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Iraqi News Friday AM 2-12-21

Iraqi News Friday AM 2-12-21

TLM724 Administrator BondLady’s Corner

Parliamentary Committee Marks Theft In Broad Daylight, Worth 8 Trillion

09:50 - 12/02/2021   The information / Baghdad ..The Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee announced the diagnosis of violations and waste of public money in the "Bodour" housing project for the Internal Security Forces, indicating that the matter is tantamount to theft "in broad daylight" worth eight trillion dinars.

The committee said in a statement received by the information, that it “has identified violations and waste of public money that the previous administration of the National Investment Commission had established granting lands within the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport to foreign and local companies, the last of which is known as the Baghdad residential role project, which was referred to an investment company under the auspices of Of the officials of the previous body ”

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She explained, “The National Investment Authority has transferred 1,600 acres of land within the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport to that company, taking advantage of the state’s preoccupation with combating the Corona pandemic and within the previous caretaker government’s period, by inviting unreal offers that were opened on an official holiday on July 14 of the year. 2020 and an investment license was granted within one week without obtaining the approvals of the sectoral authorities, which are up to 16 parties, including the Baghdad Municipality and the Civil Aviation Authority, and without there being a secretion of those lands, and the horizontal construction requires obtaining the approval of the Supreme Committee for the basic design.

She pointed out that "there is a parliamentary decision No. 30 on July 2, 2019, asking the government to stop granting investment licenses to lands located within the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport until verification by the relevant parliamentary committee."

The committee continued, "It requested that the procedures for granting residential lands within the limits of the basic design be stopped with a symbolic allowance for contravening the provisions of Article (9 / VI) of the amended 2006 Investment Law No. 13, and the Prime Minister, the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the National Investment Commission were approached with responsibility.

Implementing Regulation No. 6 of 2017 that violates the provisions of the Investment Law and called for its amendment and informed all investment agencies, state real estate, the Baghdad Municipality and all sectoral agencies, and that continuing to work with it means the loss of state assets with small amounts and a waste of public money estimated at tens of billions of dollars.

And she added, "Each of the Federal Office of Financial Supervision, in its Book No. 12205 on 9/28/2020, supported the correctness of our committee's diagnosis of a defect in the system and that it contradicts the provisions of the Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 as amended, as well as that of the State Council."

She noted that "the Investment Sub-Committee has approached the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Finance, the Baghdad Municipality and the Federal Integrity Commission, and after explaining the violations and waste of public money, the procedures were stopped, but without response."

She said, “We went to the Integrity Investigation Court in Al-Karkh to register news and request the complaint according to Book No. (93) on 08/26/2020, and the cases are still pending before the courts according to the letter of the Office of the President of the Integrity Commission No. Office / BC / 715/33 in 2020 / 10/6 ".

She added, “After the current administration of the authority, and in its first hosting in our committee on 12/10/2020, we asked it to provide us with the results of the investigation into the licenses that were granted in the year 2020, as well as the licenses granted within the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport, including those related to a housing project and promised to send results.

Those investigations are within 21 days, but none of those investigations have been sent to this day despite our continuous assurances and we asked the commission to stop any works for the license for the Baghdad residential project, so that the government does not bear compensation for the investor for these works.

The committee continued by saying, “But it seems that there are those who want to destroy the Iraqi economy !! We are surprised today by the Minister of Interior laying the foundation stone for the project without the presence of a representative from the National Investment Commission, despite all the aforementioned violations and suspicions of corruption and waste of public money that marred the project’s transfer.

She pointed out that "the real value of the land amounts to (Cool trillion Iraqi dinars, which has been estimated at (2%) of its value in the theft of public money in broad daylight and in view and hearing from the Prime Minister, the Judicial Council, the Integrity Commission, the Financial Supervision Bureau and the Presidency of the Council of Representatives." 25   https://www.almaalomah.com/2021/02/12/520225/

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A statement by the Parliamentary Economy and Investment Committee regarding violations and waste of public money for the previous administration of the National Investment Commission

12/02/2021  The Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee, with close follow-up from the Subcommittee on Investment, identified violations and waste of public money that the previous administration of the National Investment Commission had awarded lands within the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport to foreign and local companies, the last of which is known as a project for the role of Baghdad housing, which was referred to an investment company under the auspices of Former body officials !!.

As the National Investment Authority assigned lands with an area of ​​(1600) dunums within the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport to that company, taking advantage of the state's preoccupation with combating the Corona pandemic and within the period of the previous caretaker government, by inviting unreal offers that were opened on an official holiday, which is July 14, 2020, and it was granted An investment license within one week without obtaining the approvals of the sectoral authorities, and it is up to 16 bodies, including the Baghdad Municipality and the Civil Aviation Authority, and without the secretion of those lands, and the horizontal construction requires obtaining the approval of the Supreme Committee for the basic design.

The statement confirmed the existence of Parliamentary Resolution No. 30 of July 2, 2019, which called on the government to stop granting investment licenses to lands located within the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport until verification by the relevant parliamentary committee.

Despite the request of the Parliamentary Economic and Investment Committee to suspend the procedures for granting residential lands within the limits of the basic design with a symbolic allowance for contravening the provisions of Article (9 / Six) of the amended Investment Law No. 13 of 2006, and each of the Prime Minister, the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers and the National Investment Commission were approached with the responsibility of work Regulation No. 6 of 2017, which violates the provisions of the Investment Law, called for its amendment, and informed all investment agencies, state real estate, the Baghdad Municipality and all sectoral entities, and that continuing to work with it means the loss of state assets in small amounts and a waste of public money estimated at tens of billions of dollars.

Each of the Federal Office of Financial Supervision, in its Book No. 12205 on 28/9/2020, supported the correctness of our committee’s diagnosis of a system defect and that it contradicts the provisions of the amended Investment Law No. 13 of 2006 as well as the support of the State Council.

The Investment Sub-Committee approached the Prime Minister's Office, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Finance, the Baghdad Municipality, and the Federal Integrity Commission, and requested that the procedures be stopped, but without any response.

We submitted news and a complaint to the Integrity Investigation Court in Al-Karkh according to Book No. (93) on 26/8/2020 and the case is still pending before the judiciary according to the letter of the Office of the Head of Integrity Commission No. Office / Q.M / 715/33 on 6/10/2020 .

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After the current administration took over the authority and in its first hosting in our committee on 12/10/2020, we asked it to provide us with the results of the investigation into the licenses that were granted in the year 2020 and the licenses granted within the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport, including a project license for the residential role and promised us to send the results of those investigations within 21 days However, it has not sent any of these investigations to this day, despite the constant assurances and our request to the Commission to stop any works for the license for a project in the role of Baghdad housing so that the government does not bear the investor compensation for these works.

It seems that someone wants to destroy the Iraqi economy !! We are surprised today by the Minister of Interior laying the foundation stone for the project without the presence of a representative from the National Investment Commission, despite all the violations and suspicions of corruption and waste of public money marred by the project's assignment, as the real value of the land amounts to (Cool trillion Iraqi dinars, which was estimated at (2%) Of its value in the theft of public money in broad daylight and in full view of the Prime Minister, the Judicial Council, the Integrity Commission, the Financial Supervision Bureau, and the Presidency of the House of Representatives. Drain the Iraqis' money.

House of Representatives  Information  Department 02/11/2021   LINK

Trade: The Iraqi Exhibitions Company Discussed With Government Agencies The Regulation Of Customs Duties And Tax Procedures

Economie| 10:16 - 12/02/2021   Baghdad - Mawazine News  The Ministry of Trade announced that the Iraqi General Company for Fairs and Commercial Services discussed, in a meeting held at the headquarters of the Central Bank of Iraq, the organization of procedures for collecting customs and tax fees.

The general manager of the company, Sarmad Taha Saeed, said, "The meeting was held under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Border Ports Authority, Major General Omar Adnan Al-Waeli, and in the presence of the directors of the Central Bank and representatives of the General Authority for Customs and the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, organizing the procedures for collecting customs duties and taxes."

He added, "The meeting discussed the issue of collecting customs duties and taxes for goods imported from all border crossings and collecting them in advance by the banks accredited to the Central Bank of Iraq. The topic was extensively discussed with the attendees and came out with a study presented to the Chairman of the Diwaniya Order Committee 22 for the year 2020 Secretary General of the Council of Ministers Hamid Ghazi.

He pointed out, "The electronic linking of data issued by the Central Bank, taxes and customs, the exhibition company and the Border Ports Authority to control invoices issued for importing goods and pre-fulfilling their customs and tax fees for the provisions of controlling state revenues and preventing waste of public money, was also discussed."

The Director General of the Iraqi Fairs Company stated that this step will be preceded by subsequent steps that come to organize work and exercise its supervisory role by using the electronic governance system on all the work joints of the working departments at the border outlets.


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Industry: Land Ownership Of Industrialists Contributes To Developing The Export Sector In Iraq

Money  and business  Economy News _ Baghdad  The Ministry of Industry confirmed that land ownership of industrialists contributes to developing the export sector in Iraq, while indicating that there are more than 10 companies exporting to neighboring countries.

Assistant Director General of Industrial Development at the Ministry of Industry, Ali Al-Dakhil, said in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency, which was seen by "Al-Eqtisad News", that "there will be no revival of the industrial sector in Iraq if the problem of land ownership for industrialists is not solved."

He added that "the ownership of industrial lands will be followed by industrial loans on the bonds of lands that will be granted to those concerned," noting that "these loans would establish industry, bring new productivity, open new factories and employ unemployment."

Al-Dakhil added, "If the land file is resolved, Iraq will export," indicating, "Despite this, we have more than 10 export companies, almost 10 companies, that are exported to neighboring countries.

He explained that "the Iraqi product, with the availability of raw materials, is the cheapest product in the region because we possess the components of the industry such as oil and its derivatives."

He pointed out that "the government promised to provide facilities and there are committees formed to promote the private sector."   Number of observations 136 date of addendum 02/12/2021


The Deputy Governor Of Basra Is Discussing With The Undersecretary Of The Ministry Of Communications The Development Of The Infrastructure For The Telecommunications Sector In The Province

Friday 12, February 2021 11:08 | Economical Views: 454  Basra / NINA / The First Deputy Governor of Basra, Muhammad Taher Al-Tamimi, discussed with the Undersecretary of the Communications Ministry for Technical Affairs, Engineer Wadi Karim Al-Halfi, to develop the telecommunications sector in the governorate.

A statement of the Deputy Governor's office stated, "Al-Tamimi discussed with the Undersecretary of the Ministry of Communications, 2021 projects, the reality of communications in the governorate, the stations project, electronic transformation, and the data center (data center), as well as the discussion of communication infrastructure in the governorate."

Al-Tamimi stressed the importance of concerted efforts between the Ministry of Communications and the local government in Basra, in a way that contributes to establishing a solid digital structure that allows the provision of integrated digital services in the governorate, stressing the importance of supporting Basra with the services it needs related to the communications and information technology sector.



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