condition is stable until this moment thanks to him, glory be to Him.

My prayer from the Almighty is to protect Iraq, Iraqis and all of humanity from the danger of this dreaded epidemic, and to ensure a speedy recovery for all those afflicted and afflicted with this disease.  Your brother   Hassan Karim Al-Kaabi

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,First Deputy Speaker of Parliament   08/24/2020   https://ar.parliament.iq/2020/08/24/74103/

TLM724:   Well this sucks. Al-Kaabi has been doing Halbousi (the speaker) job for months. Now they have to count on Halbousi which is a stretch !!!

The Speaker Of Parliament Receives The Minister Of Interior

08/25/2020   Parliament Speaker Muhammad al-Halbousi received Minister of Interior, Othman Al-Ghanimi; To discuss developments in the security situation in the country.

During the meeting, His Excellency stressed the importance of preserving the country's internal security, providing protection for all citizens, and the need to strengthen the intelligence effort, and serious work to prosecute outlaws, and to make greater efforts to reduce assassinations and restore security, stability and the rule of law.  

The Media Office  of the Speaker of Parliament,   25 August 2020    LINK

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi, The King Of Jordan And The President Of The Republic Of Egypt Hold A Discussion Meeting Prior To The Tripartite Summit

Aug 25- 2020   A tripartite meeting was held in the Jordanian capital Amman, which included the Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, the King of the Kingdom of Jordan, His Majesty King Abdullah bin Al-Hussein, and the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, Mr. Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, prior to the holding of the tripartite Iraqi-Jordanian summit.

The meeting dealt with a number of issues and files of common interest, and the strengthening of cooperation between Baghdad, Amman and Cairo, at various levels and fields.

The Media Office of the Prime Minister   2 5- Aug-2020   https://pmo.iq/press2020/25-8-202003.htm

Parliament Holds Its Sessions Next Month And Kazemi Is On The List Of Hosts

Tuesday 25 August 2020  117   Baghdad / morning   Not long after his return from Washington, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi faced a "political movement" for hosting him in Parliament in order to review the results of the visit.

Al-Kazemi returned to Baghdad last Saturday, after holding meetings with a large number of American officials, including US President Donald Trump, and during the visit discussed bilateral relations between Baghdad and Washington and ways of joint cooperation.

The deputy of the "Al-Fateh" coalition, Uday Shaalan, said: "Some of the files of the visit are unclear, and that is why there is a movement that aims to host Al-Kazemi in Parliament, to see the details."

Shaalan added, "The House of Representatives will reconvene at the beginning of next month, and then the hosting date will be determined."

The agreements signed between the two countries constitute a political obsession, as many MPs refrained from evaluating the "Iraqi-American meeting" until after Al-Kazemi gave a full explanation to Parliament about the content of his visit to Washington.

As for the representative of the (Sadikoun) bloc, Muhammad Karim, he explained that “Al-Kazemi promised to communicate with the House of Representatives, so the session is supposed to take place in an appropriate manner. Fast".   LINK

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Text Of Al-Kazemi's Speech At The Tripartite Summit In Amman

Time: 08/25/2020 15:58:40 Read: 1,456 times   (Baghdad: Al Furat News) Our agency publishes the text of the speech of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi at the tripartite summit held in the Jordanian capital Amman between Iraq, Jordan and Egypt.

In his speech, Al-Kazemi said, "I am pleased to express how happy I am to meet on the land of the sisterly Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, to meet King Abdullah II bin Al Hussein, and I commend the historical and solid relations of our two countries, and I reiterate our firm stance on issues of common interest, and our keenness to integrate Our Arab peoples and their sovereignty, independence and stability. "

He added, "I am also pleased to meet the President of the Arab Republic of Egypt {Abdel Fattah El-Sisi} and value his keenness to participate, and to confirm his country's adherence to the mechanism of political consultations between our countries, which was launched at the summit level in Cairo on 3/24/2019, to discuss ways of cooperation, coordination and integration between countries The three -

Our region does not need new wars and conflicts, but rather we need all to stand with each other and work towards achieving the aspiration of our peoples in terms of security, stability, development and a better life, and to work to make peace.

Iraq is committed to a strategic vision that supports the stability of the region and creates the opportunity for calm, and this path is built on the continuation of dialogues between the actors at the regional level.

Iraq adheres to the establishment of balanced relations with all neighboring countries, and attaches importance to protecting its sovereignty, security and stability. It cooperates with brothers and friends in the framework of mutual respect and non-interference in internal affairs.

We look forward to creating a bright future that provides our peoples with a decent life in light of the values ​​of peace, tolerance, stability, prosperity, and social justice, and we meet today upholding our original, firm values ​​for the good of our countries and peoples.

We reiterate Iraq's firm position in support of the Palestinian cause, and the right of the Palestinian people to establish their state with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

We affirm the importance of the collective will to defeat terrorism and eliminate it through comprehensive regional and international cooperation and confront all those who support terrorism with financing and arming, and the need to complete the battle against terrorist groups in light of the victory achieved by Iraq in its battle against the terrorist organization ISIS.

Iraq is keen on the importance of a comprehensive political solution to the region’s crises on the basis of common historical interests among peoples, in a way that preserves the unity and independence of the countries of the region and their territorial integrity, the capabilities of their peoples, and allows the preservation of national security.

The vision of Iraq focuses on adopting the participants, distancing themselves from conflicts, achieving integration and economic cooperation between the three countries through the development of joint industrial (economic) zones, and the need to create multi-faceted strategic partnerships with the aim of strengthening the presence of the Iraqi economy jointly with the economies of Arab countries, and for more Of stability, and luxury.

We look forward to opening new horizons for cooperation in the economic, commercial and investment fields, in the fields of energy, electricity, infrastructure, reconstruction, transportation and health.

The historical and geographical ties between Iraq and its brothers in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Arab Republic of Egypt provide us with opportunities to build a base for common economic interests that secure long-term investment partnerships and broad-based trade exchange, as well as enriching the Iraqi, Jordanian and Egyptian markets with the joint products of these countries, and in a way that contributes to strengthening the presence of The Arab market.

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The new brightness that we are looking for is a vision of peace, love, integrity and openness for the future of future generations.

We stress the importance of meeting periodically to coordinate positions and policies in order to achieve the interests and goals of our peoples in stability and economic prosperity, expand cooperation with brotherly and friendly countries, and build balanced international relations.

Iraq, which starts from its Arab depth and its historical neighborhood, and from the insistence of its people on a free and dignified life, will actively contribute to affirming the values ​​of peace and integration with brothers and friends ... and a permanent platform for building dialogue and devoting understandings as an alternative to conflicts.

Our peoples can no longer tolerate more conflicts, our youth have the will to create a better reality, and it is our duty all to translate this will into reality and action programs, to replace the language of war with the language of development and construction, and to build on the participants and not stop in front of differences, to achieve opportunities for progress and peace.

Our peoples deserve the future, and we hope this meeting will be a gateway to the future.   LINK

The Ministry Of Interior Launches A Service To Facilitate Citizens' Transactions

Tuesday 25 August 2020  143  Baghdad / morning  Yesterday, Monday, the Ministry of Interior directed a new service to facilitate transactions  Citizens.

Interior Minister Othman Al-Ghanmi said in a statement: “Simplifying procedures and raising routine is one of the priorities Our work. ”

Al-Ghanmi added, “We directed the Directorate of Communications and Information Systems to launch the SMS Gateway project to the citizen’s phone number by the department to which he submitted the transaction at the Ministry of Interior and notifies him. Updates. ”   LINK

In The Document .. Parliamentary Finance: Advanced Stages For Automating Ports, And Al-Kazemi Must Implement It

Time: 08/25/2020 14:20:28 Read: 2,301 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} The Parliamentary Finance Committee called on Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to implement the clause of automating border crossings in his ministerial program.

The head of the committee, Haitham al-Jubouri, directed a letter to the Prime Minister’s office, of which the Euphrates News Agency obtained a copy “based on the clauses of the government program and in line with the tireless efforts made to increase non-oil revenues. Its revenues can only be realized through the implementation of the system (automating procedures), which according to our information has reached advanced stages for referral and contracting, hoping to instruct you and your personal intervention to complete these stages and inform us   LINK

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