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Iraqi News Highlights Saturday Afternoon 12-31-22

Iraqi News Highlights Saturday Afternoon 12-31-22

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

The President Of The Republic Congratulated The New Year: We All Hope That It Will Be A Year Of Peace And Harmony

political| 01:51 - 12/31/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News  , President of the Republic Abdul Latif Rashid congratulated, on Saturday, the Iraqis on the new Gregorian year, expressing his hope that it will be a year of "peace and harmony."   https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=215557

Central Bank Governor: The Rise In The Dollar Is A Temporary Situation, And We Succeeded In Addressing It

Money  and business  Economy News / Baghdad  The Governor of the Central Bank, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif, considered, on Saturday, that the rise in the exchange rate was a temporary situation, stressing that the bank had succeeded in dealing with it.

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"The banks' outlets for selling foreign currency will be doubled to meet the needs of travelers, with the possibility of increasing the amount of the weekly quota allocated to banks," Makhaif said in a statement on the sidelines of his visit to a number of banks.

He described that "the rise in the exchange rate is a temporary situation that came after internal and external effects of applying international standards," stressing that "the bank succeeded in addressing it and minimizing its effects on the Iraqi economy."

And he stressed "not to raise public opinion's concerns about the high exchange rates of the dollar, and the need to take deterrent measures against speculators," pointing out that "Iraq's situation is much better than other countries and there is no way to compare it."

He urged bank departments to facilitate the procedures for selling foreign currency to citizens wishing to obtain it for travel, treatment and other purposes, noting that the Central Bank of Iraq had taken a number of decisions that contribute to achieving stability in the foreign currency market.

100 views   Added 12/31/2022 - 3:35 PM  Updated 12/31/2022 - 6:18 PM


Governor Of The Bank: High Exchange Rate Is A Temporary Situation

Saturday 31 December 2022 15:52 | Economical Number of readings: 181  Baghdad / NINA / - The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif, confirmed that the exchange rate hike is a temporary situation.

A bank statement said, "The Governor of the Central Bank of Iraq, Mustafa Ghaleb Makhaif, conducted a field visit to a number of banks that started selling foreign currency."

The statement added, "The governor urged, during his meeting with bank departments, to facilitate the procedures for selling foreign currency to citizens wishing to obtain it for the purposes of travel, treatment, and others," noting that "the Central Bank of Iraq has taken a number of decisions that contribute to achieving stability in the foreign currency market."

He stressed that "bank outlets for selling foreign currency will be doubled to meet the needs of travelers, with the possibility of increasing the amount of the weekly share allocated to banks."

Mukhaif described that "the rise in the exchange rate is a temporary situation that came after internal and external effects of applying international standards, as the bank succeeded in addressing it and minimizing its effects on the Iraqi economy, stressing not to raise public concerns about the rise in dollar exchange rates, and the need to take deterrent measures against speculators." , stressing that the situation of Iraq is much better than other countries, and there is no room for comparison with it


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Member Of Parliamentary Finance: The 2023 Budget May Exceed 180 Trillion Dinars

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad  A member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Muhammad Nuri, said, on Saturday, that the Ministry of Finance is working to complete the 2023 budget and put the final touches to the law, indicating that the Ministry of Finance will send the final draft of the law to the Council of Ministers in the coming days.

Nuri added, "The draft budget for the year 2023 is somewhat similar to previous budgets, and there is no update or economic vision according to the country's financial abundance," adding that "there is no real change in this budget."

"The Ministry of Finance calculated the price of a barrel of oil at 65 dollars, and that the total amount of the budget law may exceed 180 trillion dinars," Nuri added, in an interview with "Shafaq News" agency, followed by "Al-Iqtisad News".  Views 58   Added 12/31/2022 - 5:09 PM  Updated 12/31/2022 - 6:03 PM


Ihsan Al-Shammari to / NINA /: The crisis of the dollar's rise is caused by the US "cold" economic war / Expanded

Saturday 31 December 2022 10:41 | political Number of readings: 399  Baghdad / NINA / - The head of the Center for Political Thinking, Ihsan Al-Shammari, confirmed: "The crisis of the rise in dollar prices was caused by the US economic" cold "war, and it was exploited by internal parties to blackmail the government.

Al-Shammari said in a statement to the National Iraqi News Agency / NINA /: "The cold war The current relationship between the United States of America and Iran has an economic aspect, given that the first exerts maximum pressure on the second, and thus obliged Iraq not to make financial transfers to Iran, other than electrical energy transfers, in which there was a previous exception during previous governments.”

He added:There seem to be financial transfers with attempts by political parties to control some important financial positions for the purpose of circumventing US sanctions, and therefore everything that is happening is the result of the US-Iranian conflict, and it is not a matter of closing banks.

Al-Shammari continued: "The United States committed Iraq not to transfer money to Iran at all, and this is the reason for the dollar's rise simply."

He pointed out: "External parties have blackmailed the government in an attempt to obtain some financial positions, and an attempt to put pressure on the current prime minister, if he thinks of moving forward with a policy of balance in Iraq's foreign relations, and its internal and external dealings."

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Al-Shammari explained: "These parties are unable to find an achievement for them at the level of political performance, and therefore they found from the crisis of the rise of the dollar the best issue to be a lever for them."

He pointed out that the collapse of the currency greatly affects the standard of living of the poor and middle classes, and this matter is reflected in the Sudanese government, which has developed a promising and ambitious ministerial platform, and is trying to take good measures, so this crisis will shake confidence in the current government.

He concluded by saying: "The state administration coalition failed to support the Sudanese government and undermine the repercussions of the dollar crisis."/ End


Barzani: There Is A New Opportunity To Resolve Issues Between Baghdad And Erbil

Political | 12:06 - 12/31/2022   Baghdad - Mawazine News  The head of the Kurdistan Democratic Party, Massoud Barzani, expressed, on Saturday, his support for the implementation of the political agreement reached between all Iraqi parties participating in the political process and the Kurdistan Regional Government.

Barzani said, in the context of a statement he made on the occasion of the new Gregorian year, "We believe that there is a new opportunity to resolve issues between the Kurdistan region and the federal government in Iraq."

He added, "We support the implementation of the political agreement that was reached between all Iraqi parties participating in the political process and between the Kurdistan Regional Government." Ended   https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=215548


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