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Iraqi News Highlights Saturday Evening 12-31-22

Iraqi News Highlights Saturday Evening 12-31-22

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

Central Bank: Continuous Measures To Control The Exchange Rate Of The Dollar

Economy News-Baghdad  Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, Ammar Hamid, confirmed that the bank is continuing its measures to control the exchange rate of the dollar.

Hamid said in a press statement, "The Central Bank has taken several measures to control the stability of the exchange rate, including those related to merchants and citizens. As for citizens, the dollar is sold directly for travel purposes, through banks and using the salary card to obtain a lower price, which is 1465."  He added, "Al-Rasheed and Al-Rafidian Banks launched an initiative to issue a dollar card at a value of 10,000 dollars at a subsidized price." Views 271  Added 12/31/2022 - 12:07 PM   Updated 12/31/2022 - 6:12 PM      https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=31611

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Central Bank: Banks' Outlets For Selling Foreign Currency Will Be Doubled

Economie| 03:22 - 12/31/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News   The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif, confirmed today, Saturday, that the high exchange rate is a temporary situation, while indicating that the outlets for selling the currency will be doubled.

The bank said in a statement, a copy of which Mawazine News received, that "the governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif, conducted a field visit to a number of banks that began selling foreign currency."

The statement added, "The governor urged, during his meeting with bank departments, to facilitate the procedures for selling foreign currency to citizens wishing to obtain it for the purposes of travel, treatment, and others," noting that "the Central Bank of Iraq has taken a number of decisions that contribute to achieving stability in the foreign currency market."

He confirmed, according to the statement, that "bank outlets for selling foreign currency will be doubled to meet the needs of travelers, with the possibility of increasing the amount of the weekly quota allocated to banks."

Mukhaif described that "the rise in the exchange rate is a temporary situation that came after internal and external effects of applying international standards, as the bank succeeded in addressing it and minimizing its effects on the Iraqi economy, stressing not to raise public concerns about the rise in dollar exchange rates, and the need to take deterrent measures against speculators." , stressing that the situation in Iraq is much better than other countries and there is no room for comparison with it.

"During the tour, Mukhaif met a number of citizens who wanted to buy foreign currency," the statement added. It is noteworthy that "the Central Bank of Iraq took a series of decisions to return the foreign currency market to its normal position." https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=215562

Al-Rafidain: Bank Branches Will Open Their Doors Tomorrow To Sell Dollars To Citizens

Economie| 12:02 - 12/30/2022    Baghdad - Mawazine News   Al-Rafidain Bank announced, on Thursday, that its branches will open their doors tomorrow to sell dollars to citizens.

And the bank stated in a statement, which Mawazine News received a copy of, that it “announces the continuation of the process of selling dollar currency to citizens during holidays for travel purposes, not exceeding 10 thousand US dollars per customer at a price of 1455 dinars per dollar deposited in the Master Card issued by Al-Rafidain Bank and from Through the branches of Palestine Street on the side of Al-Rusafa and the Arab neighborhood in Al-Mansour next to Al-Karkh.

He added, "The branches will open their doors on Friday 12/30/2022, Saturday 12/31/2023, and Sunday 1/1/2023." Ended 29/h    https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=215458

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Exchange Rates Of The Dollar Against The Dinar

Economie| 10:09 - 12/31/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News  Today, Saturday, the exchange rates of the dollar witnessed stability in the local markets.  Selling price: 152,800 dinars per 100 dollars  Buying price: 152,700 dinars per 100 dollars   https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=215539

Sudanese Advisor: The Government Program Addresses The Unilateralism Of The Economy And The Almost Absolute Dominance Of Oil

Economie| 11:08 - 12/31/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News  , the financial advisor to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, identified, on Saturday, two directions for the essential features drawn by the government curriculum, and while calling for a reconsideration of activating the national strategy for the advancement of the private sector, he stressed that the government program addresses the unilateralism of the economy and the almost absolute dominance of oil.

Salih said in an interview with the official news agency, followed by Mawazine News, that "the essential features drawn by the government curriculum, which was approved by Parliament in October 2022, are moving in two directions within the scope of addressing the unilateralism of the economy and the almost absolute dominance of oil over the conduct of economic life in Iraq."

He added, "The first trend is represented in the field of public finance, which looks forward to the percentage of the contribution of oil revenues to total public revenues gradually falling from 93% to 80%, which requires accuracy and speed in obtaining public finances for smuggled tax assets, in addition to the availability of supportive policies for private activities that It contributes to maximizing levels of individual income and gross domestic product in general, and is the source of tax bases supporting public finances from non-oil revenues.

He pointed out that "the second trend is to actively spread the role of development funds funded by oil revenues, which the government program referred to in order to provide concessional financing that encourages development in the activities that the private sector contributes to its advancement, especially industrial, service, digital and agricultural activities, in a way that guarantees economic diversification." Gradually, the national economy will be freed from the bondage of oil unilateralism.

He continued: “I believe that it is necessary to reconsider the activation of the national strategy for the advancement of the private sector, which was adopted years ago, to ensure an increase in the contribution of civil activity to the gross domestic product, and to lift the productive private sector from its current situation, whose contribution to the annual national product does not exceed 35% to become 53%.” % during the stages of economic development, particularly in the current decade, provided that this strategy guarantees the reduction of unemployment and its rates from its current levels of two decimal places to become one decimal place at the acceptable natural fraction of unemployment in Iraq, which does not exceed 3% of the total economically active population or the total planned labor force or desirable. Ended    https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=215544

Al-Rasheed Allocates 3 Branches To Issue A Master Card For Those Wishing To Buy Dollars

Local | 01:45 - 12/31/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News  Al-Rashid Bank announced, on Saturday, the allocation of 3 branches to issue a Master Card for those wishing to buy dollars.

The bank said, in a statement, that "the main (Main / Raghba Khatoun / Yarmouk) branches in Baghdad have been allocated to issue a palm card for those wishing to buy the dollar, which was announced a few days ago, at the exchange rate (1465) dinars per dollar."

The statement indicated, "This card is issued for purchase purposes and to all interested citizens who do not have a credit card other than employees." https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=215556

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