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Iraqi News Friday AM 7-23-21

Iraqi News Friday AM 7-23-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

A high-level Iraqi-American military meeting in Washington

Posted On 2021-07-23 By Sotaliraq   On Thursday, the Joint Operations Command announced the holding of a military-security meeting between Iraq and the United States in Washington, DC.

The leadership said in a statement that "the Iraqi Military-Technical Committee and its American counterpart held its second meeting Thursday in Washington, DC, within the framework of the bilateral military-technical talks, and to follow up on what was discussed in the first session of this committee in light of the results of the Iraqi-American strategic dialogue in its third phase, which Its contract was completed in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, on June 5, 2021.”

The statement added that the two parties "renewed their commitment to work to combat ISIS terrorist gangs, and also discussed the future of the strategic security relationship between the two countries."

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The meeting was attended from the Iraqi side by the National Security Adviser Qassem Al-Araji and the Deputy Commander of Joint Operations Lieutenant General Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, and from the American side by the US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and the Deputy Under-Secretary of Defense Ms. Mara Carlin.  LINK

US Secretary of State: The partnership with Iraq is much greater than the war against ISIS

Friday 23 July 2021 17:28 | political Number of readings: 19  Baghdad / NINA / - US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken said that we are proud of our partnership with Iraq and our strong relations in the fight against terrorism.

He said in the strategic dialogue round: We are partners with Iraq in the war against ISIS, and we are moving forward in our partnership with Iraq based on mutual respect and common interests.

He stressed that the partnership with Iraq is much greater than the war against ISIS. / Ended 9


 “Wall Street Journal”: American Forces Are Preparing To Leave Iraq At The End Of 2021

Posted On 2021-07-23 By Sotaliraq  Factions loyal to Iran reject the American presence (Mortada Al-Sudani /

The Wall Street Journal reported that senior officials in Iraq and the United States are planning to issue a statement calling for American combat units to leave Iraq by the end of this year.

The newspaper reported that US and Iraqi officials confirmed that the US military presence would be required after the withdrawal, in order to provide assistance to the Iraqi forces in the war against the terrorist organization "ISIS".

"We don't need any fighters because we have our forces," Iraqi Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein said in a statement to the "Wall Street Journal." He continued, “What do we need? We need intelligence cooperation. We need help with training. We need units that help us in the air.”

Iraq and the United States of America reached, during the strategic dialogue round that took place on the seventh of last April, an agreement to transfer the role of the American forces to training missions, and to remove the combat forces from the country, while the armed factions loyal to Iran demanded, after the announcement of this by the Prime Minister, Mustafa Al-Kazemi, by providing guarantees for the implementation of the terms of the agreement.

The political forces representing the armed factions question the sincerity of the Iraqi government’s intentions regarding the expulsion of the American forces, while the “Sunni and Kurdish” political forces in Iraq reject any steps for the American withdrawal, and consider it a step towards more Iranian hegemony over the country. LINK

The Minister Of Foreign Affairs: We Affirm The Commitment Of The Government Of Iraq To Protect The Personnel Of Diplomatic Missions And Their Headquarters

Political  | 04:44 - 23/07/2021  BAGHDAD - Mawazine News   Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein affirmed today, Friday, that the Iraqi government is moving confidently towards holding the elections on schedule, while stressing full respect for Iraq's sovereignty.

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Hussein said in his speech: "Today, we are in the American capital, Washington, in response to the invitation of Foreign Minister Anthony Blinken to hold the work of the Supreme Committee emanating from the Strategic Framework Agreement for the Friendship and Cooperation Relationship between the Republic of Iraq and the United States of America, which represents a continuation of the strategic dialogue and since the launch of its first round in June of last year".

He added, "Let me thank the attendees, the representatives of the committee from the American and Iraqi sides, for their efforts that they will make in the side sessions of the dialogue."

He pointed out that "the round of dialogue comes as a continuation of the previous three rounds, which were held in succession, as it provides a clear vision of what characterizes the partnership and alliance relationship between Iraq and the United States and the serious efforts of the two governments to consolidate it.

The first round was hypothetically on June 11, 2020, the second was held in Washington, DC, on August 19, 2020, and the third was held on April 7, 2021. In this meeting, we look forward to completing what was agreed upon in the third round of dialogue and moving forward to achieve more Progress in all dialogue sessions that will be held by the relevant committees.

And he stated that "these sessions represent a serious will for both countries to reach common understandings for cooperation in various sectors, and are a continuation of the agreements that resulted from previous rounds in sectors such as (oil and gas, electricity, financial, health, environmental, and cultural sectors) in addition to the security and military aspects." .

Hussein called on representatives of sessions in various sectors to make more efforts to achieve fruitful results, lead to the achievement of the common goals of both countries. "

He continued:"

He pointed out that "Iraq appreciates the efforts made by the US government to rehabilitate and train the Iraqi security forces, equip them and provide advice in the intelligence field, in order to reach the required readiness in relying on their own capabilities, in a way that enhances Iraq's sovereignty and security and preserves its gains by defeating the terrorist organization ISIS."

"Iraq today stresses the importance of sustaining the momentum and international efforts led by the United States of America through the international coalition, as they constitute, in parallel with the military efforts, an inevitable victory over the ideology of injustice and hatred that terrorism is trying to spread in societies."

He stressed that "our security forces still need the programs provided by the United States of America, related to training, arming, equipping, and capacity-building, and we seek to continue bilateral security coordination and cooperation. We also affirm the commitment of the Government of Iraq to protect the personnel of diplomatic missions, their headquarters and facilities, and to ensure the security of Iraqi military bases hosting forces." International Alliance.

And he indicated that "the Iraqi government and parliament succeeded in protecting national gains in order to preserve democracy and the legitimate rights of the Iraqi people to live in freedom and dignity, and to achieve the demands of the Iraqi people and the credibility of the promises made by the Iraqi government, a new electoral law was enacted and a new independent high commission for elections was formed."

He pointed out that "the Iraqi government is moving confidently towards holding the elections on the scheduled date on the tenth of next October, despite the challenges, while ensuring the provision of a safe environment for voters to achieve free and fair parliamentary elections to restore confidence in the democratic process in Iraq." the international community, through the United Nations to monitor the process of the forthcoming elections, as the Security Council approved the resolution No. (2576) for the year 2021 request for Iraq, to extend the work of the United Nations assistance Mission for Iraq ((UNAMI in future and expand the scope of its jurisdiction to include monitoring the general parliamentary elections.

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He continued: "We can only thank the countries that supported Iraq's request to strengthen the procedures for monitoring elections and ensuring their integrity, and the efforts of the United States in particular for its initiatives in this regard."

He added, "Many memoranda of understanding have been concluded in various sectors during the previous rounds of dialogue, which support our endeavors to affirm the common interests between the two sides," stressing Iraq's progress in strengthening its economic independence and achieving regional and international partnerships in a balanced manner, the latest of which was the Tripartite Summit initiative between the two sides. The Iraqi government, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and the Arab Republic of Egypt, as well as efforts to link Iraq to the regional energy system across the Gulf states.

He pointed out that "The Iraqi government is completing its efforts to lift the injustice that befallen our society, which has multiple components, from the oppression and darkness of terrorism. As well as the government’s steps in cooperation with international partners to promote dialogue and societal peace, reject violence and extremism, respect religious, sectarian, ethnic and national diversity in Iraq, and reject forms of discrimination between citizens that affirmed Iraq’s constitution, as well as the Iraqi government’s efforts to reach the Sinjar Agreement to maintain security in it in cooperation between the security forces Federal and Peshmerga forces, as many joint security centers have been established in areas where ISIS terrorist pockets are active, as well as the efforts of the Iraqi government and in coordination with international organizations to ensure voluntary returnfor the displaced.

And he indicated that "the Iraqi government has taken a path to support security and stability internally and at the regional level by relying on dialogue and taking joint opportunities to achieve this, so we affirm full respect for Iraq's sovereignty in a manner that guarantees its internal stability and not being drawn into regional conflicts."

With regard to confronting the Corona pandemic and its challenges, and what the world is facing today from the emergence of new strains that are more harmful to the lives of citizens, which requires completing cooperation between the ministries of health in both countries to provide requirements for rapid response to ward off the risks of this pandemic, expressing his hope that agreements will be reached for support and cooperation in The field of health during the side session that will be held between the two sides.

Hussein concluded by saying that "Iraq renews its affirmation and commitment to strengthening its strategic partnership with the United States of America as a key partner in the international coalition to combat ISIS, and renews Iraq's commitment to contract and strengthen economic partnership, investment and joint action in all sectors, which are included in the Strategic Framework Agreement, with a commitment to respecting Sovereignty of Iraq and ensuring full coordination with the Iraqi government, and we are confident in our ability to move together in setting the course of this relationship on the path of well-being and prosperity that the peoples of our two countries seek and the great historical responsibility entrusted to us.” Ended 29 / h


The Decline Of Arab And Foreign Capital In Iraq .. What Is The Fate Of These Investments?

Reports| 01:45 - 23/07/2021   Baghdad Mawazine News  Fears and risks have increased for Arab and foreign capital in Iraq, which prompted giant investment companies to migrate in conjunction with the increased targeting of foreign and American interests in Mesopotamia, during the recent period, after this extended to reach the city of Erbil, which is considered the most secure Iraqi environment. In terms of security and economics for Arab and foreign investors.

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This comes with Iraq's urgent need for these investments and it is suffering from economic, political and health crises, as it is an important source and a successful and necessary step in such exceptional circumstances, to finance itself and exploit natural resources, in addition to breaking the local monopoly by enhancing competitiveness by opening new markets with abroad.

In the capital, Baghdad alone, the volume of local and foreign investments amounted to about $15 billion between 2010 and 2017, according to a previous statement by the head of the Investment Authority, Shaker Al-Zamili.

Turkey had a major role in these investments, in addition to the Gulf countries. Health, tourism, agriculture and education topped the economic sectors that these investments acquired.

Iraq legislated the Investment Law in 2006, with the aim of attracting foreign investors to contribute to the reconstruction of the country, whose infrastructure has been severely damaged by wars and tensions.

The least Arab investment

In terms of attracting Arab investments, which amounted to $30.8 billion in 2018, the figures issued by the Foreign Direct Investment Report issued by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development "UNCTAD" showed that Iraq was the least attractive to foreign investments in the aforementioned year in the Arab region.

After the armed factions in Iraq announced the truce for the withdrawal of foreign forces, they increased their targeting of American interests, and this was not limited to Baghdad only, whether through Katyusha rockets or improvised explosive devices and drones, but also extended to the city of Erbil, capital of the Kurdistan Region, and this threatened the reality of foreign companies and capital. Arab and fears of continuing to invest.

The number of attacks last year amounted to 76, targeting with Katyusha rockets and improvised explosive devices, but since last April the factions began using drones to carry out their operations, and this did not exclude even the American interests in Kurdistan, specifically in Erbil.

Migration of Arab and foreign capital

The continuation of this maneuver between the armed factions and the American forces has further disturbed the internal security situation and made it fragile, in addition to rampant corruption and dilapidated services, all factors that exacerbate this fragility to be directly reflected on the reality of Arab and foreign investment in Iraq, and the fears of not continuing it at a time everyone knows The country's need for foreign direct investment to rotate its industrial wheel.

This problem has become very intractable for Iraq, and has increased the security turmoil and internal instability in it, adding other concerns, not only from attacks - as the economist Hammam Al-Shamaa says - but from the escalation of instability that threatens foreign investments clearly and explicitly with the presence of weapons outside the scope of the state .

Targeting foreign interests cut off the way to supply Iraq’s economy and get it out of the impasse represented by the dominance of the oil sector, which controls its economy. This prompted Al-Shamaa to describe the continued targeting of diplomatic and foreign interests as steps that came to destroy the economy by striking foreign investors for the benefit of parties he says finance these armed factions.

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And the armed factions’ transition from the tactic of explosive devices to target foreign interests to the use of drones confirms the absence of a state capable of protecting internal security, and this leads to the escalation of their role and the groups trying to exploit investors, whether foreign or local, according to Al-Shama’, who assured Al Jazeera Net that based on To the above reasons, it led to the decline and emigration of Arab and foreign capital, and the lack of investment in Iraq, with all kinds of provocation.

Al-Shamaa acknowledges - in response to a question by Al-Jazeera Net - whether the government's attempts to revitalize its economy by creating a safe environment in order to attract foreign and Arab companies succeeded, saying, "All of them failed and did not succeed in improving the country's investment environment to limit the dominance and control of local armed factions over the reality of investment." .

The review of international aid, in turn, confirms a member of the Parliamentary Economy Committee, Nada Shaker, saying, "The government is not strong in controlling its sovereignty and its security pace, at a time when everyone knows the source of these attacks and where they are launched."

The continuation of these attacks will lead to the reduction of international aid provided to Iraq at a time when it is most needed to face health, security and economic challenges. The MP warns against the reluctance of the foreign and Arab investor and his lack of conviction to invest in Iraq as a result of the continuation of the attacks, in addition to the political rivalries.

In her response to a question by Al Jazeera Net about the most important conditions that must be met to attract Arab and foreign capital, the deputy describes that capital is "cowardly" because it "is looking for a safe and sound environment, and this in itself means the migration of Arab and foreign capital from Iraq because it is unstable in security." .

She believes that "the areas liberated from the Islamic State are more promising for Arab and foreign investment than the central and southern regions of the country," which she describes as "similar to primitiveness."

It concludes with the advice that the Iraqi negotiator has the ability and intelligence, which helps him to win and attract efficient companies.

For his part, the security expert, Aqil Al-Tai, describes the move of armed groups to targeting American interests inside the city of Erbil, which has a very large economic power, as a “very dangerous escalation,” explaining that these factions resort to the method of drones targeting foreign interests in Kurdistan as a reaction to an action that may be stronger than it Sometimes, this is what calls for the necessity of adopting new economic mechanisms that save and protect Arab and foreign capital instead of squandering it.

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Al-Taie believes that the Iraqi environment is economically repulsive to foreign and Arab investment, and this is what prompted the migration of many major Arab and international investment companies recently, stressing to Al Jazeera Net that the foreign investor first thinks before investing is the safe environment in dealing and implementation.

However, the constant skirmishes between the armed factions and the American forces prevent the country from having a secure economic environment that satisfies investors.

The only solution, according to Al-Ta’i, which is the most appropriate during this period to win Arab and foreign investors, is for the government to schedule the exit of foreign forces, whatever their identity or nationality, to serve as guarantees that foreign economic interests will not continue to be targeted, but at the same time he warns of what he calls “the pernicious geographical and political occupation.” on Iraqi politics as a result of its subordination to regional and external influences.” https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=161446

After oil filed a lawsuit against her, Nassif threatens to open personal corruption files

Political  | 12:03 - 23/07/2021  Baghdad - Mawazine News, MP Alia Nassif threatened, on Friday, to open personal corruption files in response to a lawsuit filed against her by the Ministry of Oil.

A statement by its media office, Mawazine News, received a copy of it, stated that "MP Alia Nassif described the news that the legal authorities in the Ministry of Oil filed a lawsuit against her as applying to him the saying (screaming as much as pain), expressing her surprise at how the lawsuit was filed during the holiday. Eid and only an hour after her statements in which she revealed corruption files in the ministry.

Nassif said, according to the statement, that "there is a new heresy that has emerged recently, represented in filing lawsuits against everyone who demands people's rights and criticizes the corrupt, and news was published yesterday that the Ministry of Oil filed a lawsuit against me, because I spoke about the lawsuit filed against the Minister of Oil about suspicions of Corruption in renting floating hotels in the Shatt al-Arab in the amount of 40 million dollars instead of 20 million dollars, and she talked about the issue of joint wells that caused Iraq to lose 95 billion dollars, and the issue of renewing the contract with Petrofac, which was convicted in her country of corruption allegations, and Iraq’s loss of its share in OPEC, and she spoke about The impossibility of questioning the Minister of Bread in the House of Representatives because his party does not allow that, and it would have been better for him to respond with the argument.”

Nassif asked: "How was the Oil Ministry able to file a lawsuit against me during the Eid holiday and an hour after my words?", indicating that "this is the fastest lawsuit filed against a person who criticizes corruption, and this speed in filing the lawsuit applies to the saying (screaming as much pain)".

And she continued, "We are not afraid of your threats to sue us, or to defame us or bring us down, especially since we have personal corruption files that we will present to the Iraqi public in the form of episodes so that they know how to steal their money."    https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=161438

Exchange Rates Continue To Remain Stable As The Holiday Approaches

Market  Economy News _ Baghdad Today, Friday, local markets recorded stability in the dollar exchange rates.

The selling price of the dollar reached 148.750 dinars per 100 dollars, while the purchase prices settled at 148.250 dinars per 100 dollars.

The Central Bank of Iraq decided earlier to adjust the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar, as the purchase price of the dollar from the Ministry of Finance amounted to 1450 dinars, and the price of selling it to banks was set at (1460) dinars per dollar, while the selling price to the citizen is 1470 dinars per dollar. .

Views 177 Date Added 07/23/2021   https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=25752


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