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Iraqi News Tuesday AM 4-13-21

Iraqi News Tuesday AM 4-13-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

The Dollar Rises On The First Day Of Ramadan

Time: 04/13/2021 10:55:30 Read: 5,889 times   {Economic: Al Furat News} The exchange rate of the dollar rose in Iraq today, Tuesday, with the advent of the blessed month of Ramadan.   It amounted to 1478 dinars in Baghdad, and 1480 dinars in Erbil.   In Dhi Qar, the dollar rose to 1,480 dinars.   LINK

The Central Bank Determines The Remedies For The Repercussions Of Raising The Dollar’s ​​Price

Economie| 11:37 - 04/13/2021   BAGHDAD - Mawazine News:   The Central Bank of Iraq, on Tuesday, identified the remedies for the repercussions of raising the price of the dollar, and supporting the ration card items by emphasizing the need for government support for local industry and agriculture.

The deputy governor of the Central Bank, Ihssan Shamran Al-Yasiri, said, according to the official agency, that "one of the demands of the World Bank during the negotiations to raise the exchange rate of the dollar is to reform the public financial departments, which are taxes, customs, levies and financing part of the financial savings achieved for the benefit of the vulnerable classes," stressing that " The need to improve the ration card items to reduce the damage caused by adjusting the exchange rate.

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Al-Yasiri added, "It is possible to improve the ration card items by fighting corruption, and to limit the waste of Iraqi money in corrupt deals, because most of the ration items are national production such as rice, sugar, flour, oil and tomato paste," pointing out that "the government can invest the initiative to amend The exchange rate is through more support for the local industry and agriculture, after it obtained a competitive advantage of more than 23% against the importer of the products. Consequently, the importer had difficulty competing with the local product.

He continued, "The World Bank suggested to the Central Bank of Iraq to amend the dollar exchange rate to 160 thousand dinars per 100 dollars, as it is the real price that the local market can settle upon, compared to neighboring countries," indicating that "       https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=149445

Parliamentary Warnings Of The Catastrophic Repercussions Of The Continued Rise In The Dollar's Exchange Rate

Political  Tuesday 13 April 2021 | 09:25 in the morning| Views: 113   Representatives from various political blocs warned of the repercussions of the government decision to raise the exchange rate of the dollar in local banks, stressing that the poverty rate will rise to unprecedented levels .

The representative of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Fadel Jaber, said, "Iraq will suffer from a high percentage of the paragraph to more than 30 percent after the statistics recorded the presence of 10 million Iraqis below the level of poverty line, as this rise will come as a result of changing the dollar exchange rate ."

On the other hand, the representative of the Sadiqoun Parliamentary Bloc, Ahmed Ali, stressed that "the government bears the responsibility for raising the dollar exchange rate and its repercussions, as well as that the Central Bank is the other responsible for the consequences of decisions that affect the lives of the Iraqi citizen ."

On the other hand, the deputy for the Badr Parliamentary Bloc, Mukhtar Mahmoud, stated that "there is continuous pressure by the parliamentary parties to reduce the exchange rate of the dollar in the local markets, due to the economic disasters that the Iraqi citizen suffers from."


Kurdish Parliament: Soon ... A Special Committee For The Implementation Mechanisms Of The Erbil - Baghdad Agreement

PoSTED ON 2021-04-13 BY SOTALIRAQ   Today, Monday, the Kurdistan Parliament’s Natural Resources and Industry Committee met with the Kurdistan Regional Government’s negotiating delegation with Baghdad, where many issues were discussed.

In this regard, Guleasar Rashid Sindi, deputy chairperson of the Natural Resources and Industry Committee in the Kurdistan Parliament, said to (Basnews): “Our committee met today with the government delegation negotiating with Baghdad, and many issues were discussed, as it was confirmed that the budget law that was approved does not solve The existing oil problem between Erbil and Baghdad, but it will pave the way for finding a solution after the Iraqi elections within the framework of the draft oil and natural gas law.

She added, “During the meeting, it was discussed that the Iraqi government, through its agreement with the regional government, approved oil sales contracts concluded by Kurdistan, which will pave the way for a detailed discussion on this issue after the elections, and as the issue is of great importance in terms of oil companies will have to buy Kurdistan oil at relatively better prices ».

The Kurdish MP pointed out that «the law includes the budget of Iraq for two years, so the Kurdistan delegation sought to reach an agreement in this regard, which guarantees at a minimum the dues of the Peshmerga and the employees».

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She indicated that «it was clear to the Kurdistan negotiating delegation that the agreement regarding the budget was political and not mathematical, and that it would be the beginning of further negotiations with Baghdad.

Cindy revealed, "A special committee will soon go to Baghdad to discuss mechanisms for implementing the agreement, in cooperation and coordination between the Iraqi Ministry of Oil and the Ministry of Natural Resources in the Kurdistan Region."

The Kurdish parliamentarian asserted that “it was better for the Kurdistan Region to deliver 250 thousand barrels of oil to Baghdad, but the Shiite parties insisted on delivering the oil according to the price set by the SOMO company, and the region’s delegation agreed to this so as not to leave any argument for Baghdad.”

Sindi attributed the success of the Erbil-Baghdad agreement to "the unity of the ranks and the position in the Kurdish house and the cohesion of the Kurdish blocs to pass the budget."   LINK

President Barzani And The US Ambassador To Iraq Stress The Importance Of Continuing Coordination And Partnership Between Erbil And Washington

POSTED ON 2021-04-13 BY SOTALIRAQ   They discussed developments in the political process and the dangers and threats of terrorism in Iraq and Syria

The Kurdish leader, Masoud Barzani, discussed, in the resort of Salah al-Din near Erbil, today, Monday, with the US ambassador to Baghdad Matthew Toller and his accompanying delegation, the political situation in Iraq, and the latest developments in the political process in the country.

During the meeting, which was attended by the US Consul in Erbil, Robert Waller, views were exchanged on the strategic dialogue between the United States and Iraq and the role of political parties in its success, and the approval of the federal budget for 2021 was considered a positive step.

The meeting also witnessed the shedding of light on the dangers and threats of terrorism in Iraq and Syria, while the strengthening of moderate thought was considered necessary to reach stability.

Bilateral relations between the Kurdistan Region and America also formed another focus of the meeting, as the two sides affirmed the continuation of coordination and partnership between the two sides.   LINK

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Al-Kazemi Identifies The Reason For The High Prices And Announces The Central Bank’s Success In Increasing The Dollar’s ​​Reserves

Political   Tuesday 13 April 2021 | 02:52 PM| Views: 94   On Tuesday, the President of the Federal Government, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, attributed the reason for the high prices of commodities, especially foodstuffs, to the "greed" of some merchants, revealing at the same time the success of the Central Bank of Iraq in increasing the country's reserves of hard currency dollars .

Al-Kazemi said in a speech during the cabinet session that took place today, "We renew our directives to the Ministry of Trade to work continuously to provide more foodstuffs in the ration card and to exert its utmost efforts ."

He pointed out that the increase in commodity prices is mostly linked to the greed of some traders, and we have campaigns to prevent this price manipulation .

Al-Kazemi also said: We have succeeded in increasing the central bank’s reserves of the dollar after the reform measures that we have taken .

And he went on to say that the Ministry of Health has made an effort to provide vaccines for the Corona epidemic, and it is very important that there be encouragement for citizens to take the vaccine.


Al-Kazemi: We Have Succeeded In Increasing The Reserves Of The Central Bank And There Are Campaigns To Prevent Price Manipulation

Author: AhadNA3 On 4/13/2021 - 2:45 PM 45  Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi announced today, Tuesday, campaigns to prevent manipulation of commodity prices, while noting that the government had succeeded in increasing the reserves of the Central Bank.

"We congratulate the Iraqi people on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan, the month of goodness, love and tolerance," Al-Kazemi said in a speech during the cabinet session, according to a statement by his media office, which is one of our priorities and that all ministers should make every effort. More efforts to provide these needs.

He added, "We came to serve the citizens and overcome the challenges that the country is going through, not for a political goal," noting that "the government has areas in which it has succeeded and other areas that need follow-up and increased work."

Al-Kazemi renewed the directive to “the Ministry of Trade to work continuously to provide more foodstuffs in the ration card and to exert its utmost efforts,” pointing out that “the increase in commodity prices is mostly linked to the greed of some merchants, and we have campaigns to prevent this price manipulation.”

He stressed that "the government succeeded in increasing the central bank’s reserves of the dollar after the reform measures it had taken."


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Iraqis Greet Ramadan With A Lump And Empty Pockets Amid Vague Promises About An Additional Ration Of Supplies

April 13, 2021 66   Baghdad - (AFP) - Between unemployment, devaluation and rising prices, about 40 million Iraqis receive the month of Ramadan with concern, while their pockets are empty and their living conditions are very difficult after the decline in their ability to buy their basic needs and the continuing outbreak of the Covid-19 epidemic and its economic and health repercussions.

Um Hussein, who has been raising five children alone since she lost her husband, says, "If we want to fast, we have to eat enough, while the price of a kilogram of tomatoes has increased from 500 to 1,000 dinars."

The 58-year-old, who does not have a steady source of income, strains every month to collect 70,000 dinars (about $ 48) to pay the rent for her dilapidated house. And it relies on a ration card to secure food, as is the case for 16 million Iraqis who suffer from extreme poverty.

Under this card, which the authorities began distributing since the international siege on Iraq in the 1990s, every family that earns less than 1.5 million dinars (about a thousand dollars) per month is entitled to a monthly food ration.

The ration includes three kilograms of rice, two kilograms of sugar, a bottle of oil and nine kilograms of flour, for only 1,000 dinars (less than a dollar).

But Aba Seif, 36, who inherited a ration distribution store from his father, told France Press, "We have only received rations for one month, which is February, since the beginning of the year."

“We did not receive any class for the month of Ramadan! There are many who ask and call about the ration for the month of Ramadan.

Unemployment and inflation

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi recently promised to distribute an additional ration for the month of Ramadan, but so far this has not happened, and, despite repeated attempts, Agence France-Presse was unable to obtain a comment from the Ministry of Trade concerned with distributing the rations, on the issue.

Meanwhile, the debts of the buyers from Abu Ammar's store doubled, and he feared that his work would stop if he was unable to buy goods to sell. "Many families buy into debt," he told France Press. The debts of some of them reached more than two hundred thousand dinars, ”that is, about $ 137.

This is mainly due to the high prices across the country. The state devalued the dinar in late 2020, due to the drop in oil prices, which is the main resource for the country's budget. The dinar lost 25% of its value against the dollar.

The prices of most consumer goods also increased dramatically, so the price of a bottle of edible oil became 2,250 dinars, compared to 1,500 dinars (from about $ 1.2 to about $ 1.6).

In addition to rising prices, incomes and job opportunities have diminished due to the sanitary restrictions imposed to curb the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic. Much of the Iraqi population, which has been suffering from decades of conflict and war, relies on daily wage work.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations described the situation in Iraq as a vicious cycle.

A report by the organization stated that "more than 90% of small and medium-sized agricultural companies say they have been affected by the epidemic, and to counter this, more than half of them laid off (workers) or reduced their wages."

She added that this coincided with the high prices of basic commodities and the scarcity of some, which plunged more Iraqis into a state of food insecurity.

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- Electricity and new clothes -

The concern about living conditions was reflected on social media, where users circulated a post saying, "This month's salary is playing in a difficult group, Corona - Ramadan - Eid, it is impossible to reach the final."

For Haidar, a 32-year-old government employee who earns 900,000 dinars (about $ 620) a month, the month of Ramadan is a source of concern, due to “household and children's clothing requirements” for the Eid al-Fitr celebration that follows Ramadan.

Haider, a father of three children who lives in a rented house on the outskirts of the capital, added, "The salary in normal circumstances does not cover what the family needs, and often times I have to borrow to complete the month, and to pay generator bills, house rent and children's expenses."

Because of the frequent power cuts, Iraqi families rely on private generators to compensate for the shortage, but they cost 25,000 dinars (about 17 dollars) for a single ampere, while the price of the generator was previously 18,000 dinars (about 14 dollars).

As a result, most residents, like Abu Ahmed, a 33-year-old government employee, are forced to abandon the Ramadan habits they were brought up with.

Abu Ahmed, the head of a family of four, says, "Because of Corona, I will not invite anyone to break the fast in Ramadan, the health conditions are very difficult," continuing, "Even economically, I will not be able to meet the requirements of the invitation because of the high prices."   LINK

Starting Tomorrow ... The Resumption Of Transit From 6 Border Ports To Increase State Revenues

Tuesday 13, April 2021 12:56 | Economical Views: 230   Baghdad / NINA / The Ministry of Transport announced the resumption of transit from 6 border ports to increase state revenues, starting tomorrow, Wednesday.

A statement by the Border Ports Authority stated that: A meeting was held today under the chairmanship of the Minister of Transport, Nasser Al-Shibli, in the presence of the President of the Border Ports Authority, Omar Al-Waeli, and representatives of the relevant departments.

He added: During the meeting, the issue of transit was resolved and the necessary controls were set and resumed, starting tomorrow, Wednesday, from the ports (Zurbatiyeh, al-Qaim, Trebil, al-Mandhariyah, Safwan and Arar), which are six border ports with five countries, in order to transport goods (transit) through Iraq to neighboring countries.

The statement quoted al-Waili as saying that: This matter is one of the important steps to increase state revenues and activate the important site of Iraq. https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=898799

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