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Iraqi News Friday AM 9-25-20

Iraqi News Friday AM 9-25-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Iraq Is Out Of The List Of High Risk Countries

Pratha News Agency121 2020-09-24   The Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced, on Thursday, that it has succeeded in reinstating the activities of 169 Iraqi companies and institutions out of the 230 entities banned by the UN Security Council resolution that classified Iraq as a high-risk country.

"The foreign minister, after meeting with a number of his European counterparts, the policy and security official in the European Union and other high-ranking personalities, succeeded in winning their votes and supporting them to remove Iraq from the list completely very soon," ministry spokesman Ahmed Al-Sahhaf said in a statement to government media.

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He added that "the entities and institutions covered by the ban extend their work to various sectors such as investment, economy, industry and other sectors," noting that "lifting the ban on them will add support to the internal economy and facilitate their cooperation with the government."

Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein sent a message to his counterparts in the European Union countries, in which he was surprised at the inclusion of Iraq on the list of high-risk countries in the field of money laundering and terrorist financing.


The House Of Representatives Votes On Two Laws And A Decision To Establish A National Telecommunications Company And Ends Reading Of 5 Laws

09/24/2020    The House of Representatives voted in its eighth session of the fourth parliamentary session of the third legislative year of the first legislative term, which was held under the chairmanship of Mr. Mohamed Al-Halbousi, Speaker of the House, today, Thursday 9/24/2020 In the presence of 194 deputies, two draft laws and a parliamentary decision ended the reading and discussion of 5 laws.

At the beginning of the session, the Council voted on the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Agreement on Safety and Health in Agriculture No. (184) for the year 2001 submitted by the committees on foreign relations, agriculture, water, marshes, health and the environment in order to eliminate the risks in the agricultural work environment or reduce them to the minimum possible or control In it and to prevent the occurrence of accidents and harmful injuries to health resulting from, or associated with, or occurring through agricultural work

The council resumed voting on the articles of the proposed health insurance law, provided that it will be completed after reviewing the government's observations related to some of the articles of the law.

For his part, the Speaker of the Council set the 29th of this month as the deadline for receiving government proposals regarding the law.

The Council voted on the form of a representative decision submitted by the Media, Communications and Legal Committees, stating that “For the purpose of maximizing the annual revenues of the general budget, it was decided to oblige the government to establish a national joint-stock company for telecommunications and to grant it a license for mobile cellular services and to oblige the Ministry of Communications and the Media Commission to provide the financial, legal and technical requirements necessary to establish it both according to His specialty ”.

 The council postponed the vote on a proposal to amend the law of Samarra, the capital of Iraq for Islamic civilization, submitted by the Culture, Tourism and Antiquities Committee until the articles of the law mature.

The Council voted on the draft law of the Nursing Syndicate submitted by the committees of civil society institutions, health and the environment, which came as a result of the changes that have occurred in the professions of nursing and midwifery since 1959 and the increase in the number of males involved in the profession and in line with the law of practicing the professions of nursing and midwifery No. (96) of 2012 and to fulfill the desire of the nursing staff And the midwife in organizing their affairs and joining in a union that manages its affairs, defends their rights, develops their knowledge potential, and improves their economic and social level.

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The council finished reading the report and discussed the draft law ratifying an agreement on establishing the Global Drylands Alliance submitted by the Foreign Relations, Agriculture, Water and Marsh Committee Committees.

The Agriculture, Water and Marshes Committee stated that it will host the specialized technical authorities before proceeding with the enactment of the agreement ratification law.

In the same context, the Council completed the first reading of the proposal of the Third Amendment Law of the Accountants and Auditors Association Law No. (185) of 1969 submitted by the Finance Committee, to keep pace with the development in the professions of accounting and internal auditing and its importance in preserving public funds and being an element of fighting corruption and regulating the work of practitioners The profession and the organization of the election process for members of the union’s board of directors and members of the control and monitoring committees and calculating the pension share of union members.

The House of Representatives completed the reading of the report and discussion of the draft law on the accession of the Republic of Iraq to the Asian Investment Bank infrastructure agreement submitted by the Foreign Relations, Economy and Investment Committees.

The interventions of the ladies and gentlemen of the representatives focused on the importance of voting on the agreement as soon as possible, as it serves Iraq in implementing important infrastructure projects.

In its response to the interventions, the concerned committee stressed that the MPs ’proposals should be taken into consideration regarding the benefit of Iraq from joining the AIB agreement.

The council completed the reading of the report and discussion of the draft law on freedom of expression of opinion, assembly and peaceful demonstration submitted by the committees for human rights, security, defense, legal, culture, tourism, antiquities, endowments and religious affairs.

The interventions of the ladies and gentlemen of the representatives focused on the indication that the articles of the law do not contradict the principles and provisions of the constitution and to specify the manner in which the security forces deal with the demonstrators in the event that they use force without making them absolute, and take into account the materials used to disperse the demonstrators, and the call to raise the paragraph of requesting notification to the competent authorities by the demonstrators or not. One day is specified for submitting the notice before the demonstration instead of three days, in addition to making the phrase peaceful assembly a substitute for meeting.

In its response to the opinions of the deputies on the draft law on freedom of expression, the concerned committee affirmed to study the proposals submitted to amend the draft law and proceed with its legislation.

The council concluded its session by reading a report and discussion of the proposed law of national sports federations submitted by the Youth and Sports Committee.

After that, it was decided to adjourn the session to next Saturday, 9/26/2020

Media Department  Parliament  24/9/2020   LINK

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi Meets With The Speaker Of Parliament, Mr. Muhammad Al-Halbousi

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, met today, Thursday, with the Speaker of Parliament, Mr. Muhammad Al-Halbousi,

where they discussed the latest developments in the situation and challenges facing the country, and ways to overcome the crises.

The meeting also stressed the need to extend state control and the sovereignty of its institutions, and the importance of preserving the security of diplomatic missions, pursuing the perpetrators of attacks and imposing the law.

The meeting between the Speaker of Parliament and the Prime Minister came as a continuation of the integration of work between the executive and legislative branches, coordination of the legislative and oversight role of the House of Representatives, and support for government efforts in combating corruption.

Information Office of the Prime Minister of  24 -Sept -2020  https://pmo.iq/press2020/24-9-202001.htm


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