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Iraqi News Highlights Tuesday Evening 7-18-23

Iraqi News Highlights Tuesday Evening 7-18-23

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Washington Renews Its Support For The Security And Stability Of Iraq

Political  | 02:12 - 07/18/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  Today, Tuesday, Washington renewed its support for the security and stability of Iraq.

And the Presidency of the Republic stated in a statement, a copy of which Mawazine News received, that "President of the Republic, Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid, received today, Tuesday, at the Baghdad Palace, Chargé d'Affaires of the US Embassy in Iraq, David Burger."

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During the meeting, the president stressed, according to the statement, "the importance of the relations that bring the two countries together in many areas of mutual interest, pointing to the need to strengthen and develop them in a way that serves common interests."

Speaking about the displaced, Rashid pointed to "the importance of the role of the United Nations organizations and revitalizing their work in order to help end the file of the displaced and provide the required support for their return to their areas."

For his part, the Chargé d'Affaires of the US Embassy renewed, according to the statement, "the United States' support for the security and stability of Iraq."


Oil Prices Are Back In The Green

Economy | 02:04 - 07/18/2023  Baghdad - Mawazine News  Oil prices rose, in trading today, Tuesday, following a decline recorded yesterday, Monday, after the weak Chinese economic growth data.

By 09:20 Moscow time, US West Texas Intermediate crude futures rose 0.20% to $74.30 a barrel.

Meanwhile, Brent crude futures rose by 0.13% to $78.60 a barrel, according to Bloomberg agency data.

Yesterday, black gold prices fell by 1.7%, and the decline came after data showed that the Chinese economy grew at an annual rate of 6.3% in the quarter from April to June 2023, which is much lower than what analysts expected given the slow pace of growth in the previous year.


$220 Million In Central Bank Sales

Economy News – Baghdad  Today, Sunday, sales of the Central Bank of Iraq, in the foreign currency sale window, increased to more than 220 million dollars.

The Central Bank’s website published a schedule of its dollar sales, and “Al-Iqtisad News” reviewed it, as it included the participation of 43 banks and 29 exchange companies, and covered external transfer requests of $170.5 million, while cash requests amounted to $49.4 million.

And the Central Bank of Iraq sells the dollar for documentary credits and international settlements of electronic cards at a price of 1305 dinars per dollar.

30 views  Added 07/18/2023 - 12:57 PM  https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=35210

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The Stability Of Dollar Prices In Baghdad With The Closing Of The Stock Market

Economy  Tuesday, July 18, 2023 Baghdad / The National News Center   The exchange rates of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar stabilized today, Tuesday, on the main stock exchange in the capital, Baghdad.

The correspondent of the National News Center said, “The central Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges in Baghdad recorded an exchange rate of 148,200 dinars, compared to 100 dollars, while the prices this morning were 148,100 dinars.”

He added, "The buying and selling prices have stabilized in the exchange shops in the local markets in Baghdad, where the selling price reached 148,500 dinars, while the purchase prices amounted to 147,500 dinars per 100 dollars."   https://nnciraq.com/217082/

Specialists: The Local Economy Needs Advanced Technology

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  Advisor to the Prime Minister for Investment Affairs, Muhammad Al-Najjar, confirmed:

The government is serious about supporting the productive and service sectors, in a way that leads to reviving the qualitative national product and returning it to the local markets, while

specialists believe that the local economy needs advanced technology.

Al-Najjar said in an interview with "Al-Sabah", followed by "Al-Iqtisad News":

"The country is able to advance the reality of production and services through the adoption of advanced technology," pointing out that

"Iraq can rotate the wheel of industrial and agricultural production through which the

country's wealth can be maximized, and

create A capital circulation within the country that would work to expand the circle of work, by

employing financial revenues in new projects that achieve great benefit to the national economy.

Views 80     Added 07/18/2023 - 10:43 AM   https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=35203

Al-Kafae: The Private Sector Is Serious About Achieving Economic Development

July 18, 2023    Last updated: July 18, 2023  The Independent/- The Managing Director of the International Islamic Bank, Suha Al-Kafaei, stressed the need to work to seriously activate the role of the private sector in economic life. 

Al-Kafaei said that the private sector is able to operate the work system inside the country in a way that achieves economic benefit and addresses all economic problems without exception by employing development initiatives in the correct manner and in line with the economic reality. 

She pointed out that the private sector has the active human and material capabilities that turn plans into real projects on the ground, and that the private sector has innovation for the new that transfers the state of the economy to a better stage than it is.   https://mustaqila.com/الكفائي-القطاع-الخاص-جاد-في-تحقيق-التن/

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