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Iraqi News Saturday AM 8-29-20

Iraqi News Saturday AM 8-29-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

These Are The Dollar Exchange Rates For Today In Iraq

Time: 08/29/2020 10:21:43 Read: 5,759 times  {Baghdad: Al Furat News} Today, Saturday, Iraq recorded a stable exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar.   The prices of buying and selling dollars in banking companies and offices were as follows:

The sale price of one dollar is 1232.5 dinars, or 123 thousand and 250 dinars for one hundred dollars.

The purchase price of the dollar is 1222.5 dinars, or 122 thousand and 250 dinars per hundred dollars.

As for the price of the dollar on the Kifah Stock Exchange, it reached 122 thousand and 800 dinars for one hundred dollars.    LINK

Al-Haddad: A Delegation From The Region Will Visit Baghdad Soon

Saturday 29 August 2020  113  Erbil: Al-Sabah: A delegation from the region visited, earlier, Baghdad and held talks to support the federal government, confront crises and end disagreements.

Al-Haddad said: “The region’s delegation will discuss with the federal government three important files,” indicating that “these files are the Kurdistan region’s share of the budget. Next year, and the issues of oil and border crossings ».

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Al-Haddad added that «a delegation from the region will visit the capital Baghdad during the next few days to complete the dialogues that took place in the past between the two sides, and to reach understandings and agreements on the issue of the budget, oil and border crossings». Al-Haddad explained that: “It is not clear whether the delegation will be headed by the Prime Minister of the Territory, Masrour Barzani, or not, but what is certain is that the delegation will be governmental.”

In the meantime, a member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Ahmed Hama, said: “Determining the number of employees in the region needs a committee of financial control to check this number, and that the constitution does not prohibit linking the region’s employees with the federal government.”

He added that “it is not envisaged that there will be job grades in the 2021 budget, but rather there is a movement of owners in it, which is employment instead of retirees.”

Hama pointed out that »the allocation of job grades is not the prerogative of the Finance Committee, but the responsibility of the government».

The Parliamentary Finance Committee had confirmed earlier that there are 230,000 job degrees awaiting privatization during the federal budget bill for 2021.   LINK

Statement Of The Parliamentary Economy And Investment Committee On Combating Corruption And Creating Job Opportunities For Youth

08/28/2020   Day after day, gangs and mafias of corruption continue to seize the capabilities of the citizens, while everyone is busy working to overcome the Corona crisis and address the cases of poverty and destitution among citizens, the Parliamentary Committee for Economy and Investment is struggling to find job opportunities to employ the unemployed and help them establish small and medium projects and initiate development, reconstruction and activation work The investment sector and creating a suitable environment for work.

We find there are those who undermine these efforts to spoil every reform process of the status quo, that what is happening in the National Investment Commission and after 15 years of corruption, confusion and delay in the Commission’s projects and some decision-makers granting the state’s assets and wealth to their partners With corruption and imposing billions of obligations on Iraq that the Iraqi state can repay for years to come, and after losing the legislative authority, the government hopes to stop corruption operations and despite our warning to them during the previous period, meetings, committees, books and recommendations sent to them

The government deliberately evaded the implementation of parliamentary recommendations, after the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers closed the road and not questioned them, and even justified their actions and actions that were inconsistent with the requirements of the public interest.

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The matter did not stop at that point, but the situation has reached the point of accusing others of corruption, who do not have the authority to refer and contract for projects, but only have the supervisory authority to cover up their corruption and make others aware that the committee stands against the interest of the people and the citizen, and the situation has reached us to an extent that cannot be tolerated.

We mention the Brotherhood in the National Authority and we say to them, 'Granting dozens of investment vacations during the Corona pandemic period, you will undoubtedly be held accountable for it. A pledge to us that your last projects and granting assets, wealth and privileges are from the people's sustenance and from the blood of the martyrs, the needy and the poor under various pretexts and pretexts. And hide and stand behind those involved with you.

We will speak loudly and audibly about your involvement in Iraq in contracts to acquiesce in the electricity sector, Basmajah investment contracts, Basmaya gas pipeline contracts and oil industry contracts and investment grave contracts in Najaf, from which even the dead have not escaped your corruption.

We are talking about contracts for granting state power stations that cost billions of dollars to people, contracts for the notorious electricity levies, and finally contracts for presidential palaces, contracts for the Daiko company, and the last of which is the lands surrounding the airport in the name of the Ministry of Interior, and many Corruption files and what is hidden was greater.

The secret of promoting this project by the National Investment Commission and its accomplices is the margin of corruption at the expense of the affiliated member included in the housing unit, as it is an unstructured project and according to the provisions of Article (4) of the Investment Law No. (13) for the year 2006 amended concerned The commission undertakes strategic projects of a federal nature.

Therefore, this project falls within the authority of the Baghdad Provincial Investment Commission and with the approval of the Council of Ministers.While the committee confirms its previous statement, the letters issued by it, and the administrative, financial and legal violations it included committed by officials in the National Investment Commission and the State Real Estate Department, it calls on the competent authorities in the judiciary, integrity, and the Financial Supervision Bureau to take legal measures to preserve public money and deter the corrupt.

According to the information available to the committee and our high confidence in the patriotism of the Minister of the Interior, we address the Minister to the Minister not to pass this project through his pledge and keep his history clear away from those who are experts in corruption, and we show that this process is a fraud against the law and using the name of the Ministry of Interior.

For the purpose of uncovering the corrupt, holding them accountable, and exposing their agreements with investors, we ask the Minister of Interior to stop this farce, and we are with the allocation of lands to the officers and employees of the Ministry of Interior through the Baghdad Municipality in accordance with the urban design and the laws in force and by a decision of the Council of Ministers, provided that the included members pay the value of services to the Baghdad Municipality and that The affiliate receives the loan to build the housing unit in accordance with the designs certified by the secretariat, thus avoiding the affiliate from paying the value of the land instead of selling it to them by a mediator on the basis of building a residential complex

It is an indirect sale of lands to the sons of the armed forces with government land and with a loan from the state for the purpose of building by the affiliated, which will benefit the investor and the corruption whales in the Investment Authority and their accomplices to it, and through our monitoring, follow-up, audit, and evaluation of the work of the National Investment Commission, and our indications of many violations of the law and wealth And the people's property and the government's non-compliance with the committee’s books.

Therefore, we will go to the judiciary and the public prosecution to institute cases for the purpose of stopping these organized thefts of state assets, and this is a promise from all honorable people to punish the corrupt through a just judiciary.

We ask the Prime Minister to withdraw the hand of the officials in the National Authority from the position and refer them to investigation in order to stop their thefts and their attacks on public money.

Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee House of Representatives   Media  Department LINK

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Siemens Reveals The Fate Of The Contract It Signed With The Previous Government To Develop Electricity

Energy   Economy News _ Baghdad  The German energy company, Siemens, announced, on Saturday, that it will continue implementing the first phase of the Iraqi road map to develop the electricity sector.

"The road map that was signed with the Iraqi government last year enabled the company to add 791 megawatts of electricity to the national grid, which is enough to provide electric power to about 2.9 million Iraqi citizens," the company's executive director, Musab Al-Khatib, said in an interview followed by Al-Iqtisad News.

He added, “The current existing power plants in Iraq are being rehabilitated and modernized, in addition to supporting and strengthening the electricity transmission networks, in addition to greatly expanding the country's power generation capacity by adding new capacities, and this will contribute to creating tens of thousands of jobs for the Iraqi people on Orbit implementation stages of the plan ».

Al-Khatib explained, “The company is undertaking the establishment of 13 transformational stations for power transmission of 132/33 kilovolts with the aim of strengthening and supporting the Iraqi electricity transmission and distribution network, with a special focus on Basra Governorate and other governorates located in central and southern Iraq,” expecting “the establishment and installation of more than 35 transmission stations during the first two phases of the Road Map, in addition to other proposed projects to increase the stability of the network and improve the performance of the electricity transmission network.

The executive director of the company added, “Siemens is also supplying 35 electrical transformers with an electrical capacity of 132 kilovolts and 400 kilovolts to support the national electricity grid, as the first of these transformers recently arrived in Iraq, and there are a number of projects that the company is implementing, including the establishment of the gas station.

»Power generation capacity of 500 megawatts in Wasit Governorate, and the power generation plant with a combined cycle capacity of 840 megawatts in Maysan, as it supplied the main components and provided long-term power generation services for the two plants, thus enhancing their generation capabilities.

Number of observations 737 Date added 08/29/2020   https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=21648

Al-Rafidain Announces Electronic Disbursement Of Salaries Of Interior Employees

Banks Economy News – Baghdad  Al-Rafidain Bank announced, on Saturday, that the salaries of employees of some directorates of the Ministry of Interior in Baghdad and the provinces will be distributed through a Master Card.

The bank’s media office said in a statement received by Al-Iqtisad News that “the salaries of employees of the directorates (Ministry headquarters - Criminal Evidence - Higher Institute - Rapid Response - Maysan Police - Central Information Office - Border Guard - Intelligence Agency - Maysan Passports - Baghdad Police) have been paid - Babil Police - Maysan Traffic - Nationality Affairs - Baghdad Rusafa Affairs - Police Rescue Baghdad - Maysan Affairs).

The statement added that "affiliates can go to receive their salaries from wherever they are."

Number of observations 57 Date of addendum 08/29/2020   https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=21654

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1.5 Million Dinars On Its Way To Families Of A Certain Class

Money  and business  Economy News _ Baghdad  On Saturday, the Ministry of Immigration and Displacement expressed its commitment to disbursing the grant of one million and 500 thousand dinars for the displaced returning to their homes, while it indicated to begin the rehabilitation of 300 homes affected by the military operations in Anbar.

The Director of the Ministry's Branches Department, Ali Abbas Jahakir, said that “the return cases increased in frequency at the beginning of this year,” explaining that “the Corona pandemic has greatly affected the cases of the return of the displaced to their original residence for several reasons, given that some governorates have taken high preventive measures. The coming days will witness the return of the displaced to their original areas.

"The ministry is committed to disbursing the one million and 500 thousand dinars grant for returnees from displacement, which in itself was a challenge to the ministry because the amount was not secured as a financial allocation for the returnees," Jahakir added.

He stated, “The ministry has opened many paths in coordination with international organizations to rebuild homes that were damaged by military or terrorist operations. Work has begun on rehabilitating 300 residential homes in the first phase in Anbar Governorate, and there is a project to rehabilitate 1,300 damaged residential homes, some of which were received by The form of qualification allowance amounts for their owners amounting to 960 dollars, or the rehabilitation of houses.

In the context, Jahakir referred to "the return of 100 families within the rehabilitation project in Nineveh Governorate from the Salamiyya camps to their areas as a first meal."

Number of observations 61 Date of addendum 08/29/2020   https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=21655

The Industry Is Revealing Its Auto Assembly Production Lines

Car assembly in Iraq   Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  The Ministry of Industry and Minerals confirmed, on Saturday, that it has various production lines to assemble cars locally.

Ministry spokesman Mortada Al-Safi said in a statement reported by the official news agency "Conscious" and seen by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "the General Company for the Manufacture of Cars and Equipment has a number of factories and various production lines that collect various cars," pointing out that "the company owns Technical and engineering expertise, and it has collected types of saloon cars, including (Saiba, Taiba, and Peugeot) and others. The direct collection of Bite 25 cars and Chinese-made Chery Tico cars has also taken place.

He added, "The cars that the company assembles are distinguished and have high specifications, and that the company has products ready for marketing at the present time, including about 100 trucks of various types and use."

Al-Safi pointed out, "The company has 32 ambulances, which are Renault type that were equipped with German equipment."

He added that "Volvo trucks and waste compressors of the Azuz type are currently being assembled, after the arrival of parts of their components to the General Company for the Manufacture of Cars and Equipment," indicating that "it is hoped that soon (Kia) cars will be assembled in the company."

Al-Safi called for "the necessity for all state ministries to cooperate with the General Company for Automobile Industry and Equipment through the acquisition of cars that are assembled in the company."

He stressed that "the ministries' desire to buy cars from the General Company for the Automobile Industry would encourage the local product and ensure that money is not spent outside Iraq for import, in addition to being pushing the company to double its production by opening other production lines, bringing new machines and providing new job opportunities."

Number of observations 77 Date of addendum 08/29/2020   https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=21653


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