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Iraqi News Late Tuesday PM 9-21-21

Iraqi News Late Tuesday PM 9-21-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

A Slight Decrease In The Exchange Rates Of The Dollar In The Local Markets

Economie| 10:42 - 09/21/2021  Baghdad - Mawazine News  The dollar exchange rates fell, on Tuesday, slightly in the main stock exchange and local markets in the capital, Baghdad.

And the dollar exchange rate on the Central Kifah Stock Exchange in Baghdad recorded today, 147,200 dinars, for each $100 bill.

The prices of buying and selling the dollar in exchange companies and local markets in Baghdad witnessed a relative stability, as the selling price reached 147,750 dinars, for each denomination of 100 dollars, while the purchase prices amounted to 146750 dinars, for each paper denominations of 100 dollars. https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=168192

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The National Security Adviser And The US Ambassador Discuss Activating The Strategic Partnership Agreement Between Baghdad And Washington

Tuesday 21 September 2021 17:01 | a wishNumber of readings: 144

Baghdad / NINA / - The National Security Adviser, Qassem Al-Araji, discussed with the American ambassador in Baghdad, Matthew Tueller, the activation of the strategic partnership agreement between Baghdad and Washington.

The Chancellery said in a statement that the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA / received a copy of it: "Al-Araji discussed with the American ambassador the latest developments in the political and security situation in Iraq and the region, ways to strengthen the partnership between the two countries, and the importance of making more efforts to activate the strategic partnership agreement between Baghdad." and Washington."

The US ambassador indicated that his country is aware of the magnitude of the challenges facing the Iraqi government at home and abroad, stressing that the United States of America does not want to be a burden on the Iraqi government, but rather seeks to be a supportive factor for it, indicating that Iraq has a history full of civilization and progress, which is nothing like Afghanistan.

The US ambassador also made it clear that his country wants a strong, secure and stable Iraq, pointing out that the presence of the US forces within the framework of the international coalition is at the invitation and request of the Iraqi government, and that the US forces are not occupying forces, but rather are to enable and assist the Iraqi forces in their tasks, stressing respect for the United States the sovereignty of Iraq and its institutions.

For his part, Al-Araji stressed that the Iraqi government is working to be a meeting point for all, indicating that Iraq distances itself from conflicts, as they harm its security and stability./End of 7


Saleh Meets Biden In New York

Political | 06:25 - 09/21/2021  Baghdad - Mawazine News, President of the Republic, Barham Salih, met on Tuesday with his American counterpart Joe Biden on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly.

And state television reported, in urgent news, that "Saleh meets Biden on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York."

Today, Tuesday, Saleh participated in the opening of the 76th session of the United Nations General Assembly, held in New York.     https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=168264

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Biden Stresses US Commitment To Iraq's Long-Term Stability

Political | 09:04 - 09/21/2021  Baghdad - Mawazine News  Today, Tuesday, US President Joe Biden affirmed the United States' commitment to Iraq's long-term stability, while praising recent initiatives such as the Baghdad Regional Summit and the historic visit of Pope Francis to Iraq.

The White House said in a statement received by Mawazine News, a copy of it, that "US President Joseph Biden met today with President Barham Salih on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in New York," noting that "they discussed strengthening bilateral relations and deepening cooperation in regional diplomatic initiatives." .

He added, "The two sides affirmed their respect for democracy in Iraq, the rule of law, and efforts to hold credible and transparent elections next October."

Biden stressed, "The United States' commitment to Iraq's long-term stability."

He praised recent initiatives such as the Baghdad Regional Summit and the historic visit of Pope Francis to Iraq earlier this year as an important symbol of Iraq's contributions to regional stability and interfaith tolerance. https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=168287

The Ports Of Iraq Are Discussing With One Of The Joint Operating Companies The Activation Of The Electronic Management System

Tuesday 21 September 2021 18:15 | Economic Number of readings: 52  Basra / NINA / - The General Company for Ports of Iraq discussed with one of the joint operating companies the activation of the electronic management system.

The general manager of the company, Farhan Al-Fartousi, said in a statement, "A meeting was held with the Al-Riya Private Company, which is responsible for activating the electronic management system, and its officials were assured of setting a specific date for operating the system."

He added that the mechanism for organizing the electronic management project was discussed from the start of unloading or shipping operations until the goods exit from the main port gates. , stressing that this system will be the real guarantor of raising revenues and organizing work.

He pointed out that all difficulties and obstacles to the implementation of this project, which he considered one of the top priorities of the port management, will be overcome, stressing the importance of speeding up the transfer of work with electronic payment and collection systems in ports and moving away from paper operations to achieve The principle of transparency and ensuring the quality, speed and integrity of operations./ https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=928363

Parliamentary Economy: Arab And Foreign Desire To Invest In Iraq

Economie| 08:38 - 09/21/2021  Baghdad - Mawazine News  The Parliamentary Investment and Economy Committee identified, on Tuesday, two main reasons that stand in the way of achieving Arab and foreign investments in Iraq, while indicating that there is an international desire to invest in Iraq.

Committee member Mayada Al-Najjar said, "Reliance on oil alone leads to an economic disaster, prompting the government to borrow in order to finance the salaries of employees," noting that "the government should diversify the sources of the national economy, relying on the imports of border crossings, activating the sectors of industry, agriculture and trade and finding Strong infrastructure for the Iraqi economy contributes to the diversification of imports.

Al-Najjar pointed out that "there are many reasons that prevent major Arab and foreign investments in Iraq, including routine," stressing the importance of "opening Iraq's doors to Arab and foreign investors, regardless of their nationalities, because this is in the interest of Iraq."

She added, "If Iraq is open to all countries and international companies, it can attract the largest possible number of foreign investors, and bring capital to Iraq for investment," noting that "many Arab and foreign investors want to invest in Iraq."   https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=168283


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