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Iraqi News Friday AM 8-21-20

Iraqi News Friday AM 8-21-20

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi Meets With Us President Donald Trump At The White House

Aug 20- 2020  The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, met at the White House today, Thursday, the President of the United States of America, Donald Trump,.

Mr. Al-Kazemi held a bilateral meeting with the US President, in which they discussed strengthening relations between the two countries, the situation in the region, and the many challenges that Iraq faces.

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, praised the stances of the United States of America and its support for Iraq in its war against ISIS, and its assistance to it to topple the former regime.

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And Mr. Al-Kazemi indicated that his government is looking forward to building partnership relations between Iraq and the United States of America, based on the economic basis and common interests for a better future for Iraq and the Iraqi people, and he welcomed American investment companies in Iraq.

He stressed his sovereignty not to allow any threat to Iraq from any country, and affirmed his refusal for Iraq to be a starting point for threatening any of its neighbors, citing what was stated in the Iraqi constitution.

Mr. Al-Kazemi referred to the diplomatic path adopted by Iraq in dealing with Turkish violations on Iraqi lands, and confirmed the existence of a dialogue with Turkey to correct the current situation, expressing his hope that this problem will be solved soon, as it is related to the sovereignty of Iraq, and Turkey must understand the current conditions of Iraq.

The US President Trump welcomed Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, and affirmed the continued support of the United States to Iraq, and indicated that Iraq is an independent and sovereign country, with which we have good relations, and we are ready to provide all forms of assistance to him, and he pointed to the development of the path of relations between the two countries with the arrival of Mr. Al-Kazemi, and what will be reflected. On a better future for Iraq.

The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, and US President Donald Trump chaired the expanded meeting of the Iraqi and American delegations.

Where they discussed security cooperation and the start of a new phase of this cooperation in terms of training and arming the security forces, in addition to continuing cooperation and strengthening economic partnership, and inviting American companies to invest in Iraq.

The meeting also discussed health cooperation between the two countries, and the effects of the Corona pandemic on the overall situation.   The Media Office of the Prime Minister  20-August-2020


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A Joint Statement Issued By Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi And US President Donald Trump

Aug 21- 2020   The strategic partnership between Iraq and the United States is based on a common desire for security and prosperity.

Together, the US-led international anti-ISIS coalition and Iraqi security forces have managed to destroy ISIS and its caliphate, and we are continuing to coordinate to ensure that ISIS does not pose a threat to Iraq, or any other country.

We reaffirm our long-term commitment to bilateral security coordination, to build the capabilities of the Iraqi army and to counter threats to our common interests.

Our security cooperation lays the foundation for expanding cooperation efforts in the economic, humanitarian, political and cultural fields.

The Covid-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of working together to build a prosperous and stable Iraq that can provide jobs and services to the Iraqi people, and act as a stabilizing force in the Middle East.

Media Office of the Prime Minister  21 -Aug-2020   https://pmo.iq/press2020/21-8-202001.htm

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi Receives In Washington The United Nations Goodwill Ambassador Nadia Murad

Aug 21- 2020  The Prime Minister, Mr. Mustafa Al-Kazemi, received at his residence in Washington the Goodwill Ambassador to the United Nations, Nadia Murad.

Mr. Al-Kazemi welcomed the Iraqi Yezidi citizen Nadia Murad, and praised her great efforts in delivering her message to the world, and the flagrant violations of the Yazidis and other components at the hands of ISIS terrorist gangs, and exposing their brutal practices.

His Excellency affirmed that the Yazidis file is receiving great attention by the government, which is keen to return all displaced people to their homes, and has plans to rehabilitate areas that have been subjected to terrorism, restore stability to them, provide justice to the Yazidis and all Iraqis who have been subjected to violations by ISIS gangs, and return the kidnapped and restore their rights.

Media Office of the Prime Minister  21 -Aug-2020  https://pmo.iq/press2020/21-8-202002.htm

Al-Kazemi: We Have Agreed With America On The Redeployment Of Forces Outside Iraq

Time: 08/21/2020 12:15:04 Read: 4,836 times (Baghdad: Al Furat News) Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi described his meeting with US President Donald Trump at the White House on Thursday as "important and successful."

Al-Kazemi, who concludes his visit to Washington today and has continued since last Tuesday, said, "We agreed with the American side on the redeployment of forces outside Iraq, and we also agreed to set up a technical team to find a mechanism for this deployment."

He added, "Iraq has an opportunity to benefit from its partnership with a major industrial country."

Al-Kazemi announced the "signing of an important and beneficial enactment for all of Iraq regarding oil in Dhi Qar Governorate."   LINK

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Al-Kazemi: Iraq Is Working To Establish A Strong Economic Alliance With America

Money  and business  Economy News – Baghdad   Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi confirmed that economic reforms are the only option to face the financial and economic crisis currently facing Iraq, explaining that Iraq is working to establish a strong and sustainable alliance with America in the economic field.

In his speech at the American Chamber of Commerce, followed by "Economy News", Al-Kazemi said that Iraq is going through an unprecedented financial crisis due to the drop in oil prices, which increases the financial budget by more than 90% and accompanies the crisis an outbreak of the Corona virus.

He added that the government is working to correct the course of the Iraqi economy by focusing on two main axes, the first is to implement an integrated reform program that includes all economic aspects, the second is to combat corruption and enhance transparency, explaining that Iraq's problems are the control of the government sector, dependence on oil, high unemployment rates, low growth rates and Iraqi income.

He indicated that the government is seeking to implement real reform measures that may be painful in the short term, but they are very necessary in advancing the economy.

He pointed out that the reform program depends on diversifying the economy and revitalizing non-oil economic sectors such as agriculture, industry and services, and moving towards a market economy by moving away from government control over the economy, pointing out that the development of infrastructure will be with the participation of the private sector.

Al-Kazemi revealed that the government is conducting talks with a number of international legal institutions to track down corruption and corruption deals and hold anyone responsible for tampering with state funds, explaining that the government is working to reconsider legislation to fill the loopholes that allow the corrupt to exploit them.

In the conclusion of his speech, Al-Kazemi noted that Iraq believes in a strong and sustainable alliance with America in the fields of economic growth and reforms, and this alliance will achieve stability and the aspirations of the Iraqi and American peoples.

Al-Kazemi opened the way for American investors to work inside Iraq in the fields of oil exploration, construction of refineries, petrochemical and gas plants associated with production, housing, education and health.

Number of observations 307 Date added 08/20/2020  https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=21513

Defense Minister Discusses In Washington With His US Counterpart The Bilateral Security Partnership

Friday 21, August 2020 15:13 | a wishViews: 77  Baghdad ( NINA ) - Defense Minister Jumah Anad discussed in Washington with his US counterpart Mark Esper the bilateral security partnership.

The minister said in a tweet on Twitter: During my accompaniment to the delegation of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi to Washington, I held a meeting with US Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and discussed the bilateral security partnership ... and we affirmed the continuation of cooperation between the Iraqi forces and the international coalition to defeat ISIS.   https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?Key=851294

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An American Report: Washington Will Support Any Iraqi Solutions To Restore Security And Political Stability In Iraq

Follow-up Friday, 21 August 2020 03:42 PM

The Washington Institute stated in a report, that the United States of America will support any Iraqi solutions to restore security and political stability in Iraq, after Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi's visit to Washington.

For his part, analyst Wahab Bilal, a researcher at the institute, said in a televised interview that the hospitality in which he received Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi in Washington confirms the US keenness to consolidate and develop its relationship with Iraq and not weaken it.

He continued: The United States cannot provide solutions to Iraq's security and political problems , but it will support any Iraqi solutions that pave the way for their end.

He pointed out that there is a problem of Iraq's dependence on oil for its imports, as well as a deep-rooted problem of corruption, in which senior politicians have been involved, and it is assumed that there will be accountability, dismissals and resignations, but in Iraq there is no such culture and the state must be stronger to impose its will.

He pointed out that there is reliance on the Al-Kazemi government for its ability to impose the prestige of the state and to push for reforms in Iraq.

Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kazemi confirmed thatIraq faces a real challenge with the spread of the Corona virus in the country and the fight against corruption.

Al-Kazemi said that we are facing a real challenge with the spread of the Corona virus in the country, stressing: We are determined to face challenges, advance economic reality and combat corruption.

He indicated that economic reform is the only option we have, and that fighting corruption is the most important goal of his government, pointing out that his government seeks to improve the income level of the Iraqi individual.

The Prime Minister pointed out that Iraq is in talks with international companies to track down the corrupt, and that it is about to sign notes in various sectors.  LINK


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