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Iraqi News Highlights Early Thursday AM 11-24-22

Iraqi News Highlights Early Thursday AM 11-24-22

Tlm724 Administrator Bondlady’s Corner

There Is No Benefit From Financial Abundance Without A Strategic Economic Mindset

Abdul Hassan Al-Shammari for / Nina / Wednesday 23, November 2022 21:48 | Economy  Number of readings : 884  Baghdad / Nina / economist Abdul Hassan Al-Shammari stressed that:

"there is no benefit from financial abundance without a strategic economic mindset".

"In light of the great financial abundance, it is possible to build industry and agriculture and achieve high financial goals, but the country needs high-level planning to achieve this," Al-Shammari said in a statement to the Iraqi national news agency (Nina).

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He added:  "some do not understand the existence of strategic economic minds that promote the economy for the better by developing various sectors of industry, agriculture and tourism that generate more money for the country than oil revenues and transport Iraq to a country with diversified revenues


The Central Bank Determines The Ways Of Reforming The Economic System

Yesterday's economy, 19:43 Baghdad-WA'i-Hassan Al-Fawwaz  The Central Bank of Iraq, on Wednesday, outlined the paths of reforming the economic system in the country, while announcing support for clean energy by one trillion dinars.

The adviser to the central bank Ihsan shamran al-Yasiri, told the Iraqi News Agency (WA):  "it is not possible to create an economic sector and to attract investors without a successful and healthy banking sector," pointing out that

"the government banking sector acquires a large proportion of the funds of the government or private public; therefore, the reform of the banking sector is a starting point for reforming the economic system.

He added that  "the central bank launched an initiative in the amount of 1 trillion dinars to finance the purchase of electricity generation units from renewable energy," noting that  "the initiative is a great starting point to change the views and mood of the public to switch to clean energy.

He added that  "the government began more than a year ago to try to switch to clean energy," explaining that "the Central Bank contributed to the initiative through simple interest-free loans to the family community and the private economic sector.   LINK MISSING

 The Central Bank Explains The Reasons For The Decline In Sales Of The Window For The Sale Of Foreign Currency

Economy | 09:57 - 24/11/2022   Baghdad-Mawazine news the Central Bank of Iraq revealed, on Thursday, the reasons for the decline in the volume of sales of the foreign currency selling window in recent times.

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An authorized source at the bank told the official news agency, followed by / Mawazine news/, that

"the Central Bank of Iraq is working to automate banking according to the best banking standards, including the establishment of an electronic platform that regulates the external transfer process through the window of selling foreign currency, similar to the electronic platform that organized the work of letters of guarantee.

"Due to the insufficient readiness of local banks with the start of the pilot application of the platform, the implementation of part of foreign transfers has been postponed, which entailed a decrease in the volume of sales of the window for the sale of foreign currency," he added.

"The central bank continues to strengthen the balances of banks abroad to settle their foreign transactions through the window, which finances imports and other permitted transactions in accordance with the instructions of the window and the application of international standards and the law on combating money laundering and terrorist financing," he stressed.


It Is Estimated Twice As Advertised.. Parliamentary Integrity Reveals A New Figure For The"Theft Of The Century"

Politics   breaking   Parliamentary integrity   Theft of the century   New number  2022-11-23 17:09

Shafaq News / the Parliamentary Integrity Committee revealed, on Wednesday, a new development in the topic of "theft of the century", indicating that the total amount stolen exceeds five billion dollars.

Committee member Ahmed al-Rubaie told Shafaq News Agency that

"the Parliamentary Integrity Committee formed a Special Investigation Committee on the issue of theft of tax funds or the so-called "theft of the century".

He pointed out that  "the committee hosted a large number of officials and government agencies, including the integrity commission and the Financial Supervision Bureau, to investigate (the theft of the century).

He pointed out that  "the report of the Ministry of Finance determined that during a year the amount of 3.7 trillion dinars disappeared, but before the specified period there are a lot of stolen amounts as well as customs tariff secretariats".

"According to preliminary information obtained by the Parliamentary Integrity Committee, it turned out that the stolen amount exceeds five billion dollars,"al-Rubaie stressed.

The "theft of the century" became the talk of the Iraqi street, political circles and others until its resonance spread outside Iraq to be covered by Arab and Western media.

The "theft of the century" is represented by the disappearance of the amount of 3.7 trillion Iraqi dinars (about two and a half billion dollars) from the funds of the tax secretariats, and was disclosed by several concerned parties about two months before the end of the term of the previous government headed by Mustafa kadhimi.

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Following the discovery of the theft, the integrity and judicial authority authority moved to investigate the case and several judicial arrest warrants were issued.

the first of the detainees was businessman Nour Zuhair and he was sent to prison, in addition to others, in addition to judicial decisions to confiscate the movable and immovable property of the person involved in the theft, as well as their families.

The case file is still open with the Iraqi judiciary to reach all its leads, as well as ways to recover the money that was smuggled out of Iraq, according to a number of Deputies and politicians.


Bigger Than Iran And Turkey.. The Washington Institute Predicts The Population Of Iraq In 2100

Reports | 07:41 - 23/11/2022  Baghdad-Mawazine News  predicted the Washington Institute, the population of Iraq by 2100, while he pointed out that it will exceed the population of Iran and Turkey.

"The United Nations predicts that two of the largest populations in the Middle East - Turkey and Iran - will experience declines by 2100 and

Turkey is expected to decrease from 85 million to 83 million, and

Iran from 89 million to 80 million, which will lead to their dropping from their place as Giants," the institute said in a report translated /Mawazine news/," Demographics of the region".  She added,

"on the contrary, two medium-sized countries-Iraq and Yemen-are expected to explode in population, which may increase their geostrategic importance in this process and Iraq will expand from 44 million people to 112 million,

that is, from half the size of Iran or Turkey today to 40% larger than either of them and this It means, among other things, that the country with the largest number of Shiite Muslims in the world will be Iraq, not Iran,"he said.

"Ankara and Tehran are likely to find it more difficult to control an Iraq that exceeds their population," he added.

"Another way to look at the numbers: the population of Iraq is currently 75% of the population of the six GCC countries combined (Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates),

but by 2100 it will become 33% larger than the GCC countries, and it will also be 2.2 times larger than 50 million," she noted A person in Saudi Arabia, the largest GCC country by population".  He pointed out that

"the population of Yemen is expected to increase from 34 million people to 74 million, that is, from being less densely populated than Saudi Arabia to a population 50% larger than Saudi Arabia and this would make its population 90% the size of the GCC countries combined, and close to Residents of Iran or Turkey".

"Egypt is set to continue its demographic explosion, doubling from 111 million people to 205 million, making it the largest population in the region so far, in other words: it will be 25% larger than the size of Iran and Turkey combined, and almost twice the size of Russia (which is expected to decrease to 112 million)".

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"The population growth in the GCC countries will be much slower with their current combined population of 59 million and in 2100 it is expected to reach 84 million,

however, this still represents a significant increase in the context of the broader slowdown in global growth, and will also push the GCC countries beyond Iran and Turkey In terms of population size".  He noted,

"elsewhere, the UN makes the following forecasts:

the population of Israel will double from 9.2 million to 18.4 million

Palestine (that is, Gaza and the West Bank) will grow from 5.2 million to 12.8 million

Syria will almost double from 22 million to 43 million

Jordan will grow from 11 million to 18 million

in On the other hand, Lebanon will shrink from 5.5 million to 4.7 million

in total, the number of these five populations will reach 95 million, that is, larger than turkey or Iran," he said.

Regarding the predictions of the superpower, he pointed out,

"the figures in the Middle East are more obvious when viewed in conjunction with the expected population shifts in the "superpower" countries currently competing for influence in that region and

today, the population of the United States is 338 million people, a quarter of the population of China,

but by 2100, It is expected to reach 394 million, or more than half the size of China-which the UN expects to decrease significantly from 1.425 billion to 767 million and

the population of Russia is also expected to shrink, falling from 43% of the US population to 28%.

In other words, Moscow and Beijing are likely to face serious challenges in maintaining their existing national power relations," he said.  https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=212202

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Gazprom Threatens To Stop Gas Supplies To Europe Via Its Last Lines

23/11/2022    1  The Russian company “Gazprom” announced that it will reduce its gas supplies sent to Europe through Ukraine starting next week, at a time when temperatures are falling strongly during the winter, as European countries begin to use their gas reserves for heating.

Russian gas exports through Ukraine are the last gas export routes from Russia to Eastern Europe, as Moscow has reduced gas supplies to the Old Continent since the outbreak of the Ukrainian crisis last February, and fell sharply before stopping completely through the “Nord Stream 1” line at the end of last August.

Traders and policymakers were also preparing for a possible curb in flows through Ukraine, as prices rose by about 5.2 percent, according to a report published by the agency “Bloomberg”, Tuesday.

“Gazprom " said that some of the gas supplies that are scheduled to reach Moldova remain in Ukraine, and noted that it will limit the volumes of gas passing through Ukraine from November 28, consistent with the volumes of gas that do not reach Moldovan customers.

The report explained that the Russian gas pipeline through Ukraine is also used to transport gas to Europe, but in minimal quantities.

For its part, the Ukrainian operator of the line said that it is fully delivering the allocated gas supplies to Moldova.

At the same time, since last September, Moldova and Ukraine have organized reverse gas flows, according to a statement from Ukraine, which means that some volumes of Russian gas intended for Moldova may remain in Ukraine, including for storage purposes.

The European side fears that the move will lead to a complete cessation of Russian gas supplies through Ukraine.

Despite the fact that European countries have larger stocks than usual, the current winter will be a challenge for Europe with the interruption of Russian gas supplies.

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Katya Yafimava, a researcher at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies, said that the market is taking into account the possibility of a further decline in gas flows from Russia, so strong moves in the market will occur only when the prospects become a fait accompli.  She added that so far the problem apparently concerns only Ukraine and Moldova.  https://earthiq.news/archives/168772

An Oil Expert Expects Oil Prices To Rise To 4 Times Its Current Value

November 23, 2022  Journal(JNA)  Oil expert Hamza al-Jawahery predicted on Wednesday that

oil prices will rise to 400 dollars if Russia stops exporting crude oil.  Al-Jawahery said in a statement followed by the “Journal” that

the US and European threats to dispense with Russian oil and gas are just bids and procrastination in order to put pressure on Russia, indicating that

the only affected by this will be Europe and America only.

He added that  Russia's oil production is more than 11 million barrels and exports about 7 million barrels, most of which go to Europe, and that  this amount is not small and

this amount cannot be compensated if Russia stops exporting from any country, whether it is Saudi Arabia, Iraq or any Gulf country, and

if these countries come together, it compensates only for about half of Russia's exports, stressing that

if Russia stops exporting oil, oil prices will rise to more than 400 dollars a barrel,” he said.

The oil markets will suffer from a shortage of supplies and its impact on prices will be very large and

there will be a major economic collapse in Europe,” he noted.

He stressed that  "some European peoples and governments, in particular, look at their interests and as long as these remain only within the scope of the threat, they are silent,

but when their interests are harmed, they will not comply with the decisions of some countries not to stop importing oil and gas from Russia.



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